In the writing titled One Thing You Still Lack, in the "Update" Section, some marvelous comparisons were revealed regarding the feast of Tabernacles and the covering of the bride. Just before that writing was published on the web, Yahweh showed this writer some more amazing and highly relevant similarities and correlations. This writing is being published to add testimony to this most meaningful and significant feast.
Never before has this writer seen so much conclusive evidence on one matter as we find here with the covering of the bride. Why so much evidence? Undoubtedly for two reasons. First, because this covering of the bride is so immensely important to Yahweh! The establishment of the Remnant and its covering is the turning point for all mankind, and the Remnant cannot speak on Yahweh's behalf or ascend to Him without this most important covering.
Second, this first Remnant practice of holding all things in common is so radical and different from normal society, that Yahweh must give us ample evidence to insure that we pursue the adoption and carrying out this practice, this covering.
We have already seen in One Thing You Still Lack how the booth is a picture of the covering that must be placed over the Remnant bride in order for her to pray and prophesy, and ascend to the Father. In this writing we will see even further how Tabernacles amazingly relates to this most important bride covering of holding all things in common, the "weaving" together of our provisions to form a "booth" under which we temporarily reside.
We are going to look at what was most likely the first Tabernacles that the sons of Israel went through, or at least gave testimony to, upon entering the promised land. Let us note here that entering the promised land is a Remnant message, an experience that comes to the Remnant after the long wilderness of death and testing, or the 2,000 year period of Christianity. So when we look at this entrance into the promised land, we should be able to see truths that relate specifically to us as His Remnant bride; and that is precisely what we find! Let us see what took place and when, and relate these events to the second Remnant. What we find is that these events were all entirely feast related, the first having to do with Passover.
We know that the sons of Israel entered the promise land on the tenth, just before Passover, and soon after entering celebrated that feast (Joshua 4:19 and 5:10). Equally, this Remnant bride rib that exists at the time of this writing, was formed at Passover and the delayed Passover, 2000.
Between the tenth and the fourteenth, all the sons of Israel were circumcised. None had been circumcised while in the wilderness, and thus they were instructed to take flint knives and be circumcised "the second time" (Joshua 5:2). This statement that they were to be circumcised the "second time," is a clear prophetic message that relates specifically to the second Remnant. (If you want to see the prophetic circumcision of the first Remnant, then go to Exodus 4:25 where you will find the same and only preceding testimony of this like circumcision with the flint knife. This is the Remnant that Yahweh had to put to death - the first bird for the cleansing of the leper.)
What specifically was the next event that occurred in the promised land following Passover? The "captain of the host of Yahweh" came to Joshua, had him remove his sandals, and Joshua was instructed how to take Jericho. This captain was none other than Yahshua.
Before moving on however, let us note that the circumcision of the sons of Israel relates very much to this removal of Joshua's sandals. Hopefully you have read The Sandals And The Staff, where we see that sandals speak of the responsibility of bringing forth the pure kingdom. The cutting away of the flesh and the removal of the sandals is a similar testimony. Cutting away the flesh is removing our fleshly ability to accomplish Yahweh's work; while removing the sandals is likewise a relinquishing of that ability and responsibility to Yahweh.
Following Passover, as well as Pentecost, the next feast would be Tabernacles. What is Tabernacles? This we see attested in Jericho, though it is unlikely that the full amount of actual time would have transpired. Clearly, it is the "battle" in which the captain of Yahweh's host first comes and gives instruction on how it must take place. And not only is it a "battle" that requires specific instruction, but it is a "battle" of Divine intervention and provision, requiring complete obedience, as well as total sanctification. Let us examine what took place at the capture of Jericho.
Everyone is undoubtedly familiar with the capture of Jericho, as the sons of Israel each day marched around the city for seven days, and then on the seventh and final day marched around the city seven times; then upon shouting, the walls of Jericho came tumbling down. But let us look at another important part of this event that would have dramatic repercussions on the sons of Israel.
Joshua 6 provides the account of the capture of Jericho. It tells of the seven days of marching, as well as what took place on the seventh and final day. Let us look more carefully at that important seventh day. Provided here are verses 15 through 19 of that account.
Then it came about on the seventh day that they rose early at the dawning of the day and marched around the city in the same manner seven times; only on that day they marched around the city seven times.
And it came about at the seventh time, when the priests blew the trumpets, Joshua said to the people, "Shout! For Yahweh has given you the city. And the city shall be devoted, it and all that is in it belongs to Yahweh; only Rahab the harlot and all who are with her in the house shall live, because she hid the messengers whom we sent.
"But as for you, only keep yourselves from the things under devotion, lest you covet them and take some of the things under devotion, so you would make the camp of Israel accursed and bring trouble on it. But all the silver and gold and articles of bronze and iron are set apart to Yahweh; they shall go into the treasury of Yahweh."
The account goes on to say that they shouted and the priests blew the trumpets and the wall fell down flat; and the people went in and took the city. "And they utterly destroyed everything in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox and sheep and donkey, with the edge of the sword." Let us look more closely at this which, as we said, would have dramatic repercussions on the people.
We see here the command of Yahweh given to Joshua that nothing in the city could be taken for themselves - everything was "set apart" and "devoted" to Yahweh; all the people, the animals, the spoils, every item and thread in the city, everything, belonged to Yahweh. Everything was "devoted"!
The word here - "devoted" - is unfortunately translated very poorly in various Bible translations. For example, if you have a New American Standard, the word "devoted" is translated - "under the ban." Or, if you have the King James, it is even more poorly translated - "accursed." But the idea in the Hebrew word "cherem" that was used here is not "banned," and certainly not "accursed," but is more accurately, "devoted." Let us read a few other verses in which this identical Hebrew word, "cherem," was used. We will even quote the King James version in order to see how this identical Hebrew word was otherwise translated. In each of the following cases, the items referred to here were the first fruits that belonged to Yahweh.
Notwithstanding no devoted thing, that a man shall devote unto the LORD of all that he hath, both of man and beast, and of the field of his possession, shall be sold or redeemed: every devoted thing is most holy unto the LORD (Leviticus 27:28).
Everything devoted in Israel shall be thine (for the priests, Numbers 18:14).
They (the priests) shall eat the meat offering, and the sin offering, and the trespass offering; and every dedicated thing in Israel shall be theirs (Ezekiel 44:29).
As correctly translated in these verses, the Hebrew word "cherem" means - "devoted or dedicated," or even like the word translated "holy," which is used in "Holy Spirit," the word means "set apart." So we see that even as the first fruits of man were "devoted" or "set apart" to Yahweh, Jericho (and this is most significant), the first city to be taken upon entering the promised land, was equally "devoted" or "set apart" to Yahweh. Jericho was in fact the first fruits offering to Yahweh at the sons of Israel's entrance into the promised land, and in its entirety belonged to Him. None of it could be redeemed; it was ALL His - devoted!
Thus, recognizing the true translation of the word "cherem," we acknowledge the MOST important association, both in word usage ("cherem") as well as timing (first fruits in the promised land) - everything in Jericho was "devoted" to Yahweh as His first fruits. Hopefully this "word" or terminology discrepancy is taken care of, and you now view everything and everyone in Jericho as first fruit offerings to Yahweh.
And might we say here, notice that Yahweh evidently did not bother to explain this to the sons of Israel. He just gave them instructions. No, it is us today that are given eyes to see; but with those seeing eyes comes GREAT responsibility. For as it is written, to whom much is given, much is required. And as you saw in One Thing You Still Lack, and what you will continue to find here, MUCH is being required of His second Remnant bride!
Yahweh does not always explain things. He hides things so that when we His bride come along and do not have the eyes of a "Leah" work (whose eyes are weak) but the seeing eyes of a beloved Rachel work, we will begin to see all things clearly. And what you are getting ready to see in this writing is nothing less than evidence of opened eyes - seeing things which NO MAN BEFORE has seen. Blessed be Yahweh for opening our blinded eyes! Blessed be Yahweh for touching our eyes a second time!
This matter of Jericho being first fruits unto Yahweh is not new information; but, what you are getting ready to learn has never been seen or taught before by man. We are Yahweh's second Remnant bride, and we MUST have truth in order to be set free, even as promised (John 8:32). There is no other reason that we, today, should be seeing these marvelous things. We are the bride that must press the Groom until we understand the riddle that at the end of the "seven days" of the church gives us the "thirty linen wraps and thirty changes of clothes" (Judges 14:10f). (Linen is the fabric of priesthood, and the change of clothes is the change of this flesh that clothes us, exchanging the corruptible for the incorruptible.) And we can understand these things for one reason - we are the bride and He, our groom, will and is revealing them to us. You are getting ready to hear and understand things that no other has ever known! You are getting ready to hear and understand things that are given to us as His fair and highly blessed bride! You are getting ready to hear and understand things that will, only if you obey, provide you linen priesthood garments and a new born-from-above body!
Continue to page 2 of Tabernacles ... for DEVOTED THINGS AND THE FIRST REMNANT