In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis 1:1



In the beginning, Yahweh set forth the pattern for the new heavens and the new earth, revealed in the original creation.   But first that pattern was to be reversed, wherein, like Pharaoh’s dreams concerning the good and evil cows and ears (Genesis 41:26-27), good became devoured by evil; darkness prevailed over light; death prevailed over life; and most significantly, the nations ruled over the kingdom of heaven.


In The Revelation of the Millennium, we saw how, very importantly, Yahweh reverses two things so as to split them and make them clean, giving the greater glory and authority to the latter, the lesser.  This is precisely what He did with many aspects regarding man – it is His replicable pattern, His repetitive way.  Let us lay out some evidences of this that will be addressed in this writing.










Repeatedly, Yahweh has flipped good and evil, light and darkness, life and death.  Even when Yahshua, the Son of God, the creator of the world, came to this earth, He did not contest the fact that the nations had the right to rule.  Even though he was God, He never addressed them nor did He challenge their right to judge Him or even to put Him to death.  He had come into their world, and they had the legal right to rule over Him.  As Yahshua stated to Pilate, “You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above” (John 19:11).  This is the authority that the nations have had over the kingdom for 6,000 years. 


It is the like authority revealed in Jeremiah 29:4-7 when Yahweh sent the exiles of Jerusalem into Babylon and told them: “Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to Yahweh on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare.”  Just as He placed the exiles of Jerusalem into bondage in Babylon, so He placed the kingdom of heaven into bondage in the nations; and the kingdom was to pray for and seek the welfare of the nations.  But, even as with the exiles of Jerusalem, this bondage does not last forever; for equally as with the exiles, Yahweh has assigned a time when the nations are to build up the kingdom of heaven, the new Jerusalem.  That time is at hand!


In like regard, neither did Yahshua contest with Satan regarding his right to take men to death for the remaining 2,000 years.  Though Yahshua came to put away death, yet death had a right to prevail for another 2,000 years, even over His kingdom.


Thus we see that Yahweh has repeatedly flipped things, just as Yahshua affirmed many times, saying, “the first will be last, and the last first.”  Once you understand this, you will see how it affects and effects everything there is that relates to Yahweh God and man, even the entirety of His creation.  In this writing we will see its impact on Yahweh’s marking of time, His calendar, or calendars, as it is, and thereby on the fulfillment of His kingdom.  Some of the issues or questions to be addressed are:


  1. When does the day begin?


  1. When does a month begin?


  1. Specifically how do the days, months, and Yahweh’s appointed times and feasts lay out?


  1. What is Yahweh’s true calendar for the days now before us?


  1. On what day did Yahshua resurrect from the dead?


  1. On what day did Yahshua ascend into heaven after forty days?


  1. Why is there the contradiction of Matthew, Mark, and Luke versus John as to what day Yahshua was crucified on?


  1. How did the seventh-day sabbaths relate to the feasts at the time of Yahshua?


  1. What is the significance of forty days?


  1. When will Christians ascend alive?


Because of its prevailing importance, let us begin by considering Yahweh’s original creation pattern for the heavens and the earth.  In the first five verses of Genesis we read:


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters.  Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.  God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.  God called the light day, and the darkness He called night.  And there was evening and there was morning, one day.


You will notice that it is stated: “God called the light day, and the darkness He called night.  And there was evening and there was morning, one day.”  So, what then did Yahweh lay out as the original pattern for “one day”?  Quite obviously, He explicitly said that it began with the dawning of light, then there was evening and there was morning, and all of that incorporated “one day.”


But just as we have seen, though this is indeed Yahweh’s pattern, He corrupts that original order and reverses it.  Thus, as practiced by Jew and Christian alike, they say that the day, relative to the lunar calendar, begins at evening, at darkness, and goes to evening.  This is indeed the reversed corrupted form.


Before addressing that which begins a month, let us add a testimony relating to both the day and the month, specifically regarding its reversed form, and in fact speaks to all of these examples. 


In Exodus 12, we see that the Passover lamb was to be slain at twilight, the beginning of the day under the corrupted reversed pattern, and its blood was sprinkled on the two doorposts and the lintel.  The family then went inside the home, and throughout the night they prepared and ate the lamb with bitter herbs and with a staff in hand and sandals on their feet (the very two items Mark Christianity is told to take).  For what did they await throughout this period of darkness?  They awaited the break of day, the coming of light; and they could not go out of the house until then.  But with the dawning of the new day, they could finally come out of their house and leave the bondage of Egypt and set out for the promised land.


Such we see once again with any of these reversed testimonies – they begin in darkness and await the light.  And since Passover as the first of the year is a reversed testimony, it is quite appropriate that it evidenced this beginning darkness and bitterness; for it represents precisely what a Passover-first calendar is – the flip whereby a period of darkness is followed by the light.


Now for the next question: When does a month begin?  Once again, Jews and Christians take the corrupted form and begin the month in darkness with essentially no moon, the crescent moon.  But Psalm 81:3 clearly states:


Blow the trumpet at the new moon, at the full moon, on our feast day.


There were only two appointed times wherein they were instructed to blow the trumpet.  In Leviticus 25:8-9, they were instructed to blow the trumpet at Jubilee, which was every fifty years.  This was on the tenth day of the seventh month, which was also the Day of Atonement.  But Jubilee was not but every fifty years; and even then, we find in the Scriptures that not once did they even hold a single Jubilee.  Also, Jubilee was on the tenth day of the month, and the full moon had to be at the first of the month.  Therefore, Psalm 81:3 could not be referring to Jubilee.  The only appointed time when a trumpet would have been blown was at Trumpets.


“Now in the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall also have a holy convocation; you shall do no laborious work.  It will be to you a day for blowing trumpets” [Numbers 29:1].


Trumpets was the first day of the seventh month under the Passover-first calendar.  Today, with Tabernacles being restored back to its original place, Trumpets is once again the first day of the first month.  Either way though, we are told in Psalm 81:3 that that first day, the beginning of the month, is specifically a full moon!


This makes perfect sense since Genesis 1:16 tells us that when Yahweh made the sun and the moon on the fourth day of the first month, He stated that the moon was made “to rule the night.”  How could it rule the night at its creation if it was essentially no moon at all?  Based on Psalm 81:3, the “new moon,” and it was in fact “new” in every regard at its creation, was indeed a “full moon.”  If the “new moon” is a “full moon,” it is wholly reasonable that at the time of creation, this entirely new moon was equally a full moon.  Otherwise, how could Yahweh have called it one of two “great lights” (Genesis 1:16)?


Therefore, when the feast of Trumpets comes around each year, the moon is in fact to be a testimony to its creation, and that as a full moon.  Furthermore, this testimony is given at the beginning of each month in the true and restored calendar, in that the new moon for the new month is always a full moon.


Additionally, the testimony of the full moon is its rising in the east, bringing light into darkness.  In contrast, the testimony of the crescent moon at its first sighting is fittingly in the west, bringing complete darkness afterwards.  The west is prophetic of darkness and death, and there was also not a western gate in Jerusalem.  In contrast, the east is prophetic of the dawning of light, truth, deliverance, and life; and Yahshua’s return is prophetically spoken of relative to the eastern gate.  Thus we see the darkness and death work of the crescent moon in the west, and the light and hope of the full moon in the east.


Having set forth these two important points concerning when the day begins and when the month begins, let us now see exactly what the pattern was at creation.


First, in the beginning there was no moon at all.  The moon was not created until the fourth day.  So then what was laid out as the prevailing and determining pattern regarding the beginning of time?  The seven days that make up a complete week.  Thus, these seven days take precedence over everything regarding marking time.  Yahweh’s pattern of these seven days is indeed a template whereby He sets forth time for all mankind, not only on a day to day basis, but even as the template for periods of seven-thousand years, and more. 


In evidence of this pattern, just as the sun and the moon were created on the fourth day, so Yahshua, the Light of the world, came to this earth as a man on the fourth “day,” at its very end.  In fact, He was crucified just before the fifth day began on the following year.  Like the crescent moon that comes at the end of the day, just before complete darkness when no man can work, so was Yahshua’s first coming (John 9:4-5).  His first coming was a death – it too was cursed – and His full light in the east so as to reverse the curse of darkness and death would not rise for 2,000 years.  (More on this later.)


Today, the determining reason that the new heavens and new earth can now be established is Yahweh’s order set forth per the original creation pattern of the week, but in the magnitude of thousands of years.  A legal six “days” have passed since creation, and we have now entered into His seventh-day sabbath rest.  And as you will see, understandably, this seven-day pattern has equal precedence in effecting Yahweh’s true calendar.


Under the cursed system, men have tried to make the moon the entirely determining factor as to the beginning of the month and the feasts.  (Of course we are not addressing a solar calendar, such as our present Gregorian calendar.)  But keep in mind, this is the corrupted system that is opposite the truth, backwards, reversed, in the dark, and brings death.  If the moon is the entirely determining factor, then Yahweh would have created the sun and the moon on the first day.  Remember, at creation Yahweh laid the pattern; He set forth the determining template.


Since the moon was created on the fourth day, we see testified that there is a variableness in its identification as the beginning of the month.  Psalm 81:3 is indeed best translated that the trumpet was to be blown “at the full moon” and not “on the full moon.”  Again, as you will understand better as we lay out the Millennial Calendar, the determining factor is not the moon, but the week itself, the order of the initial seven days.  Therefore, the blast of the trumpet would be at the time of the full moon, but not necessarily technically when the moon is at its fullest.  The first of the month is indeed tied to the full moon; but like a dog tied on a leash, there is sill room to move.  The prevailing order of the seven days of the week, of necessity, trumps the moon. 


Other than this passage in Psalm 81:3, there is not another command that the month begins at a full moon.  But what we do see is that the integrity of the week must prevail, and all of this within the proximity of the month beginning at the full moon.  In fact, the very outside of the deviation of a technically full moon from the first day of a month would be at most three days.  And, of course, this is precisely what we saw at creation – three days after the beginning of what would have been Trumpets, came the full moon.  With this important point noted, let us now examine the sabbaths and feasts of the Millennial Calendar. 



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