CONT., page 7



This subject of immortality and its inherent relationship to Passover is of utmost importance, and our consideration of this matter as the conclusion of this entire examination provides a salient and worthwhile crescendo. All that we have covered thus far in this piece is laid out to bring us to this important closing section.

Throughout the centuries Christianity has failed to accurately assess the wholly ill nature of death in the kingdom of God. The church has been plagued with death for its entire tenure of 2,000 years. As evidenced by the Scriptures, the church up to this point is the period of the kingdom of God in which for 2,000 years its members all go to the sea of death. In Mark 5:13 we read that there were remarkably 2,000 swine which ran to the sea of death when Legion was cast into them. This miracle occurred as a prophetic testimony of the fate of those who have been a part of this 2,000 year period of the kingdom of God - Satan has entered in and they have all died. So very much could be written concerning this testimony, but once again we must limit ourselves to the subject at hand.

The kingdom of God was restored by Yahshua through His work provided at Passover. That restored kingdom was given to man; but the problem was it was given to man while man remained in earthly flesh. This offers some most ill and severe consequences! Giving the holy to the profane (carnal man) is an ill mix resulting in the defilement of the holy and the death of man (again, as with Adam). This is exactly what happened with the kingdom of God - very quickly it became defiled and men died. But you ask - How can the church be pictured as being possessed by Legion, or Satan? Because this is precisely what happened to the kingdom of God. Satan entered into the kingdom to defile and corrupt it. If the flesh were not enough, Legion’s entrance into the kingdom insured exactly what was testified to in this most dramatic account - all in the 2,000 year long defiled kingdom have ended up going down the steep bank to their deaths!

Let us further consider this most important matter of death. We will begin by asking - Who has the power of death? You may think that Yahweh has that power. At the highest level, since Yahweh is master over all things, this is true. But, the Scriptures also tell us precisely who has that power for now, and what death’s relationship is to Yahweh. Reading from Hebrews 2:14 and translating this passage literally, we find that Satan "has the power of death." It is most unfortunate and very misleading that translators make this incorrectly read - Satan "had the power of death." This only demonstrates the very point concerning Satan’s influence in the kingdom - he makes even the Scriptures to say what he wishes; he simply used a theologian to do it. The clear fact is that Satan, the enemy of man, has the power of death; and that death is equally Yahweh’s enemy. 1 Corinthians 15:26 clearly states - "For He (Yahshua) must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet. The last enemy that will be abolished is death."

Satan has the power of death, and that death is Yahweh’s enemy. So I ask you - If man has the kingdom of God, and death is the enemy to God and obviously to His kingdom, then why are these men who have His kingdom continuing to die? Clearly, something is amiss in the kingdom of God if men are dying in the kingdom. The problem is that Legion is in the kingdom, the one who has the power of death, and for 2,000 years he has continued to send everyone in the kingdom to the sea of death. This should not be so in God’s kingdom; but it is, because the kingdom is defiled by man’s earthly flesh, as well as the intrusion of Satan.

Do you understand that there is a problem in the kingdom while in it men still die? This should not be this way in God’s kingdom; the enemy obviously having his way. The kingdom of God should not have death reigning in it! Death should be conquered! And how is it conquered? By dying? That is such a travesty of thought! How can death be conquered by death? Death is the victor over anyone’s body when they go to the grave. Oh sure, men will resurrect; but when men enter into the kingdom of God here on earth and die having received the kingdom, something is very very wrong in the kingdom! If Yahshua were in fact reigning in His kingdom placed here on this earth, then men would no longer be dying in it. The point is, the enemy most surely reigns in a kingdom which befalls all its subjects to the grave. And as testified in the Scriptures, for 2,000 years Legion has taken kingdom-receiving men to the ill fate of death!

In most excellent and greatly needed contrast, what is the testimony and even the promise of Passover? The testimony and promise of Passover, Nisan 14, is established in the first Passover. Yahweh told Moses that the children of Israel were to prepare the Passover lamb (or goat) on Nisan 14, they were to take some of the blood and place it on the two door posts and on the lintel of their homes, and they were to eat all the lamb. The promise for this action was that Yahweh would "not allow the destroyer to come in to your houses to smite you" (Exodus 12:23). This is the greatly needed promise of Passover - that the destroyer would not smite us, that death would not visit our house (our body).

On this first Passover this promise provided protection specifically for the first born. Passover was the promise that the first born would not die; and on that fateful night all households that partook of the Passover lamb escaped death. Passover is specifically the promise of deliverance from death. Let us further examine this "church in the wilderness" testimony to see what it has to say regarding the church per se and deliverance from death.

In Steve Jones' book, Secrets of Time, he devotes a considerable portion of his writing to the relevance of Yahweh’s timing of events based on Jubilee cycles. Steve performs an excellent work in pointing out these Jubilee cycles, and draws one conclusion that is helpful to look at here. However before doing so, we must point out that his use of this same timing per the initiating of the 120 Jubilee cycle as it affects the latter rain is gravely flawed. This is addressed in the writing The Issue II on The Remnant Bride web site, beginning on page eight (click here). As we demonstrate in that writing, Adam did not fall until his seventh year, making the 120 Jubilee cycle a continuing uninterrupted stream of time leading to 1993 AD.

Despite this error, it remains very worthwhile to quote for you here a portion from this book. This will help you understand both what is a Jubilee cycle, as well as its implications in this matter of entering the promised land. Another relevant outcome of what Steve points out here is that it highly verifies that the children of Israel did indeed arrive at the promised land and refused to enter specifically at the Feast of Tabernacles. Let us now read from Steve’s most revealing writing - pages 22-23.

So we can pinpoint the time the 12 spies gave their report. It was the fall of 2449 (i.e., 2,449 years from Adam), which was, by ancient reckoning, the tenth day of the seventh month. This was actually ten days into the next year, the year 2450, because the Hebrew calendar’s New Year began in the fall.

It just so happened that that year - 2450 - was the Jubilee of Jubilees from Adam. The trumpet for the Jubilee was to be blown in the 50th year, on the tenth day of the seventh month. The 50th year was also the first year of the next Jubilee cycle. Because the 50th year overlapped the first year of the next cycle, a period of ten Jubilees is actually 490 years, rather than 500 years. And 50 Jubilees is actually 50 X 49 years, or 2450 years.

The point is that Israel was supposed to blow the trumpet and decide to inherit the Promised Land on the day that the 12 spies gave their report. It was a Jubilee of Jubilees, when every man was to return to his possession (Lev. 25:13).

When a man lost his land inheritance through debt, he had to "sell himself" until the year of Jubilee. That is, he became an indentured servant, or an employee of someone else, until he got his land back at the year of Jubilee, when he returned to his inheritance (Leviticus 25).

Adam was made of the dust of the ground, and yet his "land" was glorified with the light of God’s presence prior to his sin. When he sinned, he lost that inheritance, and he became a debtor to the Law. He was then "sold" into bondage to sin. He became an indentured servant to sin. Nor could any man redeem himself by his own labor. He had to await the Jubilee trumpet.

And so the Jubilee of Jubilees has tremendous implications. If Israel had chosen to inherit the land at Tabernacles of 2450, they would literally have returned to the inheritance that they had lost in Adam - the redemption of the body (Rom. 8:23). However, this was not in the overall Plan of God. Nor was it in the their minds. Ten of the spies gave an evil report, and so God would not let them enter into His rest, His Jubilee (Heb. 3:11).

This whole scenario makes sense only when we understand its timing. The earth had waited 50 Jubilees for this moment, but when it came right down to it, the people did not have the faith to enter into God’s rest and inherit on the Jubilee of Jubilees. And so God made them stay another 38 years in the wilderness (Deut. 2:14) before allowing them to enter Canaan.

Though the creation of Adam could not be the beginning point of the 120 Jubilee period that brings the latter rain, it is still most interesting and undoubtedly highly significant that fifty Jubilees from Adam's creation, the sons of Israel were given the opportunity to enter into the promised land, and failed! The point obviously being - fleshly man cannot enter into or effect the things of Yahweh. Adam was not able, and soon failed; and neither were the sons of Israel able. In every case, man has failed to effect the higher work of Yahweh.

Steve’s account however does offer some phenomenal insight! Truly, as he said - "This whole scenario makes sense only when we understand its timing." Their opportunity to enter the promised land precisely at the Jubilee of Jubilees from Adam's creation is helpful in understanding what this whole matter means for the church. As we have seen thus far, what took place with "the church in the wilderness" is a foreshadowing and foretelling pattern of what has and will take place in the church. And, this Jubilee of Jubilees from the creation of Adam at the Israelite's failed entrance into the promised land, is most helpful in understanding what took place in the beginnings of the church, as well as what will take place at the church’s final entrance into its promised land.

Let’s review the pattern we see here.

The Church - Based Upon "The Church In The Wilderness" Pattern


Now let’s restate this, adding some key elements we have learned.

The Church - Based Upon "The Church In The Wilderness" Pattern

Christians have never recognized the great consequential ills of death being in the kingdom of God. According to the above pattern and other scriptures as well, when Yahshua was slain as the Passover lamb, and likewise restored the kingdom of God, those first believers were given the Passover promise that the destroyer would not come into their houses (their bodies) to smite them. We see this confirmed in the preluding "church in the wilderness." When the children of Israel had the opportunity to enter the promised land on the Jubilee of Jubilees, to experience release from bondage to sin and return to man’s original inheritance, their opportunity occurred, along with their failure, as a testimony of what was to be offered to the church, as well as to show its failure. The church, through the work of Yahshua, was offered Passover deliverance from death, as well as Jubilee - returning man to the inheritance he lost in the garden of Eden. But did the church have the ability to seize this opportunity? No more than did the preluding "church in the wilderness." In testimony of the church’s failure, the witness, Stephen, was stoned by the false witnesses while the one who would father Christianity received their mantles at his feet. The church which had thrived under the former rain in Jerusalem, was dispersed to be replaced by an Antioch-based Pauline work.

The church had the opportunity to see and experience the restoration of the garden of God and return to the inheritance lost there; but, because of the weakness of the flesh and the presence of the serpent (the same two reasons for which the garden was defiled in the first place), the church equally failed. Death thus remained in the kingdom (even as it came to the garden), and would remain in the kingdom until the completion of the church’s forty Jubilees in the wilderness, or 1,960 years. This wilderness period of the church has been characterized by death, even as the wanderings of "the church in the wilderness" were characterized by death. With this forty Jubilee delay period now completed in the church, it is time for Yahweh to bring the church into the promised land via, of course, a Passover; and not just any Passover, but a double Passover.

Now do you see why it is so significant that the children of Israel finally entered the promised land at Passover and not at Tabernacles? The specific promise of entering into the restored garden of God is revealed in the Israelite’s first opportunity to enter the promised land at a Jubilee of Jubilees at Atonement, five days before Tabernacles. But, the feast that will in fact effect that promise is a later Passover (following the death wanderings). This entire foreshadowing testimony is most conclusive, and highly important for the church to understand. As we see here, the church had an opportunity to enter the restored garden of God, and in that restored garden men would no longer have died; death would have been put away. But, even as the Israelites failed, and even as Adam and Eve failed, so the church failed. The kingdom of God was defiled by the flesh and the serpent, and a long delay period began.

What is next for the church? Yahweh must now bring the church to the promised double Passover fulfillment. By doing so, He will accomplish what man failed to accomplish at the beginning of the church. The first Pentecost outpouring was only a legal single portion of His Spirit. That Pentecost occurred at the beginning of the fifth day. Only a single day's portion could be gathered on the fifth day. Anything kept overnight became foul and got worms. But, we are now at the close of the sixth day, and a double portion Passover leading to a people’s total deliverance from the flesh, Satan, and death by entrance into immortal incorruptible bodies that are born from above is legal! Yahweh will fulfill the Passover promise He made at the beginning of the church, as well as the Jubilee of Jubilees and Tabernacles promises seen in the testimony provided in "the church in the wilderness," and will bring a remnant in the church into immortal incorruptible bodies. Death will finally be conquered in the kingdom! Glory to Yahweh!

These preceding four paragraphs are very important, and get right to the point with little elaboration; therefore, it is suggested that you pause and reread them to try to more fully absorb what is being presented.

We see here the great importance of a Passover beginning, along with the Jubilee of Jubilees promises; and then when Yahweh indeed brings men into the promised land following a period of death, once again it is via Passover. Passover is specifically associated with the promise of there being no death; and while men failed to receive that promise at the outset of the kingdom of God, in time He will fulfill that promise by His Spirit. Thus, the next work Yahweh must accomplish is to send His latter rain and provide the Passover promise of the destroyer not entering our house. Men must be delivered from death; they must return to their inheritance of living in a curse-free body; they must receive bodies that are born from above, the first-born among men.

This writer thrills at these marvelous truths, revelations, and the promise concerning Passover and overcoming death! There are other testimonies relating to this which this writer would love to thoroughly examine here; however, in order to conclude this piece, we will only briefly mention two of these. These are presented so that you might understand how thoroughly this truth ties in with the whole of the Scriptures.

These two closing testimonies have been the subject of other writings by this writer, and directly relate to this matter of Passover. The content of those writings will only be briefly mentioned here, and it is recommended that you read them. One of those writings is a very important piece titled Two Trees in The Garden. The kingdom of God is a two part work - first is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil work, followed by the tree of life work. The 2,000 year long swine period of the church has been the tree of the knowledge of good and evil work, equally inhabited by Satan, Legion, or the serpent (however you want to look at it, it is all the same defiled period of the kingdom of God), and is characterized by death. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the original garden testified to a mix of good and evil, it was inhabited by the deceiving serpent, and it led to death. This has been the experience of the church thus far. For 2,000 years the church has experienced the tree of the knowledge of good and evil period of the kingdom of God. What must come next? What is so desperately needed? The tree of life work!

Passover is the feast relating specifically to overcoming death, and will bring this promised and much needed tree of life work. Through this lucid testimony, one should begin to thrill at this most important and long awaited purpose of Passover - to deliver man from that which leads to death, and bring him into the tree of life work of the kingdom of God. This is the promised work provided in Passover, the much needed double Passover attested to in the Scriptures.

The second testimony relating directly to this matter of overcoming death is the offering of the two birds in the cleansing of the leper. Once again, this has been the subject of a previous writing and can only briefly be mentioned here, albeit a very valuable testimony.

In Leviticus 14 we see that there were two birds used in the cleansing of the leper - the first was slain and the second was released alive, once again attesting to this death/life issue. The first bird was to be slain "in an earthenware vessel over running water" (vs. 5). The second bird was to be dipped into the blood of the first bird, along with cedar wood, a scarlet string, and hyssop, and then released alive over an open field. The first bird was slain; the second ascended alive. What are these two birds? They are "the two sons of fresh oil," the former and latter rain Remnants. The first Remnant was the first bird - slain in their "earthen vessels," or their earthly bodies, over running water, or Pentecost. The second Remnant will be the second bird - they will not have to die because of the sacrifice of the first Remnant, but will instead ascend alive as an Elijah or as an Enoch at the end of the seventh generation.

Once again, the issue here is death, and the importance of death being overcome in order for the leper to be cleansed. Both birds were necessary, but it is most important to note that the second bird escaped death. The second Remnant is the second bird, and will ascend alive into heaven to be glorified with Yahshua. This is the testimony of Passover - overcoming death. And this is the appointed purpose of the second bird - to be released alive and not see death.

Oh the wonder of Yahweh’s works; and oh the marvel of how Yahweh has hidden His works from man! But for now, we wait. We wait for Yahweh to perform the completion of His work - "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit." The tree of the knowledge of good and evil work in the kingdom of God has been growing for 2,000 years. The first bird was slain in its earthen vessel over running water. It is now time for Yahweh to perform the final work, to provide the final bird that must be set free alive. The tree of life work must begin.

Now, we wait for life. The wilderness death experience must come to an end, and incorruptible immortal life begin. This is the testimony and promise we find in Passover, with its ability to bring the church into the promised land. And this is not to be any normal Passover, but as we see testified in numerous ways throughout the Scriptures, it will be a double portion, a double Passover. This Passover will be sufficient to bring the church into its promise of immortal incorruptible life, when the Remnant will finally occupy bodies not of this earth, but born from above. These will be the first-born among men who will escape death.


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