At the close of the second writing in this series on the covering of the bride of Yahshua and Tabernacles, the following bold information was inserted without any further explanation. What is it saying? How is it that Elijah relates to Tabernacles? What revealing representation was made by Yahshua's triumphal entry into Jerusalem? And, what is in store for the days ahead? These are questions that will be addressed in this third and concluding writing.
Luke 19:37-40
The whole multitude of the disciples
began to praise God with a loud voice
If we His Elijah Remnant remain silent,
The stones of judgment will cry out for wrath!
Cry out, oh Remnant, Cry out!!
When Yahshua made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, we have before us a highly prophetic testimony of what it will be like and what must take place in order for Yahshua to triumphantly return to earth to accomplish that which the people in Jerusalem thought and were certainly expecting would then take place - the reign of the Messiah on this earth, the King taking His place upon the throne. If you want to know what must precede the return of Yahshua, then simply examine His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. That which happened there in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago, is a forerunner of that which will happen again, even now. "That which has been is that which will be."
In light of popular teachings, we must ask - Did Yahshua first send wrath on Jerusalem before entering there? Did He bring down fire from heaven as "He resolutely set His face to go to Jerusalem," even as His sons of thunder requested on the Samaritans (Luke 9:51-54)? Did He first stone a few people to foreshadow the great hailstones that Christians expect? Is not this the type of wrath that Christianity teaches, only far worse? Are they not the fulfillment of the sons of thunder? So where is that wrath at Yahshua's triumphal entrance? There are so many Christians teaching this thundering wrath, and they have been teaching it for 200 years, that they think they cannot be wrong. So if they are right, there would have to be some wrath here that foreshadowed that which would come before Yahshua's return.
Yahshua came into Jerusalem on a colt, and the people began to cry out - "Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord; peace in heaven and glory in the highest!" "Peace" ? Did they say, "peace"? That does not sound like what Christianity teaches. Christians say that when Yahshua returns, He will not come to bring peace, but wrath and wholesale destruction - the terrible seals, trumpets, and bowls; the blood up to the horse's bridle; the sea turning to blood; and that is only the beginning! They say it is going to be bad, really, REALLY bad! So how could the people proclaim "peace" at Yahshua's triumphal entry?
Did Yahshua bring their expected wrath? NO! He came into Jerusalem as the Prince of Peace to bring peace, even as the multitude rejoicingly acknowledged. Why so, when everyone is telling us He will return with wrath? The answer to this revealing question is contained in this very passage. Let us see why.
When Yahshua approached the descent of the Mount of Olives (the testimony of His two olive tree Remnant, the two olive tree sons of fresh oil who return with Yahshua to reign in the Millennium), Luke 19:37 tells us that "the whole multitude of the disciples began to praise God joyfully with a loud voice for all the miracles which they had seen." Why were they praising Him? For tumultuous wrath and destruction? No! They praised Him for all the good and marvelous miracles He had done preceding His triumphal entry. People do not praise and give honor to One who has wrathfully afflicted them. In fact, we read in Revelation that when that wrath spoken of there is carried out, the people would curse Him all the more - Revelation 16:9, 21. Wrath brings not the turning of the heart, but disdain all the more. Praise is given to One who has shown goodness and mercy. These are the works that will precede the return of Yahshua, not Christianity's wrath. These are the works for which His disciples cry out praises, who rejoice in the peace He is bringing.
There is a very real and great cause for Yahshua to triumphantly return in peace and not wrath, and the pursuit of that understanding is the purpose of this final brief writing in this three-part series. Yes, as we read from the Scriptures, Yahshua could return in wrath. That is a very real option! But what Christians do not realize is that the wrath spoken of in Revelation, would be carried out against them for their corruption of Yahweh's kingdom. The wrath they expect on the world was meant for them; and some day their blinded eyes will be opened, and like a repentant Balaam they will be most glad they were so very wrong in their expectations.
But the point or question once again in all of this is - Why then would Yahweh not carry out His wrath? Let us go once again to this account and see exactly why.
When the people began crying out praises for their coming King, the Pharisees in the multitude said to Him - "Teacher, rebuke your disciples." What were these disciples doing? They were crying out His praises; and in Matthew 21:8, we read that while doing this they were preparing His way by spreading their garments in the road, and cutting branches from the trees and spreading them before Him as well. Yahshua answered those objecting Pharisees, saying - "I tell you, if these become silent, the stones will cry out."
What could He mean by this answer? What does any of this mean? We know plainly that Christianity does not know what this means, because they do not even understand the work that is so essential here. Christianity has never seen the truth of this statement, because Christianity is blind and cannot see. What was Yahshua saying when He said regarding these who were preparing His way - "I tell you, if these become silent, the stones will cry out"? The answer to this question is found in this entire prophetic picture and practice being carried out here, foreshadowing what will take place before and at the return of Yahshua as King, and letting us know why it is that Yahweh will not return in wrath, but in peace. To understand this, let us look at the whole picture.
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