CONT., page 2



In the writing titled THE ISSUE, we clearly saw that twice the kingdom of God has been given to man while in his earthly flesh - first in the garden of Eden, and second to the church following Yahshua's restoration of the kingdom through the all-important vow of the Nazirite. It is highly suggested that one read THE ISSUE before attempting to embark on this writing, as little effort is made to retrace what has already been established in that work. In fact, reading several of the writings here would be most beneficial before taking on this rather extensive piece. The purpose of this writing is (1) to provide added Scriptural evidence that what has already been presented in THE ISSUE, is indeed verified in other passages, and (2) to expand into new ventures of truth and revelation concerning the fuller scope of the kingdom of God/the church, the Remnant, Christianity, all of which are the beginning fulfillment of the new heavens and new earth.

The common thread carrying this entire work from beginning to end, is the examination of the ONLY time in the entire Old Testament (other than in the generalities of the Psalms) in which a term similar to the kingdom of God or kingdom of heaven was used. As we will see, like a rare artifact, the uniqueness of this sole expression makes it very important; and equally true, its completeness in foreshadowing the kingdom makes it highly revealing. What then is this Old Testament testimony of the kingdom of God? It is the reign of King Solomon, who was promised "to sit on the throne of the kingdom of Yahweh over Israel" (1 Chronicles 28:5). This unique testimony of the kingdom of God, as we will see, received a second witness in 1 Chronicles 17:14 where Yahweh equally promised concerning Solomon - "I will settle him in My house and in My kingdom forever, and his throne shall be established forever."

Did Solomon fulfill what was promised concerning a house and a kingdom and a throne that would be established forever? Obviously not! Did Solomon thus have the true kingdom of God that would be without end? No. We saw in THE ISSUE that the kingdom of God was defiled in the garden of Eden, and was not available to man for 4,000 years until Yahshua could restore it as a Nazirite, Himself having the power of an indestructible life and able to resurrect and restore His Nazirite vow. Once the kingdom was restored, it was given to the church on Pentecost. But from the garden, where the angel stood at its entrance with a flaming sword forbidding man's reentrance, until Yahshua restored the garden of Eden (and thus the kingdom of God), no man, no king, could enter into that kingdom. Thus the question arises - What was the "kingdom of Yahweh" over which Solomon resided?

To answer this, we must view a very important truth. In Ecclesiastes 1:9 we read:

That which has been is that which will be,
And that which has been done is that which will be done.
So, there is nothing new under the sun.

This is equally stated in 3:15, which reads:

That which is has been already, and that which will be has already been, for God seeks what has passed by.

Thus, we can conclude with interest: Everything regarding the church - its beginning, its corruption, its ending - is all foreshadowed in pictures and patterns both in the Old Testament and in the New. These pictures are, of course, the mirror images or riddles we considered in the "Preface." And one can be fully assured that nothing happens, especially when it is as important a work as the kingdom-receiving church, without first being pictured in the lives and experiences of others. Solomon's promise "to sit on the throne of the kingdom of Yahweh over Israel" is just such an example. Keep in mind that the church received the restored kingdom of God; so when a king came along and was promised "the kingdom of Yahweh," built the house of God with gold and silver, and for the only time in history expanded his kingdom boundaries to that promised to Abraham, one can be most certain that this king was an extremely important and very revealing picture of the true kingdom that Yahshua brought to man. What we see occurring with Solomon and those who inherited his kingdom, will give us great and confirming insight regarding the kingdom that was given to man at Yahshua's resurrection.

What we actually find about Solomon is that, very consistently, he represents the Remnant. Yahweh provides these prophetic representations or preludes, these revealing mirror images, remarkably consistently. A man, a town, a mountain, a river, an object, all have a prophetic significance in the Scriptures, throughout history, and even today. Actually, you already accept this idea in relation to the Scriptures; only your application has been limited. Let us briefly relate some of these pictures that you undoubtedly already know and accept. For example - the Passover lamb. Of what is this lamb prophetic? Yahshua, of course, our Passover lamb slain for our sins. How about a dove? The set-apart Spirit. Leaven is prophetic of sin or corruption. Leprosy speaks of our corruption by sin that leads to death. Yahshua spoke in parables in which physical objects represented spiritual truths - birds, tares, leaven, trees, etc. In Galatians 4:25, Paul related how Hagar and Sarah, or Jerusalem and Jerusalem above, represent two covenants. Likewise, he relates how the rocks struck in the wilderness, as well as the manna, foreshadowed Yahshua (1 Corinthians 10:3-4) You see, you already accept and already see some of His prophetic representations; but they are far more delineated than you have yet imagined.

Let us go one step further. An easier one for you - the seven-branch lampstand represents the church, particularly Christianity. A donkey represents Pentecost. The Mount of Olives represents the Remnant. In fact, anything having to do with olives represents the Remnant - the olive leaf in Genesis 8:11, the two olive trees in Zechariah 4, the two olive trees in Revelation 11:4, etc.. And since Yahweh is omnipotent, His testimonies are not limited to the Scriptures alone. Whether it is Olive Way and parallel Olive Ave. in Seattle, Washington, King County, or the nation of Italy that occupies a very strategic and symbolic place as the foot over Africa and is the world's largest producer of olives, the olive continues to prophesy of the Remnant. Yahweh's prophetic testimonies are exceedingly consistent, and are not isolated to their application in the Scriptures alone. If they speak in the Scriptures, they speak in the world. If they apply in the Scriptures, they apply in the world.

Let us quickly look at some of the towns in the Scriptures and see what they represent. Bethany, the home of Lazarus, always represents the Remnant. And even as there was good Jonathan and bad Saul in Saul's household, representing the good and evil that coexists in Christianity, likewise there are two towns that represent the good and the evil of Christianity - Ramah and Gibeah. Remarkably clear and very important, Saul himself, who was established as king on Pentecost, represents Christianity. Damascus, which is where New Testament Saul (who was to become Paul) was headed when interrupted by a great light, represents the existing corrupt religious powers, an origin of evil.

We could go on and on and on with these. Some are not so limited in their meaning as others. For example, a lion could represent Judah, or Yahshua, or Satan, or pastors; all depending on the context of its usage. But whether the meaning is general, or highly specific - all things prophecy in type in the Scriptures, and even in life. We simply need the eyes to see and wisdom from above to understand.


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