Passover, the Promise
for the First-born
It is a most amazing thing, something that has escaped kingdom man for 2,000 years, that the Passover sacrifice of Yahshua has never been effected among man and is only now at the brink of its application and fulfillment. Christians have claimed that Yahshua is their Passover sacrifice, yet in the truest sense He is not at all. They cite that since Yahshua is the Passover sacrifice, their sins are forgiven. But the purpose of the Passover lamb had nothing whatsoever to do with the forgiveness of sins. The Passover lamb was sacrificed for one reason - to prevent the death of the first born!
What do Christians have to do with being the first-born? Christianity is a breach period, separating a work that was begun under the former rain, and will be completed under the latter rain. The work that Yahshua began in the first Remnant was interrupted by Christianity, and must be completed now with the second Remnant. What we find then is that Yahshua's death as the Passover lamb initiated a work with the promise of being preserved alive as the first-born. With the establishment of the first Remnant, that Passover promise resided with them; but because of the breach period of Christianity, that promise must now be fulfilled in the second Remnant.
Thus the promise to the Remnant is the promise of Passover - that the first-born will not suffer death! Christianity has not been the recipient of that promise; they have continued dying for 2,000 years. They are the 2,000 swine who all went to the sea of death when the legion of demons entered into them. While the first Remnant died as well, they are covered, even numbered, so that though they too died, they will ascend Mount Zion with the second Remnant to be glorified with Yahshua. Though they are a part of the 2,000 years, they are the beginning of the Passover work which, though experiencing a breach, will be completed in the second Remnant.
What you will read in the next two succinct paragraphs is very important, so read them very carefully. This entire matter of the kingdom of God is graphically portrayed in the birth of the two sons of Judah (the line of Yahshua) by Tamar. If you need to, read this account in Genesis 38, particularly verses 24 and following.
Like the birth of Zerah, the first Remnant placed its arm out to obtain the scarlet thread promise of being the first-born; but its brief act of being the first-born was interrupted by the breach of Christianity - the Perez, whose name means "breach" (Genesis 38:29). Only after the interrupting breach is the first-born-promise-receiving Zerah, the second Remnant, brought forth. Though the second Remnant is in fact born last, it has the scarlet thread promise through the first Remnant of being born first.
Even as Tamar's midwife saw a brief display of the one who captured the rights of being the first born, so the church has seen a brief display of the first-born Remnant. And even as the birth of that promise-receiving first born was delayed by the breach of Perez, so there has been a 2,000 year breach that has delayed the birth of the first-born-promise-receiving second Remnant. The second Remnant has the scarlet thread promise of being the first-born through the establishment of the first Remnant.
And this is what Passover truly is all about. While the first Remnant had the appearance of being the fulfillment of the promise of being the first born (vis-a-vis the promise - "there are some of those standing here who shall not taste death," Luke 9:27), that promise will be fulfilled in the second Remnant. Thus, the Passover promise of sparing the first born is one that will finally have its fulfillment only now, 2,000 years afterwards in the time of the second Remnant.
All the work that Yahshua performed on the cross per the sacrifice of Himself as the Passover lamb, was specifically for the Remnant. These are the first to enter into immortality, to be born from above. This does not mean in any way that Yahshua did not die for the sins of Christians, or for that matter for the sins of the entire world (1 John 2:2, 4:14, John 4:42, 1 Timothy 4:10, Romans 5:18). Yahshua's sacrifices as an intercessor were far more than just the Passover lamb, and those sacrifices were most certainly effectual in securing the forgiveness of sins. He was baptized by John into death, He took the Nazirite vow and drank of the sins of all, but most of all He ascended alive after death. But though He did intercede and even die for the sins of the many, this does not mean that His death as the Passover lamb was more than that for which it was legally obligated - in order to deliver the first born from death!
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