The Remnant Bride


Following are a series of writings sent out from January 18 through May 13, 2002, having to do with Passover, 2002, and the latter rain. As one will see from reading these, we had great anticipation for that event; but, that which we anticipated did not take place as we had hoped. However, we were not disappointed in what took place and remain greatly hopeful and encouraged, as one will see why from reading the May 13 writing which is the report on the Passover event.

If things did not turn out at Passover as we hoped and anticipated, then why is it we leave these writings here unaltered? Because history is His-story and it cannot be altered. History must speak for itself, and one is wise to look back to see what Yahweh is doing. Unfortunately, all we can ever see is the back side of Yahweh - that which He has done as He passes by (Exodus 33:22-23). Thus, as we seek to learn His ways and pursue that for which we are appointed, these writings are here for your gleaning.

Most importantly, these writings point out the test that continues to take place in the kingdom of God, and that is - the test of Carmel. This is the test between Christianity and the Remnant, which affords the most culminating events in the history of mankind. There are many testimonies evidencing this, yet even up to now they are little more than the sounds of a "gentle blowing" which Yahweh was in when He brought the prophet Elijah out from the cave on Mount Sinai. These are indeed the testimonies that the much needed work of an Elijah has begun which will prepare the way for the soon return of Yahshua. These are the vital signs that no one in Christianity has even faintly noticed because they are the gentle blowing, while Christianity has in fact relied upon the more overt and dramatic signs which Yahweh is not in. You will understand more about this as you read these writings.

These writings are listed in the order in which they were published. It is recommended that you read each of these in this order. They are relatively short, but packed with information that is highly relevant to this very important day in which we now live, which is one more reason they remain here as they are.

As we are told in Jeremiah 1:11-12 regarding the attesting "rod of an almond tree," may Yahweh watch over His word to perform it, and may He bless you with understanding as you read.

Gary Naler

PS - If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me - click here.

The Test - 2002 and the Latter Rain

The Scribblings of a Madman!

The Prophets of Baal, The Prophets of Asherah,
and The Latter Rain

What Kind of Car Does Yahshua Drive?

Eli-Yah and Eli-Shua

The Rebellion of Korah and The Latter Rain

The Divine Overlap

Two Testimonies and an Invitation

Test of Two Peters

The Parable for the Remnant

To Cast The Lot - Purim

The Power of Intercession

To Receive the Twelve

Fulfilling Passover

Signs in The Heavens

2002 Passover Report