Cont., page 11




As we have seen, at the time of Yahshua’s crucifixion, the world was and has been under the flipped cursed calendar.  But for the sake of further comparison, let us now lay out the Millennial Calendar as it would have existed at and immediately after Yahshua’s crucifixion.  First though, in order to help visually understand this, you will notice that the days have been shifted so that the true sabbath, Wednesday, is at the end of the week.  As we have already noted, day one of the week is Thursday, and day seven, or the sabbath, is Wednesday.


Of course in the Millennial Calendar under a Passover-first period, Passover is not only always on the 14th, but the 14th is always a seventh-day sabbath.  (As noted in section 2, this is not the case when Tabernacles is first.)  The events of the crucifixion, of course, will remain as they were.  Another difference is that the number in the bottom left in parentheses is now the count to Pentecost based on Passover being the holy convocation, just as we saw evidenced at the entrance into the promised land.  Therefore, the day after, or the 15th, is once again First Fruits and the wave sheaf offering.  This would also be day one in the count to Pentecost, placing it once again on the first day of the week – Thursday.  The red numbers on the right in parenthesis are the count of the forty days that Yahshua appeared to them upon His resurrection, with His culminating ascension on the fortieth day.  We will be addressing some very revealing and confirming truth regarding this.


Once again, with Wednesday being the true sabbath, Thursday would be the first day of the next week, Friday the second day, and Saturday would literally be the third day of the week.  This is quite interesting, for it adds new meaning to Yahshua’s oft-repeated statement that He would rise “on the third day.”  Based on the Millennial Calendar, this is precisely the day of the week on which He resurrected.  Therefore, He could have been speaking of this very day as well when He declared this.  Let us now examine the Passover-first Millennial Calendar as it laid out at the time of Yahshua’s crucifixion and following.




= Unleavened Bread
 (  ) = Count to Pentecost
(  ) = Yahshua appeared to them




 In this section, we will address this exciting and very revealing matter regarding Yahshua’s ascension.  As we have noted, Yahshua resurrected from the grave on the Jews’ seventh-day chief sabbath.  On that day He presented Himself to the women who came to anoint His body, as well as to the disciples and others.  In Acts 1:3 we read:


To these He also presented Himself alive after His suffering, by many convincing signs, appearing to them over a period of forty days and speaking of the things concerning the kingdom of God.


You will notice above that Yahshua was crucified on a Wednesday sabbath, resurrected from the grave on the Jews’ sabbath, and forty days later ascended alive on a Wednesday sabbath.  Could His ascension on a Wednesday sabbath mean something?  As you will now see, indeed it does!


In Acts 1:12 in the NAS, we read the following account regarding the highly significant day of Yahshua’s ascension.  But, as with many of the passages we have read directly from this translation, we will once again find it to be sorely incorrect and misleading.


Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day's journey away.


First, at least they translated the word “sabbath” correctly this time.  The Greek word for the word “away” here is “echo,” and means ”to have or to hold.”  For example, in the NAS it is translated 284 times as “have,” and 54 times as “having.”  It is also translated as ”experiencing,” or as keeping something.  As you can see, “away” is a terrible translation.


The Greek word for “journey” is “hodos,” and it means “a way.”  Twenty-seven times it is translated as a highway or road.  But more predominantly, sixty-three times it is translated as a way.  To give you an idea of this latter meaning and application, here are a few examples:



“… we know that You are truthful and teach the way of God in truth …” [Matthew 22:16].


“Make ready the way of the Lord, make His paths straight” [Luke 3:4].


“I am the way, and the truth, and the life …” [John 14:6].


I persecuted this Way to the death … [Acts 22:4].


And I show you a still more excellent way [1 Corinthians 12:31].


… by a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil … [Hebrews 10:20].


… and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned … [2 Peter 2:2].


Finally, the word “day’s” is once again added by the translators so that they can make this verse say what they want it to say.  It does not exist in the Greek.  These repeated problems that translators have are inherent with the period from which they write.  Remember, they are in the period of the “great and terrible wilderness” when all they have to eat is “what is it?”!  It has been unlawful for them to see truth, to eat the consecrated bread, to feed on the sabbath’s unleavened barley.  For 2,000 years they have been in hades, which means “to not see.”  They are the breach where Yahweh places His hand over them while He passes by (Exodus 33:21-22).  They are in the darkness where no man can work, and certainly they cannot see.


Therefore, when they read this in the Greek, they cannot know the mystery of the Millennial kingdom.  It has been unlawful for them to see or to even understand it.  We will discuss this more fully, but a more accurate translation of this passage is:


Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, having/keeping the way of the sabbath.


So, let us ask once again: On what day did Yahshua ascend into heaven?  It was on a Wednesday.  And what day is the true sabbath?  It is a Wednesday.  You can be quite certain that if this count of days had led to a Sunday, every translator would have once again translated this to say that Yahshua ascended alive on their sabbath, Sunday.  It would have read, “keeping the way of Sunday.”  But Yahshua resurrected on the Jews’ sabbath and ascended alive at the Mount of Olives on the true Wednesday sabbath.  Therefore, on the day Yahshua ascended, they were “keeping the way of the sabbath”!


Prophetically, there are several outstanding testimonies at hand in this account regarding Yahshua’s ascension into heaven alive.  First, this occurred at the end of a forty-day period.  Second, Yahshua specifically ascended alive in a manner like unto Elijah.  Third, two men stood by and witnessed regarding His return.  Fourth, this took place on the Mount of Olives.  Fifth, this was described as “near Jerusalem, having/keeping the way of the sabbath.”  And finally, counting forty days from Yahshua’s resurrection places this event on a Wednesday sabbath.  Let us consider each of these items.


There can be no question that Yahshua’s forty days following His resurrection, are just as relevant and bear a like meaning to His forty days in the wilderness upon His baptism by John, who had the spirit of Elijah.  It is quite telling that John baptized Yahshua into death, and thereupon He went into the wilderness for forty days; and Judas, attesting to his office as the Elijah, baptized Yahshua into death by turning him over to the Jews, and upon rising out of death He revealed Himself to them for forty days.  Clearly, there is an unmistakable relationship. 


What could these forty days mean?  One thing for certain is that they share a like representation with the sons of Israel’s forty years in the wilderness.  The sons of Israel left Egypt, and just like what we are seeing here, they too were baptized – theirs into the Sea of Reeds – and thereupon likewise went into the great and terrible wilderness for forty years.  They were a type of that which the church would enter into – “the church in the wilderness” (lit. of Acts 7:38), the forty Jubilee waiting periods in the great and terrible wilderness.  This is equally the period testified when, in the wilderness, both Moses and Elijah, as well as Yahshua, fasted from both food and water for forty days.  These speak of the fast from Yahweh’s truth and living water.


But, most hopefully, what do we see that must take place at the end of this wilderness?  The Elijah work must take place, preparing the way for Yahshua’s return, and ascend alive, just as He ascended alive at the end of forty days.  Thus we see the testimony that “as they were gazing intently into the sky while He was going, behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them.”  These two witnesses then spoke concerning the manner of Yahshua’s return, thus having the message on an Elijah.  These two witnesses speak of the Remnant, even the Elijah second Remnant.


And what about this ascension taking place specifically at the Mount of Olives?  We already know that the two Remnant are the two olive trees on each side of the seven-branched lampstand of Christianity (Zechariah 4).  They are the two Remnant spoken of in Zechariah 14:4 where we read that “the Mount of Olives, which is in front of Jerusalem on the east … will be split in its middle from east to west by a very large valley, so that half of the mountain will move toward the north and the other half toward the south.”  They are the Mount of Olives Remnant that are split into two by the very large valley of Christianity, the breach period of the church.  This is the olive tree that is the tree of life that can finally be eaten from in the Millennial reign.  Thus we see once again the testimony of the ascension of the second Remnant, which, of course, is preceded by the resurrection of the first Remnant (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).


Also prophetically noted here is Jerusalem, wherein the Mount of Olives was spoken of as “near Jerusalem, having/keeping the way of the sabbath.”  The Greek word used for “sabbath” is “sabbatou,” the same word used in “chief sabbath” in Mark 16:9, as well as in “one sabbath” where the Corinthians were to begin setting aside financial help for, interestingly, Jerusalem (1 Corinthians 16:2).  Sabbatou is the genitive form and could refer back to Jerusalem – “having the way of the sabbath.”  In this case, the testimony in this account of Yahshua’s Elijah-like ascension at the end of this forty-day period, is that Jerusalem has “the way of the sabbath.”


In The Revelation of the Millennium, we noted that Jerusalem above, with its walls with twelve foundation stones, attests to the Remnant, particularly the second Remnant, being established at Jubilee.  And most certainly, Jerusalem above, established in the Millennial sabbath, has, or attests to, the way of the sabbath rest.


And finally, we see that all of this taking place on a Wednesday sabbath speaks of the establishment of the true sabbath: not Saturday according to the Jews, not Sunday according to Christians, but as we have seen, just the opposite – on Wednesday, the day of both Yahshua’s crucifixion, as well as the day of His ascension.  In fact, in support of this, this verse could just as well be translated:


Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, keeping the way of the sabbath. 


In other words, they went out to the Mount of Olives to keep the sabbath!


We therefore see testified the way of the true sabbath: taking place at the end of the wilderness period of Christianity; bringing about the fulfilling Elijah work that prepares the way for Yahshua and ascends alive; the olive tree of life that is split by the breach; and finally, Jerusalem above coming to the earth, possessing the way of the sabbath, the true seventh-day Millennial rest.  But also we see testified here the true sabbath day – Wednesday.


Briefly, there are in fact some testimonies indicating that the first Remnant may have been told this truth concerning the Wednesday sabbath.  First, by what we read here in Acts 1:12, they were “keeping the way of the sabbath.”  Also, when the women went to anoint Yahshua’s body, they went on the Jews’ sabbath.  Why would they do that, for by Jewish law that was not permissible.  Possibly they knew it was not the true sabbath.  It is very telling that they went early in the morning, just as the sun was rising, evidently to escape the attention of others, maybe those who would regard them as sabbath-breakers.  But maybe they knew better.


This could also explain why Yahshua’s disciples would eat grain on the Jews’ sabbath, and why Yahshua was not concerned about performing miracles on their sabbath.  Certainly the prophetic testimony remained, and Yahshua indeed regarded the calendar of the Jews.  But one wonders how this would have affected what He did.  And you will recall that after saying that He would not go to Tabernacles, He did go, and on the Millennial sabbath.


But remember, He did not come to bring the full truth regarding the kingdom.  That would have been in violation of the law, for that truth could not come until the third part of the kingdom of heaven – the Millennial reign.



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