CONT., page 8
In this section, let us lay out some additional information revealing Yahweh's divine order for the church. This will be most helpful to you, and there is an especially exciting testimony here that you will enjoy concerning the second Remnant.
Ishmael was the first son of Abraham who came through a natural birth by Sarah's maid, Hagar, an Egyptian. Likewise, Moses' first forty years was in fact an Ishmael, for in like regard it too resulted in his birth out of Egypt. And in like testimony and purpose, we find that it was essential for Yahshua, who fulfilled all things, to be "birthed" or come out of Egypt. Recorded only in first Remnant Matthew 2:13-15, we read that an angel spoke to Joseph and instructed him to take the Child and His mother to Egypt. There they remained until Herod died, whereupon they left Egypt and traveled to Nazareth. This all took place so that the word of Yahweh might be fulfilled - "Out of Egypt did I call My Son."
Another obvious testimony to this Egyptian birth is of course the birth of the sons of Israel out of Egypt. They too came out of Egypt in a like first Remnant testimony, which was followed by the breach period in the wilderness, and was then concluded by their second Remnant entrance into the promised land.
What is Yahweh telling us in this? Clearly, the first Remnant is a work that is birthed out of Egypt. This may not seem to be of great importance to you, but you can be most certain that to Yahweh it is an essential and highly relevant point. If it were not, then it would not have been so necessary for each of these consistent testimonies to occur, including the "birth" of the Son of God out of Egypt.
And having said all of this, let us specifically note the testimony provided to us through Abraham. While the first Remnant was an Ishmael born out of Egypt who received the promises of Yahweh, they could not receive the promises that are to be fulfilled in the second Remnant, the Isaac. In Genesis 17:20-21, we read Yahweh's answer to Abraham regarding his two sons - "And as for Ishmael (the first Remnant), I have heard you; behold, I will bless him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly. He shall become the father of twelve princes (the twelve apostles who will reign over the twelve tribes), and I will make him a great nation. But My covenant I will establish with Isaac (the second Remnant), whom Sarah will bear to you at this season next year." Such it is with the first and the second Remnant. While the first Remnant was clearly an Abraham work, it could not receive the full promises of Yahweh. That fulfillment had to come later through the second Remnant.
What is Christianity? It is the continuation of the Ishmael work that had to precede the Isaac work. The first 2,000 year period of the church is a Pentecost work that is often prophetically identified by the donkey. Thus we read that Ishmael was to be "a wild donkey of a man" (Genesis 16:12).
When Hagar conceived, Sarah despised her and treated her harshly. Hagar fled, and in her grief an angel went to her and told her she would have a son and his name was to be Ishmael, "because Yahweh has given heed to your affliction" (16:11). Ishmael means "God hears."
We see from this testimony concerning Ishmael that Yahweh gave the kingdom of God to man early because He gave heed to man's affliction - "God hears." Even as Ishmael was an early provision to Abraham, in like regard and testimony the sons of Israel wanted a king too early and He gave heed to them as well and gave them Saul (1 Samuel 8). Both of these point to the time in which "God hears" and gives the kingdom of heaven to man early. This prematurity is equally evidenced by the message of Legion when he/they asked Yahshua - "have you come to torment us before the time?" Yahshua's coming was early, and these demons knew it, for it was not yet time for His kingdom reign.
Thus we see here another reason for the passing over principle - Yahweh has a perfect timing for His fulfillments, and the first two provisions are in fact premature, early, before the time, but nonetheless necessary in order to get man to where he needs to be at the right time. These first two occasions that are passed over prepare man for the perfect provision at the perfect time. Thus Yahshua had to come early, before the time, in order to plant a seed here on earth (an Ishmael or a Saul) so that it could die, be buried, and at the proper time emerge to bring forth the promised and timely tree of life and fruitfulness. According to the ways of Yahweh, this entire passing over process was essential for establishing the church.
And furthermore regarding this issue of timing, please allow me to add - What would it have done for this man to have received his inheritance in 1982 when I began the ministry to the poor? That was even before the end of the 120 Jubilees and was premature per kingdom timing. What if I had received my inheritance in 1994 when the Spirit of Yahweh came upon me? That too would have been too early, for there must be a ten year waiting period from 1993 (when the 120 Jubilee period ended) to 2003. Thus the time up to now has been a waiting, death, and preparatory period that leads to the precise timing for Yahweh's blessing - 2003.
Certainly it is quite evident that timing is critical, and that an inheritance gained too early will not be blessed in the end. Per this truth, we have seen that this was in fact the very fate of the church in its beginning. Let us now look at a parable Yahshua told that specifically addressed this. Once again your eyes are getting ready to be opened to the Scriptures in a way you have never seen them before. Yahweh is giving us sight, and this next truth is marvelous to behold!
In second Remnant Luke 15, Yahshua told a number of parables concerning His not abandoning those who are lost. The church has read this and applied it solely to the lost in the world. But it has a meaning that is far more specific. He told about leaving the ninety-nine sheep and going out and finding the one that was lost. He told about the woman who had ten coins, and upon losing one, swept the whole house to find it. Then He went on to tell a far more extensive parable, which we will now examine.
A certain man had two sons, the younger of which went to his father and, as we have been considering, wanted his inheritance early. His father gave it to him, and upon receiving it he went out and squandered it, in the end going to the swine to tend them and feed them the carob pods. But in time "he came to his senses" and returned back to his father, who was overjoyed to see him and had compassion for him, and embraced him and kissed him, placed the best robe on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet and killed the fatted calf, and they all ate and made merry.
With healed Remnant eyes, do you see what is being said here? The first Remnant received their inheritance early - the kingdom of God in power was received before the time. But what happened to them? The kingdom was squandered by fleshly man and soon entered into the swine period of the church, or the 2,000 swine (2,000 years) who have all run down into the sea of death. The church up to now is the period of the kingdom in which they fill their bellies (the belly is always prophetic of Christianity - the belly of the whale, the bronze belly of Nebuchadnezzar's statue, Judas' belly that burst open) with the carob pods that swine eat. Let us see something quite revealing and confirming about these carob pods.
We continually note that the Remnant message is a seamless garment of truth. What we will see here is no exception to this. The carob pods that the young man was joining the swine in eating, were actually the same food John the Baptist was eating. The Greek word translated locusts ("akris"), or the food John was eating, has the identical meaning of the word for "carob pod" used here per the prodigal son ("keration"). In both instances, the marginal note in most study Bibles will provide the same alternate rendering - carob. Therefore, some say that John was actually eating carob and wild honey. But whatever they each ate, once again the prophetic message prevails in importance. For either of these Greek words, the literal meaning of both of them is identical. In either case, they literally mean - "pointed or horned"!
So why was John the Baptist eating "horned things" and "wild honey"? Why wasn't John just eating honey, instead of wild honey? The Greek word for "wild" used here is "agrios," which also means "savage or fierce." So literally John was eating "horned things" and "savage honey." Are you getting the picture? Add the fact that this diet is recorded only in first Remnant Matthew 3:4 and Christianity Mark 1:6, the picture should be getting clearer for you.
The first Remnant was in every regard a John the Baptist. Like John, they too had the Elijah spirit; however, they were not allowed to bring forth the Son of God per se (they were not the door of Song of Solomon 8:8-9), but prepared the way for the body of Christ instead. Like John, in the end they too lost their Head. Like John, they too had to decrease so that the body of Christ could increase. And equally like John, they too ate "horned things" and "savage honey," which was passed along to the body of Christ. What were these "horned things" and the "savage honey" that the first Remnant ate? They were the teachings of the one with the little horn, Satan, and the kingdom of God that has been "taken by force" from the time of John the Baptist until now (first Remnant Matthew 11:12). From the time of the first Remnant to now, the church has been feeding on the teachings of little-horned Satan, and violently taking the kingdom of God by force!
So, when we see the young man going in among the swine and eating some "horned things" as well, once again we see the identical consistent message - the period of swine Christianity where the teachings of Satan, the horned one, are being devoured. Why do kingdom men eat these "horned things"? Because the King is not here to feed them the true manna, the truth on which the Remnant Bride is beginning to feed. For the last 2,000 years, the application of Proverbs 27:7 has been apparent - "to a famished man any bitter thing is sweet." For 2,000 years there has been a drought on the kingdom of God, so any bitter thing has seemed like life to them, when in fact it has meant their death. The "horned things" and the "wild honey" which they eat lead to one fate, the same fate to which they led John the Baptist - the loss of one's Head and death!
But, that is not the end of the story! For this young Remnant man gets tired of eating "horned things" with the swine, and seeing the futility of it finally comes to his senses. What then does he do? Knowing that his father has much more to offer than this place with the swine, he leaves the swine and returns to him in humility and contriteness.
The second Remnant is the son who sees the folly of being in swine Christianity and goes to the Father in humility, knowing that He has much more to offer, and desires only to serve Him. And what is the Father's response to the second Remnant? All we have to do is read this account and we will know. This is the wonderful part! His father saw him and had compassion for him, and embraced him and kissed him, placed the best robe on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet and killed the fatted calf, and they all ate and made merry! Such is Yahweh's reception to the second Remnant after its period among the swine. He is overjoyed at our final fulfillment! Yahshua leaves the ninety-nine to find the one; He sweeps the house entirely to find the one lost coin. This Yahshua does so that He can find His second Remnant! And, He joyfully welcomes home the son after being among the swine, and favors him with His best!
But once again notice two things per what we have seen here - the folly of receiving an inheritance too early, as did the first Remnant and Christianity, and the necessity of being led into a time of humbling.
Returning to this testimony that we opened with concerning Abraham and his two sons, what then do we see concerning the testimony of the second Remnant? It is the work that, in revealing pattern, when Abraham heard about Isaac (the promised second Remnant), he asked that first Remnant Ishmael, and the church that followed, would be sufficient - "Oh that Ishmael might live before You" (Genesis 17:18). But noting what we have thus far seen, this is entirely impossible. The preceding works could not and cannot be accepted.
Furthermore, we find testified that the second Remnant is the work that when Sarah heard about it, she laughed (Genesis18:12-13). How could God bring forth another separate work this late in the church? Like Sarah, most people laugh in unbelief about the prospect of another separate work beginning; and like Abraham, they want the old Ishmael work of Christianity to suffice. But Yahweh knows that a new work MUST come forth - the miracle-born Isaac second Remnant work, even the prodigal son that must return home. This is the promised work that is finally brought forth at the proper time.
Continue to page 9 of The Passing Over Principle for IN NEED OF A MIRACLE