CONT., page 2
The purpose of this section is to bring to your attention just a few of these Bible contradictions, or as we have claimed, these Bible riddles. We have already seen some contradictions as pointed out by Mr. McKinsey, as well as the news group participant. Here we will draw a few more from the introductory writing in this series entitled - Bible Contradictions: Riddles. We will not spend much time on these, but only offer them as stimulating evidence to the variance that these texts in the Bible often afford. And again, it is our contention that these variances are both divinely intentional as well as revelatory.
The first contradiction that this writer ever saw as being the product of both intentional and revelatory authorship, is a very obscure point found in the gospels. This contradiction is the first riddle that is fully addressed in this series on "Bible Contradictions," and follows this writing. And even as Yahweh uses the small things to shame the wise and the strong, as you will see, this small point of contradiction holds a vast wealth of truth that fulfills that wise intention of God. Let us very briefly see what this first contradiction is.
In Matthew 10:9-10, we find Yahshua's specific instructions to His twelve disciples concerning what not to take on their first missionary journey which He was about to send them on. Two specific items will be noted here because they are the subject of a contradiction. In this account in Matthew, Yahshua tells His disciples specifically not to take sandals or a staff. Why this specific and unusual instruction? Because, as you will see in Bible Contradictions: The Sandals And The Staff, these items are highly significant in the laws, the order, and the ways of Yahweh. In obvious contrast, Mark gives us an entirely opposite account of this instruction of Christ to His twelve. We find in Mark 6:8-9 that Yahshua instructed them specifically to take both sandals as well as a staff. Are one of these accounts wrong? Obviously, some would take that position, as we pointed out in the first section of this writing. But what we find and what is addressed in the related writing is that this and other contradictions are indeed intentional and hold great meaning.
Continuing our comparison, in Luke 9:3 we read that Yahshua instructed His disciples once again not to take a staff, and there was no mention whatsoever concerning the sandals (which you will find speaks truth in itself). John does not address this account. For a full analysis of this contradiction and its highly revealing content, read Bible Contradictions: The Sandals And The Staff. First though, one must complete this writing in order to have the basis on which to understand the meaning of these separate accounts. Let us quickly point out other clear examples of these contradictions. If you have already read Riddles, you may want to proceed to the next section in this writing. If not, continue reading for a few more brief examples of clearly contradicting Bible accounts.
In Matthew, Yahshua rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and a colt, entered into the temple, and cast out the moneychangers, all in one day (Matthew 21:1-17). In Mark, Yahshua rode into Jerusalem on a colt, entered into the temple and looked around, then in clear contrast departed to Bethany to spend the night, returned to Jerusalem the following day, and then cast out the moneychangers (Mark 11:1-18). This would have been the day after riding into Jerusalem. In Luke Yahshua, once again in agreement with the Matthew account, rode into Jerusalem on a colt, entered the temple, and cast out the moneychangers, all on the same day (Luke 19:28-46). Finally, in John we find an account entirely different from the other three gospels. After performing His first miracle of turning water into wine, Yahshua next went into the temple and cast out the moneychangers! Ten chapters later, Yahshua rode into Jerusalem on a young donkey, and there is absolutely no mention of a temple cleansing (John 2:1-17 and 12:12-19). So what is the meaning of these clear contradictions? As you will find in forthcoming writings to be published on this site, the meaning is very great! First though, as you will see in the next section of this writing, in order to discern the riddle one must have an accurate understanding as to what each of these gospels represent. Let us now see another contradiction.
All the events cited in this example took place immediately following Yahshua's feeding of the 5,000. In Matthew the disciples were sent out onto the sea where Peter walked on water, and was saved by Yahshua. The disciples in the boat then worshipped Yahshua, saying, "You are certainly God's Son" (Matthew 14:13-36). In Mark, we find that Yahshua "intended to pass by them" and not get into the boat; and instead of worshipping Him, to the contrary "their heart was hardened" (Mark 6:30-56). Thus once again the Mark account has an entirely and shockingly different meaning! And if these differences are not already striking enough, look at the Luke account. The disciples were never sent out onto the sea, but instead they went to join Yahshua where He was alone! (This is an amazing contradiction with substantial meaning!) There He taught them the cost of following Him and promised that some of those standing there "would not taste death" until they saw the "kingdom of God" (Luke 9:12-27). In John, Yahshua withdrew to the mountain, perceiving that the multitudes were intending to "take Him by force" and make Him king. On the sea, Yahshua entered the boat with the disciples and "immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going" (John 6:1-21). So once again, we see striking contradictions in these different accounts.
To avoid being too lengthy or redundant here, we will point out one final (of numerous) contradiction in the gospels. This contradiction is one in which Bible theologians of necessity have often sought to resolve, in that it has to do with the crucial issue of the day on which Yahshua was crucified.
Matthew, Mark, and Luke all agree that Yahshua was crucified on the day following Passover, having shared the Passover meal with His disciples the night of His arrest (Matthew 26:17-19, Mark 14:12-15, Luke 22:7-16). But in clear contradiction, John states that Yahshua was crucified specifically on Passover (as our Passover lamb), and that the meal He shared with His disciples was simply a "supper" (John 13:1-4, 18:28, 19:13-14 & 36). Were you aware of this contradiction? Its presence has created a storm of writings that have come up with every imaginable way to try and resolve it. But, such resulting theological contortions are not necessary, if in fact Yahweh is saying something to us through this obvious contradiction, which He is.
A second group of contradictions are found in the Old Testament. These contradictions are facilitated by Yahweh's intentions of providing two often remarkably parallel accounts as recorded in Samuel and Kings, in contrast to Chronicles. Frankly, it is this similarity in which there is almost word for word accounting in many cases, that makes the contradictions so (1) obvious, and (2) meaningful. Let us look once again at only a few of these contradictions.
As pointed out by Mr. McKinsey, in 1 Kings 7:26 we read that the sea in Solomon's temple had a volume of 2,000 baths; but, in the identically worded account in 2 Chronicles 4:5, we read that the same sea had a much larger volume of 3,000 baths. Which one is right - 2,000 or 3,000? This is a considerable difference! But as we will see, from the standpoint of what Yahweh is truly speaking to us, the message in the contradiction is exceedingly far more important than the mere accuracy of the volume of this great vessel. Who really cares what its volume was? The true volume of that vessel has no affect upon us today. But, the far greater and infinitesimally more impacting question to be discerned is - What is Yahweh seeking to tell us by these intentionally contradicting volumes? Even as the New Testament is God's infallible word, equally so is the Old Testament. When Yahweh recorded the volume of the sea as containing two clearly different volumes in these two accounts, He seeks to tell us something very important by this contradiction.
A more obscure but nonetheless significant contradiction (since any time Yahweh seeks to communicate anything to man is significant) is found in 1 Kings 8:66 and 2 Chronicles 7:10. Once again these two passages are the accounts of the identical event, this time the dedication of Solomon's temple. The dedication was during the feast of Tabernacles, and in 1 Kings we read that the people were sent home on the "eighth day," which would have been on the twenty-second day of the seventh month. In contrast, 2 Chronicles tells us that the people were sent home "on the twenty-third day of the seventh month." So again we see a clear contradiction. And again we ask - What is it Yahweh is seeking to tell us in this Divine contradiction? Or as we ask in the writing entitled Riddles, what is the riddle He has propounded?
The third and final example we will cite is a bit more lengthy to lay out; thus, this accounting will require a little more thought on the part of the reader. With all the interest in Armageddon, one should be interested in knowing specifically what Biblical events took place in the town from which that valley received its name - Megiddo. I suggest that if you want to know what will happen at Armageddon (meaning, valley of Megiddo), then you must examine the unusual and contradicting set of circumstances surrounding Megiddo. Time will reveal that what will indeed occur at Armageddon, is as illusive to discern as the actual accounts regarding the deaths of two Judah kings at Megiddo.
We read in the second book of Kings that two kings died at Megiddo. Ahaziah, king of Judah, was shot by Jehu's men at Ibleam, and wounded "he fled to Megiddo and died there" (9:27). Likewise, the good king Josiah, also of Judah, went out to do battle with Pharaoh Neco of Egypt, and Neco "killed him at Megiddo. And his servants drove his body in a chariot from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem and buried him ..." (23:29-30). But what do the parallel accounts of these events in Chronicles reveal? Let us see. You may be surprised.
In 2 Chronicles 22:9 we read that Ahaziah did not die at all in Megiddo, but that he fled south to Samaria (which was south of Ibleam), was brought to Jehu (who was either at Jezreel where he next killed Jezebel or at Ibleam), and was put to death. According to 2 Chronicles then, Ahaziah was killed in Jezreel or Ibleam, and never went to Megiddo.
And how about King Josiah; according to 2 Chronicles, where did he die? We read - "And the archers shot King Josiah, and the king said to his servants, 'Take me away, for I am badly wounded.' So his servants took him out of the chariot and carried him in the second chariot which he had, and brought him to Jerusalem where he died ..." (35:23-24). Thus we see that according to 2 Chronicles, Josiah explicitly died in Jerusalem, not in Megiddo as recorded in 2 Kings.
Thus we have another set of perplexing contradictions surrounding the deaths of two men; both according to Kings dying in Megiddo, but in Chronicles dying in entirely different places - Jezreel or Ibleam and Jerusalem - and even in marked different scenarios. So here once again we have another contradiction riddle from Yahweh.
These are only a mere few of the contradicting accounts in which Yahweh has propounded to men riddles concerning His plans. His word is accurate, accurate in message and accurate in construction. The question remains - What are the meanings of these contradiction riddles? In order to answer these riddles, one must have a correct understanding of what it is that Yahweh is doing in His church. The church is the kingdom of Yahweh to mankind, and all that He performed in the past as well as in the future surrounds this one most important work. In order to answer the riddles, let us now consider the construction of this kingdom, His church.
Continue to page 3 of The Key... for THE CHURCH