CONT., page 5



Knowing that the "two sons of fresh oil" of Zechariah 4 are in fact the two Remnant that are equally represented by the water and the blood, this association of the second Remnant with both oil and wine/blood affords us increased hope and understanding regarding Yahshua's parable about the good Samaritan.

In Hosea 6:1 we read:

"Come, let us return to Yahweh.
For He has torn us, but He will heal us;
He has wounded us, but He will bandage us.
He will revive us after two days;
He will raise us up on the third day
That we may live before Him."

How is it that for two days Yahweh has torn us? Because for 2,000 years He has let Satan steal from, kill, and destroy kingdom man, even as He did so and foreshadowed with Job. For 2,000 years Satan has corrupted His kingdom, corrupted and afflicted kingdom man, and taken kingdom man to the grave, even as Legion took the 2,000 swine to their grave, the sea. For 2,000 years, or "two days," Yahweh has thus wounded kingdom man via Satan; and the hope is that now He will revive us and raise us up! This is precisely what the Samaritan did for the wounded man on the Jericho road, where upon further consideration we find that in fact Yahshua is the good Samaritan.

First, let us note that this parable is recorded exclusively in Luke 10:29-37, thus identifying it with the second Remnant. How long has it been that Satan has wounded and torn kingdom man? For two periods of time, or 2,000 years. Therefore, how many people came and passed by the wounded man, refusing to do anything about meeting his needs? Two men, for each 1,000 years of Christianity. And since these two men represent Christianity, what kind of men were they? The first was a priest and the second a Levite - both religious leaders. Thus we see that for 2,000 years religious Christianity (both Catholic and Protestant, priest and Levite) has done nothing to relieve the pain of men who have been afflicted by Satan, who steals, kills, and destroys. What must happen? He who has the oil and the wine must next come along!

We read in Hosea that after two days, Yahweh will bandage, revive, and lift us up. This is precisely that which the good Samaritan did for the wounded man after two others passed by. He "bandaged up his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them; and he put him (up) on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him." What must Yahshua do to we who are the Bride and are stripped and beaten and half dead? He must pour upon us His oil and wine, performing His second work that in fact prepares for His return, and take us to an inn and care for us.

Thus once again we find the testimony of the wine of the second Remnant, and here more specifically in regard to our own GREAT need for the outpouring of that oil and wine after Satan has afflicted kingdom man for 2,000 years, and Christianity has done nothing to relieve it.

Yahshua then went on to say - "And on the next day he took out two denarii (one for each 1,000 year period) and gave them to the innkeeper and said, 'Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I return, I will repay you.'" Will Yahshua return after pouring out the oil and the wine? He tells us here that this is precisely His plan. And whatever it costs to restore these wounded ones, He will repay in full. May Yahshua heal us in our affliction.

Thus we see here several testimonies that this parable relates specifically to our day. First, it is found exclusively in Luke, which is second Remnant. Second, 2,000 years of priest/Levite Christianity has passed by without relieving man's pain and affliction by Satan. And third, the oil and the wine relate specifically to the second Remnant. Let us now add a fourth testimony.

You will notice that Yahshua did not leave this man's journey to any generalities, but for accumulative prophetic reasons identified it specifically to be a journey from Jerusalem to Jericho. We know that Jerusalem is the kingdom of God, even the kingdom that is corrupted just as Jerusalem was corrupted. But what then is Jericho, the destination to which this traveler had set out? When reading the writing titled Tabernacles and Devoted Things, one finds that Jericho relates specifically to the Remnant and the act of holding all things in common wherein all things are devoted to Yahweh (even as they were devoted to Yahweh at Jericho). This in many regards is the weakness of the second Remnant at this writing (August, 2002) - we cannot get to Jericho, to holding all things in common. Because of our affliction by Satan and our weakness, we cannot get there on our own. Yahshua must therefore come along and pour out the oil and the wine to make this possible and to personally take us there. Thus we find another clear evidence that this parable relates specifically to our time and the establishment of the second Remnant.


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