Following was an e-mail sent out July 2, 2007, regarding Moses and Elijah.



Dear Remnant Bride Inquirer,


Just in the last few days I started seeing some things I had never seen before in the same light.  I like to ask questions to get people to start thinking, to start asking questions themselves, to look outside the box and ask for answers to things that take one below the surface, where the vast majority live each and every moment of the day.  So here are some intriguing related questions for you.


1. When Moses was told and shown at the burning bush that he would perform two signs that would cause belief, why did he later in Egypt perform the first sign but not the critical second sign?


These two signs were (1) the staff turning into a serpent and back into a staff, and (2) placing his hand into his bosom and it coming out leprous, then placing his hand back into his bosom and it coming out restored.  In Exodus 4:8, Yahweh declared: “If they will not believe you or heed the witness of the first sign, they will believe the witness of the last sign.”  Then He added that if they did not believe these two signs, he was to take some of the water from the Nile, pour it on the ground, and it would “become blood on the dry ground.”  But not only was the second sign not performed, neither was this third sign performed, but instead the Nile flowed with blood.  Only one of those signs declared by Yahweh was performed – the first regarding the staff.  Clearly, there is a revealing parable here that takes us well below surface thinking.


Now for the next question:


2. When Yahweh sought to kill Moses as he was on his way to Egypt, how could the circumcision of his son cause Yahweh to let him alone?


As Moses proceeded to go to Egypt to obey Yahweh and seek to deliver the sons of Israel, “Yahweh met him and sought to put him to death” (Exodus 4:24).  But his wife, Zipporah, “took a flint and cut off her son’s foreskin and threw it on Moses’ feet,” and said to him, “You are indeed a bridegroom of blood to me.”  Without a doubt, this too prophesies.  How could this circumcision of his son by his wife change Yahweh’s wrath against Moses, and what does it mean?  What does it prophecy?


Finally, question three:


3. When Peter declared on the day of Pentecost that Yahweh would raise up a prophet like Moses who would restore all things (Acts 3:19-23), who was he speaking of?


The answers to all three of these questions point to one man – an Elijah, who must come and fulfill that which “Moses” was to have fulfilled, but did not.


When Peter spoke of the “restoration of all things,” there is only one man spoken of who can fulfill that work?  Elijah.  As Yahshua clearly stated, “Elijah is coming and will restore all things” (Matthew 17:11). 


Moses stated that this man would be “a prophet like me from your brethren.”  Yahshua was not “from your brethren”; for clearly, both John the Baptist, who had the spirit of Elijah, as well as Yahshua himself, said that He was from above, and not of this world (John 3:13, 31).  And regarding Elijah, once again we see his identity confirmed: “Elijah was a man with a nature like ours” (James 5:17).  Without a doubt, Peter was not speaking of Yahshua when he declared these things concerning a prophet, but of Elijah. 


Who fulfilled the promise given to Moses that he would be hidden in the cleft of the rock on Mount Sinai and Yahweh would pass by (Exodus 33:17-23)?  That promise was not fulfilled by Moses, but by Elijah (1 Kings 19:8-14).


When it was time for Elijah to ascend alive into heaven, to where did he journey as he traveled across the land of Israel and crossed the Jordan River?  He went to the very area where his predecessor, Moses, had died – to the land east of the Jordan opposite Jericho.  Elijah ascended alive where Moses had died!


And what two attesting men stood on the mount of transfiguration with Yahshua as He was glorified?  Once again, it was the fulfilling pair – Moses and Elijah.  Repeatedly we see that Elijah is the prophet who fulfills that which is given to Moses.


And all of this is equally proven and evidenced in questions 1 and 2.  Let’s start with question 1.


1. When Moses was told and shown at the burning bush that he would perform two signs that would cause belief, why did he perform the first sign but not the critical second sign?


The answer to this seems quite evident, and lies in the same reason why the promise to Moses regarding Yahweh’s glory was not fulfilled by Moses.  To get right to the point, Moses did not fulfill the second of the two signs because there had to come one later who would do so – the Elijah.  Yahweh told Moses to do this, but in prophetic testimony regarding a Moses work, its fulfillment would come later in Elijah. 


What we find is that the Moses first Remnant in like manner began all the plagues that were actually evidenced by Moses.  The 2,000 year period of Christianity is the period of these plagues, or could equally be said to be the “great and terrible wilderness,” or the “great and terrible day of Yahweh” in Malachi 4:5, or even the “great tribulation” of the book of Revelation.  The fulfillment of the book of Revelation has been taking place for 2,000 years!  This is the period in which wrath is carried out against the kingdom of heaven on earth, the church.


This truth is evidenced in the “three days journey into the wilderness” requested by Moses “that they [Christianity] may sacrifice to Yahweh our God” (Exodus 3:18).  This is the three days, or 3,000 year journey of the wilderness “great tribulation” church, that must be cut short to two.


Therefore, the first sign that Moses did perform in Egypt was fulfilled when the staff that was taken by Mark Christianity was turned into a serpent, as Satan has ruled over the church.  But Elijah must now come and perform the second sign so as to cause men to believe.  The first part of that sign was performed when the first Remnant became leprous in their hand, in their works.  Now it is time for the second Remnant to form and to be healed of the leprosy that has afflicted kingdom men for 2,000 years, in their hand, in their works.


So what then is the answer to question 2?


2. When Yahweh sought to kill Moses as he was on his way to Egypt, how could the circumcision of his son cause Yahweh to let him alone?


What made Moses’ son so unique so as to be able to avert Yahweh’s wrath?  In like manner, let us ask pertaining to Malachi 4:5-6: Who is it who prevents Yahweh from carrying out a like wrath against the land in the “great and terrible day of Yahweh”?  Of course, once again it is Elijah.  So who in type was Moses’ son.  Can it not equally be said that as his son, he too was a man like Moses?  Most certainly so.  What then does this mean?  What is being said?  Once again, Moses’ son prophesies of the fulfilling Elijah who averts Yahweh’s wrath.  As we have already noted, like unto Moses’ son, Elijah is “a prophet like me.”


Furthermore, what is it that we have been learning regarding circumcision?  It speaks of Yahweh taking full responsibility, even as he did so for Abraham with the resulting birth of Isaac, the promised offspring.  And as of 1994, when Yahweh declared Jubilee, this is what is evidenced for this time.  The circumcision of Moses’ son by his wife and the foreskin being cast on, or applied to, Moses’ feet, evidences the work of Jerusalem above and that circumcision being applied to the kingdom rights, the feet, of the Moses first Remnant that will deliver them out of death, including the fulfilling Elijah.  Even as it is written in Hebrews 11:40, in like manner, “apart from us they would not be made perfect.”


Additionally, even the promised third sign that Moses equally did not perform seems to speak of good as well.  The commanded sign that was to have been performed was not what Moses performed.  Yahweh instructed that water from the Nile was to be poured on the dry ground and it would become blood.  Given the good of the second sign, it reminds me of Yahshua in the Garden where “His sweat became like drops of blood, falling down upon the ground.”  And is it not also very revealing that this act by Yahshua is only spoken of in second Remnant Luke, 22:44, when the Garden curse is to be reversed?  Likewise, Zipporah’s words to Moses were – “You are indeed a bridegroom of blood to me.”


But instead of applying the blood to the cursed dry ground, Moses took his staff/rod of judgment “that was turned into a serpent,” and then caused the Nile to be turned into blood.  Moses did not cause belief, but brought trouble and wrath.  Thus we see that the Moses work begins the period of wrath, judgment, and tribulation with the serpent, and awaits the fulfillment of good spoken of at the burning bush where Moses was told to take off his sandals and instructed to perform the signs that cause belief.  Therefore, the promise-receiving Moses work looks to the promise-fulfilling Elijah work.





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