CONT., page 4


The way that Christianity offers is in fact the broad way.  With 22,000 sects and denominations to chose from, and a ready and quick reference to the other gospel of Paul that is used to broadly excuse everything that has to do with personal accountability, allowing one the ability to stay in the world and continue in the kingdom at the same time in clear contradiction to Yahshua, Christianity is a VERY broad way.  It is the way in which Yahshua will say to all of those in it, who call Him “Lord, Lord” – “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness” (Matthew 7:21-23).

But this is not true with the way whereby one becomes Yahshua’s disciple.  We have already seen what Yahshua said about being His disciple, and repeat it here for emphasis.

But this is not in any way the only place in which we find His instructions regarding this narrow way; but because of its importance and vital relevance, His instruction about this is replete.  To the rich ruler who thought that he had done everything in order to obtain eternal life, Yahshua immensely narrowed the way and told him – “One thing you still lack; sell all that you possess, and distribute it to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me” (Luke 18:22).  Who is this rich ruler?  Undoubtedly, he is Christianity!  Christians think they reign with Yahshua (1 Corinthians 4:8).  And even as we read in Revelation 3:17, Christians are “rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing.”  Christians are the rich ruler we read about here; and as such, there is one thing they still lack – selling everything and giving it to the poor, even becoming the poor Remnant. 

This entire message that is recorded in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, exists specifically as a testimony to the condition of Christianity.  It is wealthy, it is the ram with its head caught in the cares of this world, or Jonah with his head wrapped in reeds.  It is the dead body of Christ buried in a rich man’s tomb.  Christianity is mystery Babylon with the mark of the beast 7 on its forehead and right hand (its thinking and priesthood) that allows it to buy and sell (Revelation 13:16-17).  Christianity is the body of Christ clothed in purple/scarlet with a reed in its hand and the crown of thorns on its head, keeping it from understanding the truth (Matthew 13:22).

But the time has come for the Remnant to come out of mystery Babylon.  While we were in mystery Babylon Christianity, it was legally alright to buy and sell, being a part of that system of bondage.  We are told in Jeremiah 29 that we would have been cursed if we had not stayed in mystery Babylon and prayed for it and worked in it during our time of captivity.  (Like the testimony of Moses on the mountain for forty days, so this testimony concerning Babylon is equally dramatically revealing!)  But, there is a time, and that time is now, in which we must come out of mystery Babylon Christianity where the rich ruler buys and sells, and “not participate in her sins and … not receive of her plagues; for her sins have piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities” (Revelation 18:4-5).

Thus we see the true relevance of the message and warning concerning the rich ruler – he is Christianity!  This rich man thought he had been doing so good.  On the surface he seemed to be seeking Yahshua and doing what was right.  In his own eyes and in the eyes of others, his deeds would have caused him to be highly regarded as a “good” man, which he was adept in so calling Yahshua (for which he was corrected – Luke 18:18).  But in all of this “good” that this rich man embodied, Yahshua said there was one thing he still lacked in his quest to obtain eternal life – to sell everything and give it to the poor and to follow Him.  This one thing he could not do. 

This is the very test today!  Clearly, this is the one thing that Christianity still lacks!  They do not follow the teachings of Yahshua about being His disciple, nor what He said about what is required to enter into the kingdom of heaven.  Thus, this account and message is entirely relevant to this very moment!  Christianity is the rich ruler who turns away from following Yahshua!  The question remains – Will you be the rich ruler and not give up everything to follow Yahshua?  This is the VERY narrow way that He is offering you right now. 

That which was recorded here in this account is here for one chief reason – to reveal the test that is before you who are in Christianity.  And with the testimony of the ram caught in the thicket, or Jonah with his head bound in reeds, or Yahshua blindfolded and the cares of this world on His head, or the conclusion pointed out by Yahshua that “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man (Christianity) to enter the kingdom of God,” the question is appropriately asked – “Then who can be saved?”  Truly, Yahshua said – “The things impossible with men are possible with God.”

While the impossibility of anyone entering into the kingdom of God looms heavily over Christianity, Yahshua is opening a door of escape.  Even as we read in Revelation 3:7, Yahshua is briefly opening a door that will allow a remnant to come out of mystery Babylon with its buying and selling, and return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple.  He is making possible that which is impossible with man; BUT, it will cost man everything he has, even as it was to cost the rich ruler.  According to Yahshua, there is no other way to enter into the kingdom of God and to reign with Him, other than the narrow way of becoming His disciple by giving up everything one has – EVERYTHING!  Yahshua said it clearly, the choice is quite simple:

“No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other, or else he will hold to one, and despise the other.  You cannot serve God and mammon/riches” (first Remnant Matthew 6:24 and second Remnant Luke 16:13).

As you should now begin to see, when Yahshua said this, He meant what He said, and He said what He meant.  You will either pass through the VERY narrow way that He is mercifully opening to us in this last hour, or you will reject this opportunity and walk away with the rest of Christianity, the rich young ruler.  Today, the choice is set before you.  You will fulfill this scripture in one way or the other.

In further dramatic testimony of the narrowness of the way of Yahshua, we read that when a young man wanted to go home and bury his father before following Yahshua, He told him – “Allow the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim everywhere the kingdom of God.”  And to the one who wanted to go home and say good-bye to his family, Yahshua tested him – “No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God” (first Remnant Matthew 8:21-22 and second Remnant Luke 9:59-62).

These are VERY difficult and trying days for you who would want to reign with Yahshua in the Millennium.  Yahshua is offering the VERY narrow way that will cost you everything you possess in this world, as well as all your natural relationships – with parents, with wife, with children, with brothers and sisters, even with yourself and your own aspirations and earthly desires and acclaim.  In pursuit of a relationship with Yahshua, these relationships must all be hated.  The path to reign with Him will not be easy in any regard.  It will cost you EVERYTHING!  To be Yahshua’s Bride requires complete abandonment to self, and a life lived ENTIRELY (to its fullest meaning) for Him.

Having said this though, let us realize that the cost will be well worth it.  The opportunity to put off this flesh and to enter into immortality is worth any price!  Knowing the difficulty of this price, Yahshua said:

Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.  Sell your possessions and give mercifully; make yourselves purses which do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near, not moth destroys.  For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.  Be dressed in readiness, and keep your lamps alight.  And be like men who are waiting for their master when he returns from the wedding feast, so that they may immediately open the door to him when he comes and knocks.  Blessed are those slaves whom the master shall find on the alert when he comes; truly I say to you, that he will gird himself to serve, and have them recline at the table, and will come up and wait on them” (Luke 12:32-37).

Let us point out a few things here in this passage.  How large will the group be who will obey Yahshua and sell their possessions? Here we read that He addresses a “little flock.”  This is the little flock who will go through the narrow way, “and few are those who find it” (Matthew 7:14).  And, as we have noted that the message stating that we will not know the day or the hour is not in second Remnant Luke (The Passing Over Principle, page 4), consistent with Luke’s testimony, we find here Yahshua warning that we are to be ready and waiting for the Master, ready to open the door.  And finally, His serving us was equally testified in His last Passover meal where He “girded Himself about” and washed the disciple’s feet (John 13:4).  It is thus with hope that we come to this Passover and look to Him to accomplish among us that which we need in order to be His witnesses.

But finally, most of all, Yahshua clearly instructs us here once again to sell our possessions.  Once again we are faced with the narrow way of His teachings, which are in bold contrast to Christianity’s teachings through Paul that distinctly do not provide the instruction to become one of Yahshua’s disciples.  Today, your choice is to either be a disciple of Yahshua and reign with Him, IF you are willing to give up all your possessions, or to be a follower of Paul and remain in the dead body of Christ.

Even as we saw in the writing titled Upon What Foundation Will You Build?, the message that Yahshua presented on how one must receive the kingdom of God is replete and consistent.  Whether it be what we have already seen here, or His parable in Matthew 13:44-46 concerning the men who sold everything they had in order to obtain the treasure and the fine pearl, or the unmistakable testimony that the twelve and seventy-two were sent out by Yahshua with the clear instruction to take nothing with them, or the myriad of other like testimonies and instruction recounted in that writing, Yahshua’s message is unmistakably clear – one cannot retain one’s personal wealth and reign with Him.

For further explanation regarding Yahshua’s teachings concerning the “narrow way,” read Upon What Foundation Will You Build?, page 3. 

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