CONT., page 8



In 1999 I began posting these Remnant truths on the internet, and at Passover, 2000, suddenly a rib began to be taken out of the body of Christ. That little rib has begun to develop, but still in many regards its development continues in much the same way as my life has been - in intercession. Let us now consider how all of this relates to the Remnant Bride Passover gathering in our home in April/May, 2002.

As you can see, the Remnant truth has a history of death, burial, and resurrection. Even its beginning in 1994 was established in this divine principle. If you read in the FAQ response at http://www.remnantbride.com/messages/garytest.html, you will see that it was initiated in death. On August 7, when Yahweh revealed to this man that he was a part of the false Remnant of Christianity, I cried out to Him for a way of escape, and He spoke to me to leave everything I had worked to establish in ministry for the past thirteen years and move to Washington. All that I had worked to establish died in that one moment of prayer. But this should not be a discouragement but rather an encouragement, for this is the very way in which the kingdom of God was restored and established in its beginning - Yahshua died on the cross!

And personally, this death process is how Yahweh has dealt with this man in order to give him victory over the flesh. In January, 1986, I was given the design for a very special game called Servant's Heart. But when a spark of pride flashed in my heart regarding the game, Yahweh spoke to me and told me Servant's Heart had to die. It was a very very painful loss, like the loss of one's own child! I recorded at that time - "It is a beautiful seed sown to give abundant glory to God." When I agreed to let it die, Yahweh then told me that He had given me the power to place my foot on the neck of pride, which I have truly experienced since then. But first it had to cost me - I had to sow the seed!

Even as recent as 2001, Yahweh led me into a situation where I had to give up my rights to defend what was right. I was out of Yahweh's grace and as a result lost control of my emotions. As I went to Yahweh, once again He had me to die to my will. This too cost me greatly, but from this incident of death and humiliation I was given victory over another area of the flesh.

In the "2002 Passover Report," I related how in 1981 I died to the ministry. In '86 when Servant's Heart died, I compared that loss to "the pain of death second only to death to the ministry." But because of the death to the ministry, I now have the hope of the fruits of resurrection. Come Alive Fellowship died, was buried for thirteen years, and now offers an even greater hope of resurrection as the second Remnant who will not die. When Yahweh spoke to me that He was going to teach me the death principle, Come Alive Fellowship died; but little did I know then that He would take a lifetime and multiple experiences to teach me this vital and fruitful yet costly principle. Death, burial, followed by resurrection - this is the divine way of Yahweh. And this has been the experience I have known throughout my walk with Him.

So how does all of this relate to our 2002 Passover gathering? I shared the account about Georgia to show you that even as Yahweh led me through death and the appearance of failure, yet in time used it as a vital intercessoral work to cause me to see and understand His ways (which always costs!), so Passover, 2002, was equally a death and the appearance of failure, and has with it the hope of walking in His ways. And even as there were events in the Georgia trip that provided assuring evidence that I was not wrong in what I was doing, so there were attesting events in the 2002 Passover gathering that clearly evidenced we were likewise doing the will of Yahweh, performing a vital intercession.

There is one difference though in these two. I cannot see that at Passover He changed His mind as He did in '96; but nonetheless, the death principle is one and the same. We had the hope of His appearance and His power, but our experience was instead a vital seed. And hope tells us that when a seed is placed into the ground, in due season there will be a harvest!

I died in February, '96, continued to hope in Yahweh and obey Him in March and April, and as a result received the harvest of knowing a vital truth about Him when A Fresh Look At End Times came forth. What a vital understanding that was, entirely changing my understanding of and attitude toward Christianity, knowing that Yahweh would have mercy on them.

And from the evening of April 27 to the evening of May 6 during our Passover gathering here in our home, we sowed another seed of obedience, hope, and, yes, even death. But again, this death principle is how the kingdom of God was restored and begun; and this beginning remains our hope that what we sowed in obedience and faith, will resurrect in power! "Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting. He who goes to and fro weeping, carrying his bag of seed, shall indeed come again with a shout of joy, bringing his sheaves with him" (Psalm 126:5-6).

In Isaiah 45:11, Yahweh invites us - "Ask me about the things to come concerning my sons; and concerning the work of My hands, command Me." I am consumed with the desire to learn, to understand the ways of Yahweh, particularly regarding that which is to come concerning the sons of God, even the sons of men. I ask Yahweh, I obey, and I trust that He is performing a work that will in fact "command" Him to perform that which we are learning.

This is what Mary did at the wedding feast at Cana. Though Yahshua answered her initial request that His hour had not yet come, even rebuking her - "Woman, what do I have to do with you?" - even so, Mary persisted by expectantly telling the servants - "Whatever He says to you, do it." As a direct result, even though His hour had not yet come, Yahshua went ahead and turned the water into wine.

This is the same persistence about which Yahshua taught per the widow in His example of how to "pray and not to lose heart" (Luke 18:1-8). In her desperation, the widow persisted in her appeal to the unrighteous judge, and as a result the judge granted her request. "And the Lord said, 'Hear what the unrighteous judge said; now shall not God bring about justice for His elect, who cry to Him day and night, and will He delay long over them? I tell you that He will bring about justice for them speedily (even as the Twin Towers on Church Street feel in one hour). However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?'" We as the Remnant widow MUST have deliverance from our enemy, Satan; and today before the return of Yahshua, of all times this is the time to persevere!

This is equally the persistence of the man who demanded the three loaves from his friend at midnight, even as the Remnant must now have at midnight the rights to the 3,000 years of the church. Yahshua said, "I tell you, even though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will get up and give him as much as he needs. And I say to you, keep asking, and it shall be given to you; keep seeking, and you shall find; keep knocking, and it shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; and he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks it shall be opened" (Luke 11:5-10). We must have the bread of truth, we must have the legal rights to the 3,000 years granted to the church; and by His grace and much needed strength, we will "command" Yahweh by our requests and our actions concerning these things. This is what He has instructed us to do here in Luke.

And furthermore, once again exclusively from second Remnant Luke, we find again this oft repeated message of perseverance. While the story of the seed sown on various grounds is in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, only Luke qualifies the good ground as being "the ones who have heard the word in an honest and good heart, and hold it fast, and bear fruit with perseverance" (Luke 8:15). Repeatedly, the message to the second Remnant uniquely in Luke is to persevere to the end! Do we then have any other option in our pursuit of the restoration of the kingdom and the return of Yahshua than to hold fast and persevere? No other option! No other course!

Do we, the second Remnant, have great strength? No, in fact like Philadelphia and so many other examples, we are a people of little strength (though we do have a door that no man can close). But even in our weakness, we must be of those whom Yahshua spoke of who act and pray and do not to lose heart. We have no other option, no other course, at this midnight hour.


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