Are you aware that the Bible gives evidence to not one, but two distinct Passovers during the time of Yahshuas crucifixion, giving theologians a most troubling test on Bible chronology? There are parts of the Bible that absolutely will not go together chronologically, with some accounts even offering glaring contradictions. This matter surrounding the date in which Yahshua was crucified is one such case of immense unreconcilable difficulties.
Most chronological differences or contradictions in the Bible are merely passed over or even ignored by both the casual reader, as well as the ardent theologian. Under present beliefs in Christianity, the contradictions logically make no sense. For example, who could give an answer why in Matthew and Luke Yahshua cast out the moneychangers in the temple on the same day in which He triumphantly rode into Jerusalem on a donkey (or even two donkeys if you read Matthew, providing yet another contradiction), while in Mark He rode in on a donkey, looked into the temple, went to Bethany to spend the night, and then on the next day went again to the temple and at that time cast out the moneychangers (Matthew 21:1-13, Mark 11:1-17, Luke 19:29-46)? This occurred just before the Passover in which Yahshua was crucified. Then, of course, if you want another contradiction on this temple cleansing, in John, Yahshua performed His first miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding feast of Cana, then went to Jerusalem to observe that years Passover and at that time cast out the moneychangers (John 2:13-17). Later in John when He rode into Jerusalem on the donkey, there was absolutely no mention of His cleansing the temple, as the other gospels record. To resolve this, most chronologists simply say He cast out the moneychangers twice; but with further examination of the Scriptures, one would have to say Yahshua made it a real habit of doing this, performing it not once, or even twice, but three times - two days right in a row! (But then, how does one explain that in Mark, it is specifically recorded that Yahshua only looked around the temple upon His triumphant entry and then left?)
There are many other contradictions as well, but they cannot all be addressed here. The reader may want to read the writing - RIDDLES - which brings up several of these contradictions, and addresses Yahwehs purposes for them. The purpose of this writing is to address this one specific divine contradiction regarding Passover and the crucifixion of Yahshua.
Up to now, every theologian has addressed the Bibles contradictions solely on the basis of how they can be chronologically resolved. The majority of these theologians believe that the Bible is truly the inspired word of God, yet they view these contradictions as if they are problems of mechanics that must be solved. But have you ever considered that these contradictions are actually intentional, and that these differences are designed to say something to us concerning the plan and works of Yahweh? This being so, no longer would they have to be resolved chronologically (which in many cases is absolutely impossible); but instead, they would need to be searched and compared, prayed over and understood from the standpoint of what Yahweh is telling us in their differences. If it is maintained that the Scriptures are under the authorship of the Holy Spirit, then frankly, it must equally be maintained that the contradictions within the Scriptures are likewise His authorship, are intentional, and contain hidden riddle meanings that wait to be understood.
So in the example we just cited, the question should not be - How can each of these contradicting accounts be reconciled?; but rather - What is Yahweh saying in these differences? Considering the introductory example, why in Matthew was the temple cleansed on the same day Yahshua made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem? Why in Mark was the temple cleansed on the following day after Yahshua spent the night in Bethany? Why once again in Luke was the temple cleansed on the same day of His entry into Jerusalem? And then, why in John is the temple cleansed at the very beginning of the book, immediately following Yahshua turning the water into wine? These are the questions that must be asked, not the impossible task of how they can all be reconciled chronologically.
The key to understanding the answer to these greater questions requires an understanding of what each gospel represents prophetically. Since prophecy is not a matter of ones own interpretation, the only answer regarding the true representation of each of these gospels is wholly dependent upon Yahwehs design. And as one would expect, it is paramount that the representation be entirely consistent, both in representation and in interpretation!
And this is exactly what this writer has found when assigning specific works of Yahweh to the gospels (as well as in the Old Testament). This writer has already written on the four works of God represented in the four gospels, and that work can be read under the title - The Key To Their Understanding. In fact, it is truly incumbent that you first read The Key To Their Understanding in order to discern what will be presented here, as that writing lays out the pattern, significance, and meaning of these four often distinctly different gospels.
For the sake of review per that most important preparatory writing, it is highly supported that the gospel of Matthew represents the first Remnant of the church that was created by the former rain of Pentecost (recorded in Acts). This work was Jerusalem-based, was under the care of the twelve disciples, and its period extended to the stoning of Stephen (for reasons which are addressed later in this work). The gospel of Mark represents the ensuing and greatly extended period known as Christianity, having its origins in Antioch with Paul. The gospel of Luke represents a second Remnant that is to be equally formed by a rain (a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit), but this time the latter rain. These two former and latter rain works fulfill the two-part work occupying the beginning and the end of the church. (A great deal is written on this web site concerning this two-part work, e.g., The Promise!) Finally, the gospel of John represents the perfected kingdom of God from above, versus that kingdom that has been defiled by carnal men for the last 2,000 years.
These are the four distinct works of Yahweh represented by the four gospels. Only by understanding the application of these four gospels to these four specific works, can one truly discern exactly what Yahweh is telling us in these numerous contradictions, as well as even the lesser differences and variations. With this understanding, let us now proceed to our study of the Passover contradiction relative to the crucifixion of Yahshua.
Continue to page 2 of Passover for THE DAY OF YAHSHUA'S CRUCIFIXION?