Lovingkindness and truth have met together;
Righteousness and peace have kissed each other.
Psalm 85:10
There is a conflict that goes on in man and mankind that is expressed in many ways. It is not the conflict of good and evil, though the resolution of this subject conflict often produces results that can be either good or evil, but this conflict is equally pervasive. It is the conflict of law and mercy, and is a controlling and driving factor in Yahweh's works, His kingdom, as well as in relationships among man.
This matter of law versus mercy is seen in many contrasts, all of which express this one encompassing issue. As seen in the verses quoted above, this issue is equally contrasted as truth versus lovingkindness, or righteousness versus peace. It is equally contrasted as the masculine versus the feminine, and even bread versus wine. These last two contrasts may not seem evident to you right now, but as you will find, they will gain greater clarity and relationship as we go along.
All of these expressions, as well as others, boil down to the one issue we can call - law versus mercy. These are the two works that must find both legal as well as fruitful resolution. Just as we read above from the Psalms, these two actions must at some point come together; they must kiss each other.
But there are some problems with these two "kissing" each other, or "meeting together." For one, kissing between two contrasting expressions, and most certainly meeting together in union as one, as with the man and the woman must be legal. Because these two expressions do take on these male and female identities, the union of these require legal order for them to be acceptable to Yahweh. The union of these two apart from a legal order is adultery or fornication.
This has often been the problem with the misapplication of law and mercy - they are not put into practice according to love or order or with understanding, and the outcome is not blessed by Yahweh. Equally, some have even tried to abandon one or the other. Some demand law without mercy. Others want mercy and no law. Both are error and lead to exactly what one finds in the practice within a society with same sex relationships - there are no offspring. Failure to unite law and mercy fails to bring forth fruit. It is the legal union of law and mercy that produces acceptable fruit!
In the contrast of law and mercy, as one might expect, law is seen in the masculine, while mercy is seen in the feminine. When Adam was placed upon this earth for a period of time, he was the only creation existing per these two contrasts - male and female. Yet within him was a rib that would be used to bring forth this other gender (feminine mercy). For a period of time, the masculine law representative was all Yahweh needed. Adam alone fulfilled the requirement and plan of Yahweh. Through him in his solitary state, Yahweh's needed work of providing order and structure in naming all the animals was accomplished. But, there was a problem. Adam alone could not bring forth desired and necessary offspring - to be fruitful and multiply - thus necessitating that Yahweh bring forth the accompanying work of mercy, or Eve. In order for Yahweh to gain His desired results of procreation, He had to add the feminine quality, or mercy.
Likewise, when Yahweh began to establish a people to inherit a land upon this earth that He wanted to give to them, with what did He first provide them? Once again we see Yahweh repeating His work carried out in the garden and providing the masculine Adam work, this time the Law. After Yahweh had led the sons of Israel out of Egypt on Passover, He took them to the mountain of God and gave them the Law. Was the Law sufficient? No more than when Yahweh started with Adam only. And even as Adam labored alone for a period of time, so the Law was alone for a period of 1,500 years. What was it then that the Law needed? The accompanying quality of mercy.
First it must be specifically noted, and this is most important, that even as Eve came out of Adam, so mercy MUST come out of law. For some, this seems entirely inconsistent; but law is the originator of all things of Yahweh, even as Adam is the originator of all who are in mankind. When Adam was created, within him were all mankind who would follow, including Eve. Eve came out of Adam as a rib that had to be fashioned apart from Adam; but nonetheless, Eve did originate from Adam. Furthermore, from Adam's seed came forth all the rest of mankind. Thus we find that everything equally originates from Yahweh's Law. Yahweh does nothing apart from His Law, even in providing grace and mercy.
While the Law came on the first Pentecost, it would be mercy that would be provided on another Pentecost. How was that mercy to come? Through the blood of the Lamb, through the Law. In order for mercy and Law to come together, there first had to be a legal remedy, a legal union. Before this, mercy could have been cried for endlessly; but apart from a legal remedy, there could have been no mercy. The Law had to be satisfied, and to do so meant that any hope for mercy would have to be accomplished through the Law. Thus, it was written regarding Yahshua - "But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, in order that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons" (Galatians 4:4-5). Thus in verse six we read that because of this legal work provided by Yahshua, God was able to send forth the Spirit of His Son. We then see that mercy was not able to be extended to man outside of Yahweh's dealings with man in a legal manner. Once this legal provision was made through Yahshua, He could therefore send forth His Spirit to man - His mercy.
In the writing titled The Raven, we address some matters which are of a sexual nature. Sexuality is a most important and highly revealing part of Yahweh's testimonies. And like sexual relationships, the spiritual or kingdom matters revealed in them are equally concealed, that is until Yahweh chooses to have relations with man for the purpose of bringing forth spiritual offspring. When two parties enter into a bridal chamber, they begin to understand things about one another which were otherwise concealed. Yahweh did not design sexuality for man because it was of no prophetic significance or importance. Nothing, absolutely nothing, regarding the affairs and order of man is without prophetic and intercessoral purpose, certainly including sexuality. Sexuality is for those who are to be intimate, for those who, under proper legal order, desire a long term and fruitful relationship. It is a willingness to be open to and even exposed to one another. This is what Yahweh desires and offers to His bride.
When we examine this matter of law and mercy, we cannot address it without getting into the intimacies of sexuality. Even as the relationship of law and mercy is a male/female relationship, even as these two are an Adam/Eve relationship, so when we look at the act of the Law and mercy coming together per these two subject Pentecosts, we can best see what Yahweh accomplished and what legal acts He is performing by looking at it in the realm of sexuality. Why is this the case? What is Yahweh's object in accomplishing all of this? In the long term, there can only be one answer to this - to bring forth spiritual offspring to Himself. Fruitfulness has always been Yahweh's purpose regarding man, even from the very beginning when He commanded Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. But His higher purpose is to bring men into His immortal kingdom, or resurrection! And the fulfillment of this higher fruit-bearing is pictured in earthly man's efforts at bearing fruit - the natural foreshadowing and revealing the spiritual.
How then has Yahweh chosen to bring forth this fruit? Remember that whatever conclusion we find in this, it must be legal; for once again, Yahweh does nothing apart from His Law. Let us now see Yahweh's fruit-bearing process.
We will begin this matter by laying out a most important law. Pay great attention to this point. If Yahweh has given us a law, it is because He will fulfill it, even to every jot and tittle. Like Yahshua's statement regarding the Sabbath - "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath" (Mark 2:27) - so it could just as well be said that the Law was made for man, and not man for the Law. Have you discovered yet that you cannot keep the Law? It is absolutely impossible! So why did Yahweh give man the Law if he cannot keep it? Because the Law was made for man, and Yahweh will keep the Law for man's sake. THUS, when Yahweh declares a law, He has a purpose for it per His relations with man and His fulfillment of it on behalf of man. Though man cannot and will never keep the Law, Yahweh will. He will fulfill all His laws. So, let us now look at one of those laws; and in so doing, you are getting ready to have an entirely new concept of and develop an entirely new attention to the Law.
In Deuteronomy 22:28-29 we read - "If a man finds a girl who is a virgin, who is not engaged, and seizes her and lies with her and they are discovered, then the man who lay with her shall give to the girl's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall become his wife because he has violated her; he cannot divorce her all his days."
So, what could this mean per Yahweh's fulfillment of this law? Some laws are easier to discern, like the Passover lamb; but here is a law that needs the Spirit's revelation (even as did the Passover lamb at the right time).
In the writing titled Carmel, we noted a most intimate and inescapable truth. In the relationship of David and Bathsheba, the death of Bathsheba's husband at the directive of David, and Nathan's means of allowing David to judge himself, we find a most revealing testimony of Yahweh having relations with the first Remnant and the required death of the firstborn Son, Yahshua. (Click here to review this.) This may be to you a seemingly startling truth, but it is nonetheless true. Here in this law in Deuteronomy 22, we find a similarly revealing truth. The best way to approach this is to directly present it. The outcome will be most encouraging, as you will see.
In the just mentioned account regarding David, Yahweh reveals that He has had relations with a bride figure - the first Remnant. Keep in mind that the reason Yahweh does this is to bring forth offspring unto immortality. Now in this regard, Yahweh has also shown us through the natural functions of man that in order for Him to bring forth this offspring, He must likewise place His seed in man. Here is where Yahweh's sexuality is revealed, as pictured or foreshadowed in the natural in man. If Yahweh is to ever bring forth offspring, He must first have relations with man, or have "intercourse" with man. He must impart His seed to man. How can Yahweh do this? As you will see, Yahweh's intercourse with man, resulting in the impartation of His seed to him, is by giving us His Spirit. Yahweh's "semen" is His Spirit.
What is it that semen produces? Semen produces life or fruit - replication in one's likeness. Thus, for Yahweh to bring forth life/fruit like Him, He must plant His semen, His Spirit, in man. This was first done when the virgin Mary was impregnated by His semen through the Holy Spirit overshadowing her. But, and this is a most important "but," the overshadowing of Mary was only a picture of what had to take place in a much larger way. Here again, this too is very important to realize. What took place with Mary was a preluding pattern of what must equally take place in a people. Mary was only a type and shadow of that which must occur on the larger corporate level - a people must likewise be impregnated with the Spirit of God in order to bring forth the Son of God. Like Mary's natural work, they must prepare the way for the coming of the Son of God as King of kings.
The first attempt for the way of the Son of God to be prepared was with the first Remnant. Yahweh had intercourse with them. He had to in order to bring forth the Son of God. As with Mary, this was the only way He could do this - the Spirit had to overshadow them. Let us look at the details of this.
The process of intercourse is very specific. The male enters the virgin (the first Remnant was indeed a virgin, no man having had relations with them), and the first thing that takes place is that the hymen breaks. How did this first Remnant virgin's hymen break? Why did Yahweh even place the hymen in the woman, when He did not do so for any other created being on the planet (other than rarely in the horse)? Because He was providing testimony to His Son. When Yahweh entered into mankind, His penetration thereof required first the shedding of blood - the breaking of the hymen. This was effected by Yahshua's crucifixion. By the shedding of His blood, forgiveness and mercy were made possible, thus bringing forth the release of Yahweh's Spirit.
We are told that when Yahshua died, the veil of the temple was rent. Why was it rent? In testimony of Yahweh piercing the hymen or the veil of the holy of holies of mankind, and preparing to place His seed in the womb of mankind so that His Son could be brought forth. This Yahweh performed by giving His Spirit to the first Remnant. So, having entered into mankind and penetrating the hymen, the veil, the flesh of Yahshua which brought the forgiveness of sin, or mercy, He then placed His seed in man, which He did so on the day of Pentecost!
Once again, the one great reason Yahweh had in planting His seed, His Spirit, into man, was to bring forth the Son of God, as we see pictured in Mary. While bearing fruit unto Yahweh means the eventual entrance of men into immortality, that process has its beginning entirely in and through Yahshua.
The first time Yahshua's way was prepared was through one woman - Mary. This resulted in the Son of God receiving an earthly unglorified body. But that was not to be the extent of His coming, for He must also come into this world as reigning King of kings. According to Yahweh's ways, this necessitates another birthing process, this time not through one person, but through a company of people, not through a natural mother, but through a spiritual "mother." Who would be this "mother"? As we have said, the first possibility would be the first Remnant.
Yahshua declared motioning to a band of first Remnant believers - "Behold, My mother" (Matthew 12:46-49). It was not Mary, His natural mother, who would "birth" Him into the earth as reigning and glorified King; but His true "mother" was to be the Remnant - a company of people, as He pointed to on that occasion in Matthew 12:46-49.
BUT, did the first Remnant "mother" bring forth the Son of God? No, there was a breach! Yahshua did not come through the first Remnant, for the fact is it was too early for Him to come - 2,000 years too early! (This point is covered in The Issue - II. For further reading on this, click here.) Now at the completion of this period, we as the second Remnant have the hope of performing that which the first Remnant was not able - as the Elijah or even as the Mary, once again being overshadowed by the spirit of Yahweh and successfully preparing the way for Yahshua's return. In order to do this though, we must of necessity equally receive His shemen, His semen, even His latter rain. Yahweh must have relations with us again, even as He did with the first Remnant. What does all of this mean? It all has GREAT impact, as you will now see.
For what are we awaiting as we enter into the twenty-first century? We await the marriage of the Lamb. 1993 marked the completion of 120 Jubilees from Adam, and it is now legally time for the Son of God to be brought forth. So let us ask an important question - If we are waiting for the marriage of the Lamb, then what happened 2,000 years ago when Yahweh pierced the birth opening of the first Remnant, broke the hymen of mankind through Yahshua, and placed His seed into them on the day of Pentecost? It is clear that Yahweh placed Himself under the law of Deuteronomy 22:28-29 - "If a man finds a girl who is a virgin, who is not engaged, and seizes her and lies with her and they are discovered, then the man who lay with her shall give to the girl's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall become his wife because he has violated her, he cannot divorce her all his days."
First, fifty is the number of Pentecost. But most importantly, when Yahweh came to man prior to the marriage of the Lamb and had relations with the first Remnant, placing His seed in them, He had relations with a woman before the marriage ceremony, before the correct time. And here is the MOST exciting part of this! Yahweh's relations with the first Remnant before the proper time afforded two most encouraging things. First, it guarantees that He will complete the marriage ceremony! He has obligated Himself to this by His own Law, testifying what are His intentions - "she shall become His wife." Second, and this is MOST wonderful - He has equally obligated Himself so that He will not and cannot put His bride away - "He cannot divorce her all His days." Here again we see that He has established and guaranteed this through legal criterion.
If Yahweh had waited another 2,000 years before sending His Spirit, and at that time called out a bride, performed the marriage ceremony, and then had relations with her; under the law, if He ever became displeased with her, He could legally put her away. Not so with the Remnant Bride. We may be bad bride material in this second Remnant, but Yahweh has obligated Himself to carry out the marriage and never annul the relationship! THAT is VERY encouraging, especially when we examine ourselves as Bride members! Yahweh obligated Himself to this bride! And once married to her, He can never put her away.
So now you know what this law means. There are lots of laws like this, all of which Yahweh will fulfill for our sake.
Continue to page 2 of The Conflict for YAHWEH'S INTERCOURSE WITH MAN