Feminism has so much become an accepted part of the psyche of American society that when a man holds to the principles upon which this nation was established, he is instantly slandered as an archaic male chauvinist bigot. But a look at history during and since the founding of this nation reveals that we today have indeed become so subnormal concerning the proper order and place of men and women, that when someone actually becomes normal, they appear abnormal. All one has to do is look at the order of society at our founding as a nation and observe its fruit, then compare it with the societal order we have today and its fruit, and the evidence as to what is right is starkly obvious!
John Adams, one of our founding fathers, one of five men appointed to draft the Declaration of Independence, and America’s first Vice President and second President, astutely warned:
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.
Equally, the first President of our nation, George Washington, warned:
Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.
Like a rebellious teenager caught up in the loose, irresponsible, fancy-free pop culture, we as a nation are gravely foolish having ignored these warnings and disregarded the inevitable consequences. We as a nation are neither moral nor religious!
What then is the cause for and the solution to our foolishness? Unfortunately, all that men try to do today in our utterly failing society is to place bandages or a topical dressing on our deep causative afflictions, and in fact do nothing to truly reverse the inevitable. We’re a ship headed for certain disaster, but are too much caught up in revelous pleasure to forthrightly alter the glaringly destructive course. Following in the ways of Sodom and Gomorrah of old, we too are seduced and blinded by the “arrogance, abundant food, and careless ease” of our own waywardness. We as a nation are drunk on pleasure, irresponsible, and our vain obsession with personal rights, otherwise known as greed, will most certainly further effect our ruin!
The cause for our foolishness is that we have abandoned the principles, practices, and beliefs upon which this nation was founded; and the only solution is to forthrightly and fearfully return to them. This will take major changes in our present-day highly feminized society.
How did this fateful abandonment take place? Ever so gradually we moved the line away from what was held to be true and right, in small increments compromising on many vital issues until we are now miles away from where we were. Society has not had the foresight to see where this ill course will take each succeeding generation; and even so, unless each generation experiences the full consequences, that’s only left for another generation to endure. Ironically, each generation thinks that the next generation is the one that has departed and strayed, not realizing their own part in our nation’s successive demise. But if we look back at life before 1920, we can see what we have left. Let’s now examine one example of this fateful departure – education.
Our schools today are designed to destroy social, moral, and religious values, overturn the established role of men and women, and are in fact a cesspool of ill and destructive influences. For two hundred years – throughout the latter 1600s, 1700s, and into the 1800s – our nation’s colleges were exclusively for men. It was not until 1850, when the feminist movement began to be more prominently evidenced, that colleges began experimenting with coeducation, placing young men and women in the same educational facilities. Thereby, the critical line of distinction between men and women began its fateful drift away from the sound causative founding principles of this nation. Evidenced in many ways, including this incremental destruction of our education system, the women’s rights movement continually proves to be the most destructive and greatest enemy to mankind on the face of the earth!
The very fact that co-education began reveals the true aspirations of feminism – for the woman to be equal to the man, “co” meaning equal. As addressed in The Curse of 1920, this is the curse of the woman that is rooted all the way back in the original Garden of Eden – “your desire will be for [the place of] your husband” (Genesis 3:16). Women continue to seek that forbidden fruit that is a delight to the eyes and promises to make one wise, yet leads to death! And frankly, irregardless of whether you believe in the Bible or not, this matter of feminism is entirely rooted in the spiritual. The women’s rights movement is categorically Eveonian – of or characteristic of Eve!
What has this feminization of education produced? What is its fruit? … Destruction! How do we count the ways? … Where does one begin?
First, placing young men and women in the same educational facilities is guaranteed disaster! The mere fact of placing them in education as equals is the first step down the road of error, confusion, and compromise. Men and women are not equal in any way. Governmentally, by God’s design and order the man is to rule over the woman – in the home, as well as civilly. Likewise, he is to be the provider. Learning-wise, it is proven that boys learn better from men, and girls learn better from women. Physically, the man is twice as strong as the woman. Socially, men are more independent, resourceful, willing to make it on their own; whereas women look for their Prince Charming, the one who will help them. This difference is why feminized government has produced a burgeoning welfare mentality. Emotionally, the man is more logical, whereas the woman is more emotional. Educationally, men and women have differing strengths and weaknesses, as well as differing needs for preparatory skills and training. To place the two together in latter developmental and preparatory educational facilities muddies these divine differences and begins a course of homosexuality (one and the same sex) and error.
Having noted this though, it is important to realize that feminism is not relegated solely to women, but equally affects men. Men and women alike can express feminization. In fact, some women are more masculine in their thinking, attitudes, beliefs, and actions than some men.
One of the gravest errors associated with our entirely failed education system is the guaranteed failure of taking young men and women who are now wired and plumbed for marriage and bearing children, and throw them into the distracting mix of unprofitable and destructive companionship. What again was the example given to us by our founding fathers? Young men who went to college did so to gain specific training that prepared them for employment and societal benefit. They were not distracted by “dating” and like female distractions. Young men today finish high school and go off to college at the age when these same men in earlier times had already completed college and were ready to establish a family and career.
Today, our education system drags out education so far that it is entirely unnatural. At the very age when young men and women should be establishing a family, we ship them off alone to be exposed to immoral liberal women’s-rights-tailored coed facilities. Education today must return to being tailored to the biological clock of puberty so that when men and women are capable of producing children, their education is near completion. To place fully sexually equipped young men and women together for a duration that is unnatural for the human body, is socially and morally irresponsible and entirely contrary to building solid homes and families. Instead of training young men and women for stable families, our present education system trains them that relationships are short-term and meant for self-gratification. Instead of fostering lifelong commitments, relationships are reduced to one-night stands. At the close of one’s life, what is it that is most important but one’s family. Yet our education system is not only oblivious to the fulfillment of this ultimate valued quest and does not support it, but it in fact seeks to derail and destroy the family. Secondary and, particularly, post-secondary education today is, by its very nature, entirely anti-family.
Add to this the horrendous ills of our immoral entertainment and advertising industries, as well as the aberrant liberal standards that have come to us through feminism whereby moral social standards are thrown out and all that matters is beastly pleasure, coed facilities are simply breeding grounds of moral destruction. And as Washington, Adams, and others sternly warned, morality and religion are indispensable for a healthy and enduring America, neither of which we now possess.
The wisdom of Solomon regarding our present education system was succinctly expressed when he wrote:
Rejoice, young man, during your childhood, and let your heart be pleasant during the days of young manhood. And follow the impulses of your heart and the desires of your eyes. Yet know that God will bring you to judgment for all these things [Ecclesiastes 11:9].
God will not be mocked regarding this warning or our foolish pleasure-seeking actions, any more than the warnings of Washington or Adams will be mocked as well. Fools alone despise these weighty matters!
In similar regard, repeated throughout the writings of Solomon is what can be called the trinity of truth. What would you think if I told you that the trinity of truth was the following:
First gain knowledge; thereby, one can then secure understanding; and with that understanding comes wisdom?
Would you agree with this? If so, you are tragically wrong! Solomon consistently set forth the opposite order for securing truth:
First seek wisdom; upon gaining wisdom, then one secures understanding; and with right understanding one can then gain true knowledge.
Otherwise, when the knowledge one gains is wrong, such as that which the Eveonian women’s rights movement has so successfully fed to us, then understanding is false, which we so plainly see evidenced today, and wisdom is false. This is the recipe for error, the very error clearly evidenced in our education system.
Our nation has forsaken the wisdom of our founding fathers and tragically erred by making the pursuit of knowledge foremost, preeminent, and forcing scholastic education to be unnaturally extended far beyond puberty. “Knowledge first” is backwards, and is not truth. Truth only comes through first seeking and applying wisdom; and wisdom does not allow the entirely destructive education system we have today.
In the opening, we noted that in order to see whether our founding fathers or we today are correct, all one has to do is look at the order of society at our founding as a nation and observe its fruit, then compare it with the societal order we have today and its fruit. The evidence is both obvious and overwhelming!
While our founding education system produced the wisdom and valor exhibited in our nation’s formative years – the product of the Age of Enlightenment – the opposite is true with the coeducation system after the 1850s that arose out of the Eveonian women’s rights movement. The women’s rights movement was indeed the pivotal change that has brought our nation’s downhill race towards error and destruction. Here are just some of its ill destructive fruit.
Most certainly, other destructive fruit could be added to this list. Feminized coeducation facilities for young men and women are a failed system all the way around – socially, morally, educationally, governmentally, and economically! It is recognized that factors other than coeducation are in play here as well. But even so, our coed system, compliments of the Eveonian women’s rights movement, is a major contributor and is symptomatic of these like faults today.
Providing a personal testimony, Dan Brown recently published The Great Expectations School: A Rookie Year in the New Blackboard Jungle, in which he recounts what he terms a "brutal" year as a Teaching Assistant. "As a rookie,” said Dan, “I was given my own classroom, in part because there weren't any male teachers for that grade."
Dan began teaching fourth grade at Public School 85 in the Bronx. "Only two kids out of the 26 had parents who were married," he said. (This too is the product of feminization, which provided an entirely anti-family matriarchal welfare system.) "Most of these kids had no father figure at home. To come to school and have that male authority figure who was treating them respectfully made a huge difference."
He spent the better part of the year trying to connect with his students and serve as a male role model. "I had to be an agent of good with them," he said. "Many of them lead exceptionally difficult lives. They've been abandoned.” “Some kids, especially boys, connect more with male teachers," reaffirmed Dan. But many of his students had never had a male teacher. "It made a difference that I was a man,” he said. “It was just a different kind of classroom environment, a different vibe. Some female teachers are maternal toward their students; I wasn't. I expected a lot from them."
Reg Weaver, president of the NEA, admits, "There's a lack of support for male teachers, a lack of respect, and a lack of being able to be involved in decision-making. And I can't say it's getting better."
If the president of NEA is willing to admit this, one has to wonder then how bad it really is. To help understand, let’s consider the experience of Brian Simpson (a pseudonym used to protect himself).
Brian has been supply teaching – providing short term or temporary teaching – for twenty years in every subject area, K-12, in over 200 schools and in over 1,000 classrooms in a large Canadian city. From his extensive experience he relates, “I can report that the education system has been taken over by feminists and lesbians who preach a daily diet of hate, violence and discrimination against males despite pretenses of ‘tolerance,’ ‘non violence,’ and ‘inclusiveness.’” He notes, “In one classroom in which Grade-12 students were nearing their graduation, I had a boy cry about the climate of ever-climaxing anti-male hate.”
“As a male, I am routinely discriminated against for employment with no recourse to authorities,” continues Brian, who labels this as nothing less than routine “gender cleansing.” In further personal assessment, he adds, “First of all, to be in teaching is to be immersed in femininity. Wall-to-wall women, everywhere; the students, the teaching staff, the curriculum, the posters on walls, the celebrations, the laments, the teacher unions, the student unions, the union unions. In perfect lock-step, all are one, and half of humanity counts for nothing, except to be harmed, of course.” His conclusion after twenty years of teaching: "No thanks for the disrespect and hate."
And they wonder why there are not more male teachers? The reason is obvious – what man wants to take his masculine qualities of respect, authority, accountability, and discipline, and make them subservient to a matriarchal feminized education mentality and rulership? It’s against a man’s conscience and his God-given ways; therefore men stay away from this off-base, out-of-touch, mismanaged, failed system. If you can’t be a real man, then why even try? Hey, you don’t find men wanting to wear women’s dresses!
Clearly, the only way this nation can restore and revitalize education is to return to the masculine principles and practices of our founding fathers. Feminism has utterly failed!
But let’s now take this aberrant Eveonian social matter one vital step further. Let’s say that America wakes up and repents of her grave error and reverses this insane practice of coeducation facilities for young men and women and unnaturally extending education – then what’s next for them? These same young men and women, many who marry, will then go into a work environment equally ordered by the Eveonian women’s rights movement where men and women are placed together in sex-charged, glamorized working environments that are ripe for the occupational hazard of having an affair.
In 1900, women made up only 18% of this nation's workforce, and the divorce rate was 0.7 divorces per 1,000 population (55, 751 divorces). But by 1947, because of World War II, women in the workforce increased to 28%, and the divorce rate more than tripled to about 2.5 (around 349,000 divorces)! By 1980, 42.5% of the nation's workers were women, and the divorce rate continued to rise with these increases to almost seven and one-half times that of 1900, or 5.2 (1,182,000 divorces)! In 2006, the number of women workers was 46% of the workforce, but the divorce rate had decreased to around 3.6. Unfortunately, much of this decrease was due to the dramatic decrease in marriages and increase in live-in relationships. In 1980, the marriage rate was 10.6; but by 2006, that rate had fallen to around 7.5. Thus, we see clearly evidenced that as women entered into the man’s world of laboring outside the home, the inevitable outcome was the home’s destruction!
Of course there are other contributing factors for this elevated divorce rate, including the feminization of our court system and divorce laws that invite women to file for divorce and extort their husband’s accrued wealth and take his children. Tellingly, three-fourths of all divorces are filed by women! Our nation has evidenced the tragic transformation from a patriarchal system given to us by our forefathers – (1) the supremacy of the father in the family, (2) the legal dependence of wives and children, and (3) the reckoning of descent and inheritance in the male line – to becoming a destructive and usurping matriarchal system decried by our forefathers.
Many years ago in a very common way I learned a very important truth, and that is: familiarity leads to error! The more familiar or casual one becomes with a situation or individual, the more likely they are to err. Having a familiar or casual relationship drops essential defenses and respect for proper governmental order and lines of separation, and thereby must be guarded. Likewise, it is only natural that the more one is exposed to temptation, the more likely they will succumb to it. In their Eveonian desire to be equal with men, the women’s rights movement expanded women into the workforce, as well as into education, with the same ill results that Eve brought – destruction!
Another founding father, Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence and our second Vice President and third President, had much to say concerning the proper role and place of women. During his time, America wisely had strict lines of distinction between the sexes – in society, in education, and in government. When Jefferson was an envoy to France, he wrote Washington concerning the deplorable state of casualness found in that country:
The manners of the nation allow them [women] to visit, alone, all persons in office, to solicit the affairs of the husband, family, or friends, and their solicitations bid defiance to laws and regulation...[Few Americans] can possibly understand the desperate state which things are reduced in this country from the omnipotence of an influence which, fortunately for the happiness of the sex itself, does not endeavor to extend itself in our country beyond the domestic line.
Today, this rightly observed separation is tragically violated. Jefferson objected to the entrance of women into the role of government and governing, clearly stating that in order “to prevent depravation of morals and ambiguity of issue, [women] could not mix promiscuously in the public meetings of men.”
Again, what is the trinity of truth? Wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. Here we find clearly stated the wisdom of our founding fathers – that women promiscuously mixing with men in government, education, or work, causes “depravation of morals and ambiguity of issue”!
This is in every regard the exact ill fruit we so fully see evidenced today, concerning which Jefferson forewarned. Our government has become feminized, and thereby is a dismal bloated distracted failure. Our places of work have become weakened and distracted and just as much a threat to the family and the home as our coeducation facilities of secondary and post-secondary education. They are two of the same thing. Whether it be in the home, in the schools, in the workplace, in government, or in the church, equality for women is entirely destructive in its effects, causing ambiguity in issues that are vital to this nation’s wellbeing, and the depravation of morals that Washington and Adams warned are indispensable. Clearly, the Eveonian women’s rights movement has been the single most causative factor in our nation’s demise. The curse of the woman desiring the place of the man has once again effected its death!
The trinity of truth is wisdom, understanding, and knowledge, and wisdom tells us to listen to Washington, Adams, and Jefferson, thereby to gain understanding, and with true knowledge to change both our educational institutions, as well as our workplaces. In short, women need to return to their homes and be faithful wives and mothers. As stated earlier, the Eveonian women’s rights movement is the most destructive and greatest enemy to mankind on the face of the earth, and it must be reversed! Any nation that fails to seek religion and morals first will fail! That is our course, … and our fate – unless we change!
If you think America is doing so well as a nation and that none of this moral junk or these chauvinistic concerns about feminism are relevant, you have your head in the clouds. Once again from the wisdom of Solomon we read, “the borrower [is] servant to the lender” (Proverb 22:7). The United States is clearly the servant to others who are in fact more righteous than we. The U.S. debt at this time (2008) is $9.2 trillion, $500 billion more than last year, and is on a steeply escalating course!
Much of this debt is owed to nations like Japan, China, and Saudi Arabia. Look at the moral values of China. They at least seek to control the propagation of lewd behavior. Look at the moral values of Saudi Arabia. They have clear lines of distinction between men and women and have high standards of modesty and intolerance for crime and immorality. Likewise, Japan is more righteous than we. If America is so great, then why is it that we are debtors to these nations that are so much more righteous than we? God has favored these nations and we in feminized America are now their slave. And if any of these nations chose to call in their notes, our economy would crumble like a house of cards! The mere mention of such an act causes seismic shockwaves on Wall Street, dropping the Dow like a lead balloon.
In conclusion, once again we turn to the wisdom of a founding father, Thomas Jefferson. May we – we must – uphold the principles and truths delivered to us by these men, including preserving the line of distinction between men and women. And let it be noted that it is not without meaning, and something we should earnestly take to heart, that America had no founding mothers. Neither are the Patriarchs of the Bible nor in any great religion women. Nor were any of Yahshua’s twelve disciples women. We have abandoned the ways that were given to us in wisdom. Therefore, Jefferson soberingly forewarned:
And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure if we have removed their only firm basis: a conviction in the minds of men that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.
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