In 2004 we were looking to Yahweh to fulfill the promise evidenced in 2003, the promise in the eighth year that had to die and be fulfilled in the ninth, the promise of the latter rain, the outpouring of His Spirit. The question is – Did we receive that promise? The answer is found of course in looking back at 2004 and recounting that which took place.
Two writings came out in February and March of 2004 that laid out the
pattern of the nine years from 1996 through 2004, with 1996 included. These two important and highly revealing writings
were The Hope of the Remnant In 2004 and Our Desperate Need for Yahshua’s
Return, Now.
March 31, 2004, was a very welcomed turning point for this man personally,
for the year preceding it seemed to come to destroy me.
With the loss of my family in 2003 and the death and disappointments
of that year as well, my life looked like it was at an end. On three occasions I feared I would have a nervous
breakdown. I thought I would lose everything,
and indeed walked away from everything that I had, not expecting to see
it again. In fact, for a while I anticipated
I would end up on the streets and in a homeless shelter.
One of the most stressful points was the fact that my wife filed a legal
separation against me in May, 2003. I agreed
to some impossible financial terms at that time in order to buy time; and
while my wife did not hold me to those terms at first, in 2004 she began
to want them and I had to begin a process in order to modify them. They would have otherwise destroyed me. I returned to our vacated home and began to do what
I could in order to survive, facing each day one at a time. After being painfully railroaded in a court hearing
before a judge, finally on March 31, 2004, that order was overturned and things
in my life began to change from death to life. Oh
what a welcomed relief!
I did not realize until writing this that this period of extreme difficulty
was for precisely one long year. Let me share
a paragraph from the writing, A Lesson From Intercession, page 5.
On March 31, 2003, Yahweh told me – “You’re going through a difficult
place; you’re going through a difficult place.” It
was hard at the time, but I did not know how hard it would become, or how
long it would endure – another entire year! In that year I lost my
family, it looked like the Remnant Bride had failed, I temporarily lost my
home and the hopes of having one, three times I was nearly paralyzed with
fear and thought that I would have a nervous breakdown.
There were times when I impassionately said with Solomon – “I hate
life!” (Ecclesiastes 2:17). I went through the
immense struggles of the court action when my wife legally separated from
me. My life looked like it was at an end and
I was resolved to lose everything. I did not
see how anyone could say that they could go through the valley of deep
darkness and fear no evil; and all I had was a little hope, the many promises
He had given to me, two who showed their love to me, and a resignation
that though He slay me, yet would I trust Him (Job 13:15); and He saw me
Those difficulties lasted for precisely one year from March 31, 2003,
when Yahweh told me “You’re going through a difficult place,” to March 31,
2004, when the destructive court order was overturned.
And quite strikingly, something else happened on March 31 that has given
me hope over time, but even so a hope that has gained even more relevance
with the writing of this report.
On March 31, 1992, my wife was in labor with our fifth child. Her contractions were five minutes apart, and the
midwife arrived only moments before what looked like a soon birth. Quickly she did a pelvic exam and came to me with
the sobering report – the baby is a girl and she is breech! “Can she be turned?,” I asked.
“No.” My wife’s water had already broke
and the muscles contracted. Her reply was certain
and conclusive – “It would take a burning bush in the wilderness miracle”
for the baby to be turned now.
I went to pray about what to do, and Yahweh spoke clearly to me. I did not know what would happen, but He told me
the promise given in Jeremiah 29:11 – “I know the plans that I have for you,
plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.” That night, to our great surprise, the quickly culminating
contractions suddenly stopped. With this unusual
change we all went to bed.
The next morning I asked the midwife to reexamine my wife. She did so and brought the welcomed report – she
had dilated X centimeters and the baby was now head-down!
Yahweh performed a “burning bush in the wilderness miracle” and repaired
the breech! The little girl that the midwife had
felt the day before was born later that day, and we named her Grace, for
Yahweh had repaired the breech by His grace. We
had not asked Him to do so.
Eleven years later, on March 31, 2003, I too began going through a threatening
breach. But Yahweh had grace on me as well and
I survived. One year later, and now twelve years
since March 31, 1992, my own life took a much needed turn.
Personally, Yahweh repaired a breach as well, and things from that
day forward began a much appreciated change. Life
that was seemingly destroying me began to give me hope.
Yahweh moved by His grace.
The passage in Jeremiah 29:11 and the verses surrounding it have a very
special meaning for me today. If you will stop
and read verses 1-14 of that chapter, you will see that they relate to Yahweh’s
promise to restore the sons of Israel back to the land of promise following
their own breach – a period of seventy years of required submission under
Babylonian captivity. This is the captivity the
church has been under for nearly 2,000 years. As
required in Jeremiah 29:4-10, kingdom men have had to live in a land of
exile, in a corrupted kingdom. They have had to
build their houses and plant their garden of God there and eat the fruit
of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They
have had to take wives and their children take wives and bear children and
multiply in this land of bondage. As it is written,
it is equally a time in which the prophets and teachers have prophesied
and taught falsely and Yahweh has not sent them with their false messages. But even so, we have been called to seek the welfare
of this Babylonian system and to pray for it, for in its welfare we have
had welfare. But all the more, it is a cursed
system prepared for a people in a breach period of delay and want.
This is mystery Babylonian Christianity. And
the promise of Jeremiah 29:11 and the verses immediately following that
were made to a remnant of Judah, are the promises to the Remnant who will
equally come out of the Babylonian system of Christianity and return to
the land of promise, to Jerusalem above. Let us
read here verses 11-14.
“For I know the plans that I have for you,” declares Yahweh, “plans for
welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.
Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.
And I will be found by you,” declares Yahweh, “and I will restore your fortunes and will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you,” declares Yahweh, “and I will bring you back to the place from where you went into exile.”
When Stephen was stoned and the period of the first Remnant ended, the
church went into exile. At that point the breach
of Christianity legally began and it was not long when the church was turned
over to Saul/Paul and men were called Christians at Antioch. The Antiochus abomination of desolation began. The church was entering into the Babylonian captivity
period, particularly marked by the transformation of the church following
Constantine. As Yahweh declared in Ezekiel 24:21
on the day that Babylon laid siege against Jerusalem, so it has been true
with the church – “Behold, I am about to profane My holy place.”
This is an incredible statement! Think about
it. This is not just a solitary statement made
at that moment for that occasion alone, but it expresses a “philosophy,”
if you would, a way of Yahweh that finds broad future fulfillment. Corporately, that which He did in the natural regarding
physical Jerusalem and its captivity in physical Babylon, foreshadowed what
He would do with His holy place, the church, the kingdom of heaven – He
profaned it! And
it has been profaned, it has been in Babylonian captivity, for nearly 2,000
years! But sadly, that is what He does on a personal
level as well, even as He did with my family. More
on this later. Or, this is what He does with
moves of His Spirit. They all get profaned. And the sad list goes on.
However, continuing to look at Jeremiah per the promise of a redeeming and
restoring remnant following this period of loss, go to the next chapter,
chapter 30, and read all of it as well. Here
are some examples from it.
Vs. 6 – “Ask now, and see, if a male can give birth?”
Can the masculine body of Christ give birth to the necessary “man
child”? Absolutely not!
It is impossible! “Why do I see every man
with his hands on his loins, as a woman in childbirth?
And why have all faces turned pale?” Christianity
has failed and all men have gone to the grave.
Vs. 8 – “I will break his yoke from off their neck, and will tear off
their bonds; and strangers shall no longer make them their slaves.”
Vs. 21 – “’And their leader shall be one of them, and their ruler shall
come forth from their midst; and I will bring him near, and he shall approach
Me; for who would dare to risk his life to approach Me?,’ declares Yahweh. ‘And you shall be My people, and I will be your God.’” The first part of this promise is very similar to
that regarding the Elijah spoken of by Peter in Acts 3:22 – “The Lord
God shall raise up for you a prophet like me from your brethren; to him
you shall give heed in everything he says to you.”
This is the Elijah of whom it is written in James 5:17 – “Elijah
was a man with a nature like ours.” (Read
The Love of Money, page 14.) The latter part
of this verse is remarkably similar to Zechariah 13:9 regarding the third
part of the church that passes through the fire – “I will say, ‘They are
My people,’ and they will say, ‘Yahweh is my God.’”
Vs. 24 – “The fierce anger of Yahweh will not turn back, until He has
performed, and until He has accomplished the intent of His heart; in the
latter days you will understand this.” It is
only now in these “latter days” that Yahweh is removing His hand from covering
the breach period of the church, the Babylonian period in which He placed
the church in the cleft of the rock and put His hand over it so that it
could not see, the death period of the church in which it was placed in
the grave, in Hades, for two days. The word “hades”
means “to not see,” and that is precisely the state of the church for nearly
2,000 years. But, today the fierce anger of Yahweh
is coming to an end. As repeated twice to me
personally – “You’re going through a difficult place” – so the church has
gone through a difficult place for 2,000 years. And
as promised, we are beginning to understand the truths of what has been taking
place in the kingdom of heaven and the hope of the Remnant and the restoration
of the kingdom. We are beginning to see Yahweh’s
back, what He has done.
These are the hopes that have their promise in the “burning bush in the
wilderness miracle” that we experienced on March 31, 1992, as well as the
turning point in my own life on March 31, 2004. Our
baby Grace was born on April 1, or April Fools Day.
It seems quite evident that one must become a fool to enter into Yahweh’s
promise, even as the Boston Red Sox became “idiots” in order to win the
2004 World Series and reverse their curse of 1920.
(More on this latter point later.)
Thus we see that March 31 of 2004 evidenced a very significant and telling
change for me. From a personal standpoint, the
difference was dramatic, and marked a turning point that was welcomed beyond
words. Yahweh moved by His grace.
The next significant event that took place in 2004 was that highly significant
Kyle Nixon came back into my life after pulling away from me for two years. You can read of some of Kyle’s significance in A
Lesson From Intercession, page 8 and page 10 (both of which are in
the last quarter of the page). The last time
Kyle had been in my home was Passover, 2002. Immediately
afterward he aggressively rejected me and even attacked me by sending
out e-mails to others and sought to draw away my family members. Two days before Passover, 2004, Kyle came over for
dinner and brought with him the movie, Whale Rider. We had already
experienced profoundly prophetic messages in Awakenings and Field of Dreams, and he wanted me to see this movie as well. We had no idea how profound it would become.
Upon watching it and with Kyle’s comments, I saw its significance per
the issue of the rod. And after Kyle left, Yahweh
began to show me things beyond what he had seen. But
these truths that Yahweh was showing me in fact frustrated me and I thought
they were foolish. Here I was separated from my
family, and He was showing me things about the rod?
I needed something about love, not the rod, I thought. Two days later on Passover, April 6, Peter Douglas
and Brendan McElroy flew in from New York for Passover.
Kyle came over once again and we prepared and ate Passover together. We also watched Whale Rider again. It was a
wonderful Passover meal.
During the feast of Passover/Unleavened Bread, Peter, Brendan, and I went
to Mount St. Helens. On the way out there Yahweh
began showing me some incredible things regarding the rod. After they returned to New York, the truth that
Yahweh was beginning to show us was presented in the writing, The Rod. What had seemed
like a foolish beginning became profoundly significant!
But even more related truth came to light.
By the end of May, another writing titled A Lesson From Intercession came out revealing truths that were nothing
less than incredible! The most amazing truth
came from the testimony regarding Esther, revealing the golden rod that
produces the former and the latter rains. There
were also the two testimonies of Jerusalem above evidenced in Rebekah and
Tamar. We also saw
the message regarding the little horn; and we saw how Mount St. Helens
is a clear prophetic testimony of Jerusalem above. More
will be said regarding Mount St. Helens.
All of this alone was incredible truth; but the revelation still did
not stop! I had entered into the most revelatory
period of my life thus far. Just over a month
later, on July 7 the writing Shelah and Clay of Spittle came out. On a
level equal to the golden rod, we learned the amazing truth that the Millennial
Reign began at Passover, 2004. This is the
period revealed in the Scriptures as the third-part Shelah period. The Pool of Shelah is the same pool as the Pool of
Siloam, where Yahshua opened the eyes of the man who had been blind from
birth. In truth the church has crossed the
Jordan and entered into the land west of it. And
greatly significant as well, we learned from Daniel 9:24-27 about the three
and one-half year ministry period that is promised as a covenant to the
second golden rod! And finally we learned where
Satan receives his authority to corrupt the church – via the seat of the
twelfth apostle vacated by Judas. All of this
was profoundly incredible! And what made this
even more incredible and certain was the fact that while this writing was
being revealed, the literal Pool of Siloam was being unearthed/revealed in
Jerusalem after being hidden for 2,000 years!
Then two months later, on September 11, the writing He Was Jealous With My Jealousy came out. Here again
we saw some amazing revelations. We found that
Christianity is Gehenna, which is translated “hell,” affording the body
of Christ’s two days in the grave. It is likewise
Hades, which we have already mentioned here means “to not see,” or the
period of the church being hidden in the cleft of the rock (Exodus 33:21-23). Then we saw the amazing testimony of Phinehas’ return
some 350 years later to evoke victory in a Shelah third-part battle. Phinehas had been jealous with Yahweh’s jealousy
and received the Melchizedek promise of a “perpetual priesthood.” All of this related very importantly to the Curse
of 1920.
Paul’s rebellion against the apostles was addressed, and we learned for
the first time ever the answer to the critical question of from where the
office of the Elijah comes – from the seat of the twelfth apostle!
Meanwhile, multiple hurricanes hit Florida, and many asked the question
– Why? The answer was that Yahweh was speaking
from a whirlwind. Thus, the next writing, The Wind and the Sea Obey Him, came out in early October and revealed Yahweh’s
clear message in those historic hurricanes. This
included once again a direct correlation to the Curse of 1920 and New
Orleans and Haiti. We learned for the first
time the clear testimony that Florida is the prophetic rod that turns into
a serpent. And VERY importantly, on the Day of
Atonement/Jubilee, September 25, 2004, the legal transfer of the office
of the twelfth apostle took place. And finally
we saw the amazing revelation of the correlation between both Peter and
Jonah going to Joppa, and Jonah sailing to Tarsus/Tarshish while the gospel
to the Gentiles went to Saul of Tarsus/Tarshish.
Only two days before this legal transfer was made, on September 23 Mount
St. Helens came back to life after being quiet for eighteen years (the number
of “bondage”). We had already seen the remarkable
testimony this mountain has as Jerusalem above, and one can imagine that
when it came back to life at the time of this contract, we were most attentive. What does it mean? At
first the scientists thought that the mountain could erupt again. If it had, it would have spoken of judgment, even
as it did when it erupted on May 18, 1980, testifying of the wrath that
fell on Yahshua. St. Helens is one of three
mountains that form a trinity, and represents the Son of God who was afflicted
on our behalf. Read A Lesson From Intercession, page 8. But we saw in
that writing that the testimony that eventually came from the wrath was that
of Jerusalem above – a hood and clitoris. Again,
you must read the above writing to understand this.
So what is being evidenced as St. Helens came back to life in 2004? Look at the photo before when the mountain was sleeping
and then the photos of it now and what do you see?
October 13, 2004
November 7, 2004
December 28, 2004 (Mt.
Adams [the Holy Spirit] in background)
January 3, 2005
You see a clitoris that is becoming enlarged. And what does this mean? It obviously means that Jerusalem above is being aroused with the anticipation of her Husband! Like the unearthing of the Pool of Siloam or even the Florida hurricanes and certainly the testimonies which you will read next, this is an incredibly confirming and encouraging natural testimony of that which is taking place at this time spiritually. As has been said before, we have a seamless garment, and creation is telling us what is now taking place if we have eyes to see. Jerusalem above is aroused, and longs for her Husband to place His seed in her!
Evidences regarding the Curse of 1920 continued, and Yahweh afforded the
remarkable testimony that that curse is being reversed – the Red Sox, who
were equally cursed in 1920, miraculously defeated the Yankees and the Cardinals
to win the World Series during a blood red moon. Then
on the hills of that amazing and most encouraging win, we had the once
again amazing testimony regarding the prophetic second Remnant Bush keeping
the White House. Yahweh tied together the 1920
election of Warren G. Harding (the worst President in U.S. history), the
reelection of George W. Bush, and the World Series in a MOST incredible and
revealing testimony. All of this was covered
in the writing titled “The
Curse is Reversed”, the
news headline following the Red Sox win.
What followed next for me personally was a trip to Ireland with my oldest
daughter, wherein, amazingly, I fulfilled a promise I had made to her several
years prior. This trip was the first time we had
traveled together since our trip to Georgia in 1996 when I had my Jonah
experience (see His-story of the
Remnant, page 2). This trip was
not a Jonah, but actually had an amazing parallel to the Georgia trip,
but for good. Thus this highly significant
nine year intercession began with a vital February, 1996, trip with Christi
one month after 1996 began, and drew to a close with the same in November,
2004, one month before 2004 ended.
Also for good, on December 13 the legal separation between my wife and
myself, which I had been fighting for nearly two years, came to an end. She finally agreed to dismiss it. While this was a great victory, including the very
fact that I have survived, my wife remains separated from me. This restoration too I look to Yahweh to fulfill.
But there was still one more thing that would bring significance to this
year. One evening before Christmas as I was driving
home, Washington’s crossing of the Delaware came to my mind. I knew he made that historic crossing at the time
of Christmas. And even as I begin thinking about
this, the man on the radio began talking about the Revolutionary War. Let me very briefly recount for you that event.
Washington and his Continental Army had suffered the loss of every battle
thus far with the British. They drove him out
of New York. He narrowly escaped at Fort Lee,
leaving his provisions and many of the weapons behind. The
British then chased him out of New Jersey, and he fled to Pennsylvania. The only reason they did not pursue him then was
because he had taken every available boat with him when he crossed the Delaware
in retreat. But, he also knew that when the Delaware
froze, the British would march across it and defeat him once again. And not only this, but on December 31 most of his
enlistments would be leaving, that is of those who had not already deserted.
In the face of these impossibilities, including a harsh winter and lack
of warm clothing, Washington devised a plan that was extremely risky. He broke his army into three divisions. Each was to cross the Delaware at their different
locations on Christmas night and attack the Hessian garrison at Trenton. But the other two divisions never crossed, determining
it too risky to ford the ice-choked rushing river. But
through sheer determination, Washington led his army of 2,400 men across
the icy river. One man wrote that he had never
seen Washington so determined. Only the night before, Washington had spent Christmas
Eve brooding over the state of his army dressed in tattered clothes and preparing
to leave him within a week. He came up then with
a counter-sign for the now unfolding attack, and issued it on the riverbank,
to be passed along the ranks. It was – "Victory
or death."
It took nine hours for all the men and equipment to cross, and then they
had another nine miles to march to Trenton. And
to make the task even more difficult, he divided his men into two companies
that were to march down two separate roads and arrive at Trenton at the same
time – a very risky maneuver. But the plan was
carried out flawlessly. Against all odds, and
with time running out for him, and on the heels of nothing but defeat, Washington
and his men successfully carried out this bold adventure and routed the
British at Trenton, killing or wounding ninety Hessians and taking 900
While the number of soldiers and weapons captured were actually not that
significant, this victory was in fact a huge victory!
Up to now the British thought they had won the war, that it was over;
but the impact on the morale of both the British and American armies was
decisive. It was in fact the turning point of
the war and America’s independence. After the
battle, an uncharacteristically beaming Washington rode up to Major Wilkinson,
grasped his hand, and said – “This is a glorious day for our country!”
As I studied this event, the prophetic testimonies relative to where we
are today were glaringly obvious. For example,
2004 was the critical ninth year, or the year of fulfillment, in the intercessoral
period from 1996. In this battle we see a consistent
repeat of that number – it took nine hours to cross the Delaware, they marched
nine miles to Trenton, and
they took nine hundred captives
and killed or wounded ninety.
As we have seen in Shelah and Clay of Spittle, we have now entered into the third-part Millennial
period of the church. Did you notice the amazing
and telling fact that two parts of Washington’s army did not cross the
river, but only Washington’s third part? This
is the Shelah third part that enters into the promised land west of the
Another outstanding testimony is that of Washington himself. Prophetically he is the Holy Spirit, the major founding
force of this nation. There are four men carved
on Mount Rushmore, and each prophesies. Washington
represents the Holy Spirit. He was the man whom
no one could kill in battle. Lincoln, who was
killed on Passover, represents the Son. Jefferson,
along with Adams (who is not on Rushmore but died the very day that Jefferson
died – July 4), represents the Father, and Teddy Roosevelt represents the
Remnant. Much could be said here, but the point
to see is that Washington represents the Holy Spirit.
Washington state on the west coast, with Washington D.C. on the east, is also the state in which this man lives.
You will also note that time was running out for Washington. His recruits were leaving December 31 and he desperately
needed a victory before then. So also we, the
Remnant Bride, were desperate for a victory in 2004, one that would turn
the war as well, and December 31 marked the end of the ninth year, the year
of fulfillment. For the Bride it was equally –
“Victory or death!”
You will also note that Washington had 2,400 men, or the number of the
24 elders at the hundreds level. These 24 elders
are obtained by uniting the twelve apostles from the first Remnant and the
twelve apostles from the second Remnant. This
testimony was evidenced when Washington divided his army into two companies,
or 1,200 men each, a very risky military maneuver per the matter of timing,
and after traveling down separate roads they arrived at Trenton at the same
time so as to carry out the successful campaign. Thus
the uniting of the two 1,200 gave him the critical victory that turned the
war around. This is true with the uniting of
the two Remnant as well.
When I begin seeing all of this, I was hopeful that Yahweh would do something
on the day after Christmas that was in keeping with this outstanding testimony. Also, with Yahshua’s birth at Trumpets, that would
mean that Mary was likewise overshadowed by the Holy Spirit at this very
time. So did anything happen?
Let us add one other highly confirming testimony.
Having crossed the Delaware in a maneuver that began on Christmas night,
the battle at Trenton took place the next day on December 26. At 8:00 a.m., just outside of Trenton, Washington’s
party inquired of a man chopping wood where the Hessian sentries were. He pointed to a nearby house, and the Hessian’s poured
out and began to open fire. Thus this decisive
battle began at 8:00 a.m.
In the Gospel of Thomas, there is a most interesting passage that has
had great significance to this man. Yahshua
said – “Split a piece of wood; I am there” (vs. 77).
The beginning of this battle was marked by a man chopping and undoubtedly
splitting wood, and He was indeed there.
On December 26, 2004, at 7:58 a.m., a 9.0 earthquake took place on the
westernmost part of the ring of fire that sent tsunamis to twelve countries
killing over 200,000 people in the deadliest tsunamis by far in recorded
history. This was a rare occurrence for this area,
with the last major one in 1883.
Before and after photo of Banda Aceh near epicenter of earthquake and major tsunamis
The correlation here is obvious. The Battle
of Trenton began on December 26 at 8:00 a.m., or maybe it was actually 7:58. The Indian Ocean earthquake likewise took place
on December 26 at 7:58 a.m. We have already seen
the multiple testimonies of the number nine in the Battle of Trenton; the
Indian Ocean earthquake was equally a 9.0. Likewise,
we have seen the testimony of the number twelve per the two groups of twelve
elders that comprise the 24 elders. Here twelve
countries were affected. (It will be most telling
if the number of deaths comes to 240,000.)
The Battle of Trenton took place in 1776, the same year of the Declaration
of Independence on July 4. Likewise, the attesting
Indian Ocean earthquake took place the same year as the Legal Transfer of
the Office of the Twelfth Apostle, which was in every regard its own declaration
of independence, attested by its legal intercessoral link to July 4. (Read The Wind and the Sea Obey Him, page 2.)
So what are we seeing here in this tragic event at the close of 2004? Hope! In the next section
we will see how Yahweh uses evil to bring forth good.
This event is clearly evil in the natural. It
effected death and tragedy on a scale that was stunning.
But let us look at the good that it portends.
What is our hope?
The ninth year is the year of fulfillment in the period from 1996. At the very end of this year, on the same day and
at the same time of the highly decisive Battle of Trenton, Yahweh provided
a testimony comparable to that event in relation to the intercessoral period
of the Remnant.
We know that events relative to this earth are prophetic of that which
is to be; but I believe that events we see are also natural testimonies
of those things that are being effected in the heavenlies. The fulfillment per the Remnant Bride is precisely
that which the tsunamis testified.
What can we conclude? There are three times
in the Scriptures that the following statement is made, twice almost verbatim:
Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice;
And let them say among the nations, “Yahweh reigns.”
Let the sea roar, and all its fullness;
Let the field exult, and all that is in it.
Then the trees of the forest will sing for joy before Yahweh;
For He is coming to judge (or, govern) the earth.
O give thanks to Yahweh, for He is good;
For His lovingkindness is everlasting.
This is from Remnant-testifying 1 Chronicles 16:31-33.
The almost identical statement is found in Psalm 96:11-13. Psalm 98:7-9 has essentially the same message, particularly
regarding the sea roaring. Likewise Isaiah 51:15
similarly says – “For I am Yahweh your God, who stirs up the sea and its waves
roar (Yahweh of hosts is His name).” And in Jeremiah
31:35 we see the same conclusion. You will notice
that the sea roaring in its fullness gives testimony to the return of Yahshua
to govern the earth.
In order to understand what took place and why, it is important to note
the correlation between the Indian Ocean earthquake and the Battle of Trenton. And not only in light of that pivotal battle, but
in light of everything that has taken place and is related to this ninth
year of fulfillment. Again, it was a pivotal year
that was to draw to a decisive close, even as Washington’s army was to come
to a close on December 31.
In the latter part of 1999 and into the opening months of 2000, I was
involved in a business that used the term “tsunami” to describe its potential. While I cannot go into all of this, it was the immense
suffering and death that that experience brought that preceded the beginning
of the Remnant Bride in Passover, 2000. What
made this even more significant was that this was a repeat of the same
circumstances relative to my coming to Yahshua in 1971.
They were both immense pain that preceded a new beginning.
This is in fact the hope we have per the tsunami that occurred on December
26. In a moment we will see how evil is used by
Yahweh to effect good, but the evil and power of that tsunami can in fact
indicate what is in store for the earth for the positive in the realm of
the spiritual – that Yahweh would send a tsunami of His Spirit on the earth
to destroy the flesh! And of course by looking
at the testimony and outcome of the Battle of Trenton as well, we can see
some of the more specific testimonies.
Both parallel events had the testimony, and multiple times in the Battle
of Trenton, of the number nine. This, once
again, is direct testimony to the ninth year of the Bride’s intercession.
Quite importantly as well, there were the shared testimonies of the number
twelve, the number of the apostles. And Washington’s
victorious third part army gives even more testimony of the two Remnant that
are united in the third part of the church to provide the glorified 24 elders
who sit around the throne. You will recall
that after the battle, Washington exuberantly declared – “This is a glorious
day …!” Indeed it is!
It was a day of new beginnings for the Continental army, and not only
for them alone but for this entire nation! This
is where we are as the Remnant Bride. Was the
battle over for Washington? Not in the least! But, it marked a new beginning, a turning point. And that is where we as the Bride are today. The nine year intercession from the beginning of
1996 to the very end of 2004 is an effectual labor that will change the
Did I always feel this way and continually see 2004’s great significance? No! There have been times
in which everything looked like loss and death, even to the very end. Even after the close of 2004 I wondered what happened. I was expecting something in 2004 that was more
on the order of Pentecost in 33 AD. But it did
not come. So what made the change that you are
reading here?
One day as I was working in my role as a carpenter, without any particular
thought on the matter, for I had in fact decided not to even ponder any of
this, the truth of what took place in 2004 suddenly became evident. What had I expected in 2004?
The latter rain! An outpouring of His Spirit! But what did in fact take place in 2004?
When I was in Ireland with my oldest daughter, she told me – “I believe
the latter rain will be a rain of truth.” Of
course I fully agreed with her, but did not go on to say that that is precisely
what the Remnant Bride teachings are – the revelation of truth that has
been concealed from the beginning of time. As
I have said before, there is NO way that this man could noodle or figure
out all the things that I have been shown, except by a revelation of the Spirit. Then I began to ponder all of the amazing truths
that came to light for the first time in 2004. While
we covered many of them already, for the sake of recounting my own realization
at that moment of the true significance of 2004, let us briefly highlight
There were the incredible revelations regarding the rod. That which started as a seemingly foolish beginning
at the time of Passover (when the Bride equally began in Passover, 2000),
led to the most incredible truths. This included
the revelations regarding the golden rod that provide the former and the
latter rains – which again is the revelation of truth, or touching the head
of the rod. There was also the understanding
regarding Mount St. Helens and its testimony as Jerusalem above.
Then we received the incredible truth that we are now in the period of
the Millennial Reign, the Shelah third-part period of the church. And not only did Yahweh show us this truth, but He
did so in conjunction with revealing/unearthing the natural Pool of Siloam,
or the Pool of Shelah! After 2000 years of being
hidden, the Pool was revealed as an obvious testimony to that which He had
revealed to us! And we also saw the incredible
revelation regarding Daniel 9:24-27 and the three and one-half year ministry
period that is a covenant with the second Remnant!
There was the amazing testimony regarding Phinehas and the correlation
with the Curse of 1920, as well as the truth of Christianity being Gehenna. Paul’s rebellion against the apostles and the dramatic
parallel testimonies of Peter and Jonah going to Joppa was incredibly revealing. While Jonah sailed toward Tarshish/Tarsus, the gospel
to the Gentiles that was given to Peter in Joppa went to Paul of Tarshish/Tarsus.
There was the amazing testimony and experience regarding the historic
Florida hurricanes, as well as the revelation of Florida being the rod that
turns into a serpent. And during the time of
that whirlwind testimony, there was the VERY important Day of Atonement/Jubilee
contract that transferred the office of the twelfth apostle from Satan to
this man. Of course Mount St. Helens came back
to life at this very time affording a confirming testimony comparable to
the unearthing of the Pool of Siloam. Jerusalem
above is longing for her Husband!
Then we had the incredible testimony of the Curse of 1920 being reversed
via the dramatic, to say the least, Red Sox World Series win. And equally incredible was the correlation of the
World Series and Warren G. Harding (elected in 1920) and the election of
George W. Bush, a victory that alone testifies of the victorious second Remnant
– the double portion.
And finally, at the close of the year, we saw the incredible testimony
regarding Washington’s Battle of Trenton and the Indian Ocean earthquake
with the resulting tsunamis!
So, we ask – Was there not in fact a latter rain of truth in 2004? The answer is – obviously so!
The fact is, 2004 was an incredible year for the Remnant that will
stand out forever, and most certainly a welcomed turning point for this man
Once I saw the reality of this marvelous latter rain of truth, and this
realization took place within seconds, I was reminded of an experience
that Yahweh gave me several years before.
I had been a formative part of a group of people back in the early 1990’s
who experienced a wonderful move of Yahweh’s Spirit among us. It was so wonderful and fresh that some of the people
wanted to be baptized. I was pondering the same,
but the Holy Spirit clearly spoke to me and showed me that I was to reckon
instead on the baptism that I experienced as a boy around the age of twelve
or thirteen. I saw that it was in fact faith
that pleased Yahweh, and I was to reckon in faith on that which had taken
place once before in my life. This, I knew, was
the testimony relevant to 2004 as well, and it related in two ways.
First, that which took place in 2004 was in fact the fulfillment promised
per 2003. Only, we did not see it come in the
way we “thought” it would be. It was in fact a
latter rain of incredible truth. Therefore, we
are to reckon on that which Yahweh performed in 2004.
Second, we are to reckon in faith on the former rain that took place in
33 AD. Like my baptism that occurred when I was
a young boy, so the former rain was a baptism as well.
John the Baptist said that Yahshua was coming to baptize in the Holy
Spirit and fire. The former rain was that baptism,
even though the breach of Christianity has delayed its full results and
outcome. We are to reckon on that baptism and
walk in faith regarding it.
What will take place next? I cannot tell you. But I do not doubt what He did in 2004. And I know beyond a shadow of any doubt that Yahweh
has performed an effectual and amazingly revealing work since 1994 when the
Spirit came upon me and began opening my eyes to see the Remnant truth that
is the latter rain. Again, there is no way whatsoever
this man can see and know these incredible truths except the Spirit reveal
them, and He revealed an extraordinary amount in 2004 with confirming signs. Now we wait and watch and walk with anticipation,
eagerly awaiting that which Yahweh will continue to perform, looking to Him
who alone can cause a tsunami of His Spirit to cover the earth.
Continue to page 2 of 2004 Year-end Report for GOOD AND EVIL