CONT., page 21



We have now seen the full scope of this pattern. In light of what we have seen, what is it Yahweh is performing concerning the restored kingdom of God? The Yahshua/David-secured promise was given to the Solomon first Remnant - they will sit on the throne of the kingdom of Yahweh (1 Chronicles 28:5), a throne that was to last forever (1 Chronicles 17:14). But because of the failure of the Remnant, presented by Solomon's mark-of-the-beast 700 wives, the kingdom was taken away from the Solomon Remnant and given to the Jeroboam breach of Christianity. But the corruption of the Solomon first Remnant was mild compared to that of Jeroboam Christianity. For the cause of Jeroboam Christianity's corruption, an Abijah second Remnant is now being brought forth to claim the original rights to the kingdom. The Abijah Remnant has obtained the "house of God" rights based on the original Yahshua/David "covenant of salt" promise. The outcome will be that the first and second Remnants will be taken up to heaven to receive resurrected bodies (the breach being repaired), return with Yahshua, and reign with Him for 1,000 years and beyond. "Thou, O Yahweh, have blessed, and it is blessed forever" (1 Chronicles 17:27). Christianity will, in their time, enter into resurrection, thus completing Yahweh's heavenly born two-part temple, the holy of holies and the holy place.

May Yahweh open our eyes to see.


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