CONT., page 2
Now that we have seen how the tree of the knowledge of good and evil relates
to carnal man, and specifically to Christianity, the important question remains:
How can Yahweh get a people out of this mix, this good and evil, this hot
and cold for which God spits men out of His mouth, this blending of two elements
that are entirely unlawful, and bring them into an "in His own image" "Seth"
work, the son of promise “Isaac” work? Man who seeks for God while
still in the flesh has only one tree from which he can eat - the tree of
both good and evil. When and how will Yahweh get a people to the place
in which they no longer eat from this forbidden tree, but rather eat from
the tree of life? This is the question which all mankind unconsciously
longs for and awaits an answer.
The answer to this is and will be found in the laws of God. Yahweh
will perform all of His works legally, according to His own established order.
To understand how Yahweh will deliver man from the curse that was initiated
in the garden, requires that we consider the one window, if you would, that
spans all the way back to the garden. This, as we have addressed in
previous writings, is the all important vow of the Nazirite (Numbers 6).
We cannot in this work readdress all the matters associated with this vital
vow (it would be most beneficial to the reader to read the other material
that has been written in Coverings, Chapter 6, and THE ISSUE,
page 1), but we will herein lay only enough foundation to address our matter
at hand: How carnal man can be delivered from good and evil?
In Numbers 6 we see that there were three points in which a man or a woman
were required to follow in this all important vow: abstain from eating or
drinking anything that was produced from the grape, not cut their hair at
any time during the vow, and not go near the dead. We have addressed
before that this is exactly what the garden of Eden entailed. Once
again, it is not possible to retrace all that has been written on this subject,
but it is most clear from the Scriptures that the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil was specifically a grape tree. (Click here to read
additional information on the grape tree.)
You, of course, would object that grapes do not grow on trees but on vines.
But that is exactly the point. Who was it in the garden that
was cursed to crawl on his belly and eat dust but the serpent, Satan?
Who caused the death of man and has the power of death, but Satan (Lit. of
Hebrews 2:14)? And who is it who insures that man be a mix in his carnal
life - adding with dreadful harm to the good that one seeks to do, the evil
that one seems so painfully not to be able to entirely overcome? It
is most, most appropriate that the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good
and evil that leads to death, and its indwelling serpent who has the power
of death, were both equally cursed to crawl on the ground. In fact,
cursing both the serpent to crawl on the ground, as well as the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil to equally crawl on the ground as a vine, shows
the clear association of these two. The serpent-inhabited tree of the
knowledge of good and evil is distinctly identified with the serpent, Satan
- both lead to death. Thus when Satan was cursed to crawl on the ground,
equally the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was likewise cursed.
Certainly the identity of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil with
the grape is not found in any overt declaration in the Scriptures.
Its identity as such is hidden and must be searched out. But actually,
the mere fact of it being a hidden truth is highly appropriate and most relevant.
The serpent Satan being cursed to crawl on the ground is an overt fact, being
clearly recorded in the Scriptures. The fact that the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil was a grape tree that was likewise cursed to crawl on its
belly is a hidden mystery, up to now by and large unrevealed to man.
What does this say to us? Let us see.
We have already seen that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the
mix of good and evil, is exactly that which the church has partaken from
for 2,000 years. Christian man is in fact eating from the forbidden
tree; or, if you would, the experience of Christianity is in fact a tree
of good and evil. Is Christianity God's perfect provision for man?
Most certainly not! Christianity is indeed very imperfect, and its
inherent mix is unlawful and deserves being spit from God's mouth.
Most certainly, it is an accepted fact that Satan, as the serpent, is surely
cursed by God. People openly accept that. But again, who knows
the mystery that the tree the serpent harbors and speaks from is the grape
tree that equally was cursed? Satan's error, corruption, and curse
is known by all; but addressing this from the higher more perfect spiritual
fulfillment, few know that the "tree" he resides in is cursed as well.
What is that tree? It is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
of Christianity. Thus we see that the church's identity as the cursed
tree/now vine is hidden, even as the identity of the cursed grape as the
forbidden tree is hidden. Yahweh hid the first fact concerning
the original tree, even as He hid the second fact concerning the carnal good
and evil church whose inhabitant is likewise Satan.
In the span of the history of the church, we can look back and see that,
indeed, carnal man's partaking of the spiritual fifth dimension of the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil here on earth, is corruption, imperfection,
and continues to lead to his death (he licks the dust). The only hope
for man is to partake of the second tree - the tree of life. As long
as man is carnal, his experience with the spiritual can in practice only
result in good and evil. And it is this good and evil that is
associated with Satan, is cursed to a belly experience with Satan, and ends
only in death. Yahweh alone is the one who can and will change our
experience, our existence from carnal good and evil death to life.
He alone can and will bring us to the tree of life.
Thus we see the mystery of why Yahweh hid the identity of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil as being a grape tree - because only now is it
known that the church has in fact been that tree, that its identity is with
the serpent Satan whose curse was an open fact, and that both Christianity
and its speaking inhabitant (the serpent) are in fact under the same curse.
When the serpent was cursed, his place of habitation was cursed as well.
We have known that Satan is cursed, but who has known that the church has
been equally cursed? Why is it cursed? Because Christianity is
inhabited by Satan, and because it is an earth-based work in which the holy
things of God have been given to carnal man. Christians openly confess
that Satan works in the church, but they fail to see the dire consequences
of that habitation - the mix of good and evil is cursed!
Satan indeed had a legal right to inhabit and speak from the tree whose fruit
is forbidden. Likewise, Satan has had a legal right to inhabit and
speak from Christianity. The carnal church is of the earth, the earth
that Satan legally owns (Luke 4:6). "The whole world lies in the power
of the evil one" (1 John 5:19), and that includes the earth-based church
of carnal man. The only hope of changing this, once again, is to be
born from above, not of this world, no longer partaking from this "tree."
All men from Adam to this moment are born of this world. All men to
this moment are Adam. The only one who has ever come into this world
who is not born of this world is Yahshua, the Christ (the anointed).
He was not born of the seed of man, but of the Holy Spirit. Of Him
we read - "He who comes from above is above all, he who is of the earth is
from the earth and speaks of the earth (which belongs to Satan). He
who comes from heaven is above all" (John 3:31). Additionally, Yahshua
declared - "You are from below, I am from above; you are of this world; I
am not of this world" (John 8:23). Yahshua is singularly the only one
who has yet come from above. The seed that produced His body was not
carnal but distinctly and uniquely the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:35).
The impact, the drama, the immense import of this distinction between the
earth-born and the heavenly-born is seen in carnal fertilization. Anyone
who has looked at a scientific journal, book, or video production and seen
the minute process of fertilization, has beheld within that drama the pictured
problem of carnal existence. Revelation 12:9 declares - "And the great
dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the Devil and Satan,
who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels
were thrown down with him."
Within the human fertilization process, this same drama is enacted time and
time again. The sperm, which in all appearance and shape looks like
a serpent, is "thrown down" to the egg, which in all appearance and shape
is a very small world or earth (though infinitesimally smaller). The
serpent-appearing sperm enters the earth-appearing egg (both bearing obvious
prophetic significance), to produce carnal bodies that in and of themselves
are equally in opposition to God. Only Yahweh knows the full extent
of Yahshua's words - "You are of your father the devil" (John 8:44).
But certainly we know that this carnal flesh, this earthly body, this product
of the serpent sperm and the earth egg is "hostile toward God" and "cannot
please God" (Romans 8:7-8), "sets its desire against the Spirit" (Galatians
5:17), makes one "a prisoner of the law of sin" (Romans 7:23), its fruit
is "corruption" (Galatians 6:8), and the dreaded list goes on. Is it
not thus wholly fitting that this corrupt vessel we receive from the earth
where Satan has been thrown down and is master, is given to us by a symbolic
"serpent" being cast to an "earth"?
Our only hope in this imposing dilemma is to enter into the distinctly contrasting
experience in which Yahshua came to this earth. He too had a body,
but His body was not of the seed of man; He had no association via origin
with the little sperm serpent Satan. Clearly, Yahshua told us that
He was conceived from above by the Spirit. Instead of the serpent sperm
descending on the earth egg, John the Baptist beheld the contrasting testimony
- the dove of the Holy Spirit descending and remaining on the Son of God.
This Spirit-conceived birth is exactly what we as mortal men need.
This is exactly what Yahshua was saying when He told Nicodemus - you must
be "born from above." This clear distinction, contrast, and dilemma
is seen in His words - "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that
which is born of the Spirit is Spirit" (John 3:6). As long as we are
in carnal bodies, in the flesh, of the serpent sperm, we will be at enmity
with God. We must have new bodies that are born of the Spirit from
above. Yahshua alone could say He always did the will of the Father
who sent Him, because He was not in a body whose seed was from Satan's world.
Likewise, we cannot walk as He walked in full and complete obedience, until
we too enter into a body that has its origin from the Spirit, from above.
Could anything be clearer? Man is in desperate need to get out of
this body, and be born from above by the Spirit!
We have briefly wandered away from this matter of the grape being the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil, and the Nazirite's abstention from the
grape clearly representing abstaining from that tree. Let us now return
to the Nazirite vow and briefly consider its second and third parts - they
could not cut their hair, and they could not go near the dead. Our
search in all of this, of course, is to discover how man can turn from this
tree and partake of the tree of life.
As has been addressed somewhat in other writings, hair is a picture of glory
and strength. We read in 1 Corinthians 11:15 that the long hair of
a woman is "glory to her." In Samson we see that his long hair was
strength. In the garden of Eden, before Adam and Eve's fall, their
carnal bodies were obviously covered with that which represented the glory
of God - hair. As such, they were not naked, but rather were clothed
in Yahweh's representative glory and strength. That glory and strength
was equally represented in the Nazirite’s vow to not cut one's hair.
The third element of this vow - not going near the dead - reveals the second
tree planted in the middle of the garden. Not having contact with death,
of course, represented the vital tree of life. Thus, in this vow all
three elements of the garden of Eden were clearly represented - the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil, the glory and strength of Yahweh, and
the tree of life.
In other writings we have most significantly and dramatically seen that in
order for Yahshua to restore the original garden of God kingdom, He took
the vow of the Nazirite - "Truly I tell you, no more by no means will I drink
of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom
of God" (Lit. of Mark 14:25). (Click to review this vow in all three gospels.) As a Nazirite
He was able to intercessorally go back and restore all that Adam and Eve
lost in the fall. We will not seek to duplicate the material on that
most important intercession, for we need to go on and take this vow one important
step further. What Yahshua performed and opened for man, man likewise
enters into (each in his own order - 1 Corinthians 15:23). He opened
the window to the garden, making it possible for man to reenter the garden.
Yahshua was the only man who was able to fulfill the intercessoral
work of this vital vow. As has been noted in a previous writing, three
other men were placed under this vow, but failed - Samson, Samuel, and John
the Baptist. The fact is, any carnal man would fail in the all important
purpose of this vow; for to fulfill it to its ultimate purpose requires that
one have the power of resurrection, so as to restore his vow! Only
Yahshua has had that power. No man outside of Him could effect the
power and results of that critical vow.
In this section on the Nazirite vow, we have given attention to the ability
of that vow to provide identity with and access back to the original garden
- entering through the open window. But actually, in this writing we
have two themes unfolding: first, the more personal vow of the Nazirite
that brings one into the garden; and second, the more corporate two trees
that are in the garden. We draw this distinction in order to point
out that both of these themes must now be considered simultaneously - one
relating specifically to the presence of the kingdom of God on earth (the
two trees), and the other identifying specifically how one must enter into
that kingdom (as a Nazirite). These two themes will now be united.
Regarding the two trees, it is exceedingly important to understand that the
original garden of Eden was a pattern for the kingdom of God that Yahshua
brings to man. With His restoration of the garden as a Nazirite,
in truth the kingdom to follow was to be a two-work or two-part kingdom,
specifically being:
• First, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil work,
• Second, the tree of life work.
And might we add here, this pattern is then repeated or confirmed in the
first offspring of Adam and Eve:
• First, the good and evil Cain and Abel work, and
• Second, the made "in the image" Yahshua-producing Seth
Then once again it is repeated in the offspring of the first man of faith
- Abraham:
• First, the worldly Ishmael mix work, and
• Second, the miraculous son of promise Isaac work.
This first work of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is, of course,
the kingdom-receiving church we know as Christianity - the breach period
that is earth-based, sown in carnal man, and is a corrupt mix. The
second work that is upon us is the tree of life. This is the work of
Yahweh that finally brings men into resurrection, immortal, and incorruptible
life. Now that Yahshua has in fact legally restored the original garden
of Eden (the kingdom) through the Nazirite vow, and now that the first tree
- the tree of the knowledge of good and evil church - has had its period,
the next order of Yahweh is to bring forth the second tree in the "garden"
- the tree of life!
Before we consider exactly what is this tree of life second work, let us
note that it unquestionably has not been and will not be the breach church.
Their carnal experience has been limited to and is nothing more than the
tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which ends in death. The breach
church can in no way fulfill the garden's tree of life. Rather,
its fulfillment has been one of mix, failure, sin, and death.
At this point, let us now add some important information on the Nazirite.
We find that in order to enter into Yahshua's restored garden kingdom, necessitates
that one enter into it as a Nazirite. This we see from His own example,
as well as others which we will consider here. In truth, only Nazirites
enter into the restored garden kingdom of God. Thus by seeking
God and receiving His kingdom, the breach church has in fact been placed
under the Nazirite vow; they are Nazirites within His kingdom by the will
of God. The sureness of Yahweh’s placement of this vow upon the church
by His will is seen in the three men who were likewise placed under this
vow. All three of these men had no part whatsoever in choosing their
vows; Samson, Samuel, and John the Baptist were each placed under it even
before their conceptions. These three clearly represent the three-part
church that is equally Nazirite by the will of Yahweh (having entered into
the kingdom). As a second testimony to these three representing the
breach church, we see that even as Yahshua was conceived miraculously, so
each one of these three men, who in whole represent the body of Christ,
were also miraculous conceptions. Actually, the good and evil church
(the lampstand), as well as the two-part Remnant (the two olive trees), are
both miraculous, being "'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says
Yahweh of hosts" (Zechariah 4).
Now, as Nazirites the church has the obligation to keep their three-part
vow: they must abstain from good and evil, they are to exercise and
preserve the glory and power of Yahweh given to them, and they must not die.
However, as testified by the failure of these three carnal Nazirite men,
the three-part church has equally failed. Samson failed because of
his immorality, Samuel failed in that he was unable to raise up godly offspring,
and at the end of his life John the Baptist failed because of his unbelief.
Thus we see in these three Nazirites that the three-part church has most
surely equally failed in its vow as a garden-entering Nazirite. Let
us look at this more specifically.
In the tree of the knowledge of good and evil of Christianity, man can never
succeed in his role as a Nazirite. First, Christianity unquestionably
performs both good and evil. Second, the church may have received the
power and glory of the restored kingdom, but because of its evil, the power
and glory is lost. This is remarkably seen in the Nazirite Samson.
Like Samson, who after having his vow violated became weak, blinded, impoverished,
and imprisoned, so the church has equally become "wretched and miserable
and poor and blind and naked" (Revelation 3:17). Nazirite Samson, whose
vow was violated while he slept, is a clear picture or type of Laodicean
Christianity that equally loses the glory and strength of Yahweh while it
Third, Christianity attests through 2,000 years of "swine" history that the
dead continue to bury the dead. 2,000 years of Christianity has seen
men continuing to slide off that steep bank into the sea of death (Mark 5:13).
No, in no way has Christianity been Yahweh's faithful Nazirites who keep
their vows. Thus we ask - Who will be faithful? Who will keep
the Nazirite vow? Whoever they are, they must be able to keep all three
requirements in that all important vow. Since Christianity has failed
as a Nazirite in Yahweh's restored garden, then who can and will succeed?
The answer to this requires that Yahshua establish the second part of His
garden kingdom work - the greatly needed tree of life!
For men to now enter into the garden as Nazirites to eat from and even become
the more perfect tree of life, once again necessitates that these three requirements
of the Nazirite vow be kept. First, they must be delivered from the
problem of good and evil - wrestling with the flesh, doing wrong while wanting
to do good, yet ever experiencing this dreadful mix. Second, Yahweh
must place His unfailing glory and strength upon them. And third, they
must never die. If Christianity has failed in this for 2,000 years,
how can anyone fulfill the requirements of this vow?
Now, at this important question, let us hold where we are in the Nazirite
vow and bring in another very revealing law of Yahweh. Again, Yahweh
will do nothing apart from His laws. If we want to know what He will
do, then we have to know His laws.
In Leviticus 27:9-15 we find that Yahweh has a law concerning the redemption
of an offering, following its valuation by the priest as distinctly and uniquely
being "between good and evil." For example, verse 14 says - "Now if
a man consecrates his house as holy to Yahweh, then the priest shall value
it between good and evil (these are the same Hebrew words used for the garden
tree); as the priest values it, so it shall stand." Well, this is exactly
what has been done with the church "house." As the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil, it too has been valued, and frankly it (equally as mystery
Babylon) has come up short (Daniel 5:25-29).
But very interestingly, that good and evil offering can be redeemed or purchased
if the owner of the house wants it. To do so, we read - "Yet if the
one who consecrates it should wish to redeem his house, then he shall add
one-fifth of your valuation price to it, so that it may be his." In
this we see that the good and evil house can be redeemed by the addition
of a fifth.
As we have seen, Yahshua equally has a house (the church) that, though being
holy (devoted), is good and evil and it needs to be redeemed. By God's
law, in order to redeem it, the owner of the house must add one-fifth to
it. How can Yahshua redeem His house? By adding to it the number-five-represented
two-part Remnant. We find throughout the Scriptures that the number
"five" is representative of the Remnant. While the "seven" breach church
is good and evil, it will take the addition of the "one-fifth" Remnant in
order to redeem the house. This is exactly what Yahshua will do by
taking out a remnant from among man and bringing them into the Nazirite experience
that will fulfill all three parts of the vow. It is the establishment
of the Remnant into the place of the perfect Nazirite as the greatly needed
tree of life, that will provide the legal redemption of the good and evil
house of Christianity. The Remnant is the greatly needed tree of life
second work of Yahshua in His restored garden kingdom.
What is it that this redeeming Remnant will experience as Yahweh's perfect
Nazirites? First, they will no longer eat from the corrupted tree of
the knowledge of both good and evil Christianity. This remnant will
be the first to enter into their incorruptible bodies that are born from
above, and be delivered from the corrupt flesh. They instead will do
good continually, even as the heavenly Father is good (Mark 10:18), and all
that He created in the beginning was good (Genesis 1); and even as His Son
always did the will of the Father, thus they will do.
Second, this Nazirite Remnant will be clothed in the glory and power of Yahweh.
As Moses and Elijah were glorified on the mount of transfiguration with Yahshua,
so the two-part "Moses" first Remnant, that equally had to die first in order
to enter the promised land, and the "Elijah" second Remnant, that will not
die but ascend alive to be with Him, will be glorified with Him on the "mountain."
And third, these Nazirite Remnant ones who will no longer be in the flesh
of this earth, but in heavenly-born bodies that will never die, will most
certainly be the first to partake of the tree of life and live forever!
This is the experience of the first "harvested" Nazirites: they will
not be both good and evil, they will receive the glory and power of Yahweh,
and they will never again know death. These are in fact the first among
Adam men to enter into incorruptible eternal life. These are the "one-fifth"
part added to the good and evil house that needs to be redeemed. And
most importantly, these are the second work of Yahshua in His kingdom - the
establishment of His long awaited and thus far restricted tree of life!
With the establishment and glorification of the Remnant, the garden kingdom
will thus have both centrally planted trees – Christianity’s tree of the
knowledge of good and evil, and the Remnant tree of life. It is then,
Hallelujah, that men on earth will be able to eat from the tree of life,
as the Remnant bring truth, peace, love, and divine order to mankind.
The earth has had the fifth dimension of the knowledge of good and evil for
2,000 years; soon it will have the tree of life!
Even as Yahweh provided in His Word a type and picturing example of the three-part
Nazirite church in the three - Samson, Samuel, and John the Baptist, with
exciting wonder He also provided a type and picturing example of the Nazirite
Remnant. These are the only testimonies throughout the entire Bible
of "first Adam" or mortal men who received a call to enter into this highly
important vow. And uniquely separating them in their testimonies of
the good and evil church versus the tree of life Remnant, we find the unique
contrast of three men versus a multigenerational family. But most importantly
in their contrast, while we have seen that each of the three Nazirite men
failed in some area in their lives; in contrast, this family was entirely
faithful, and for such received a most unusual and exceptional promise from
Yahweh. Let us see who these were of whom Yahweh gave to us in His
word as contrasting examples and types of good and evil Nazirite Christianity
and the Nazirite Remnant.
In Jeremiah 35, we see that Yahweh provided Judah a contrasting testimony to their unfaithfulness. He told the prophet Jeremiah - "Go to the house of the Rechabites, and speak to them, and bring them into the house of Yahweh, into one of the chambers, and give them wine to drink." But, the Rechabites were under a part of the Nazirite vow - they could not drink wine. We read in verses 6-7 that Jonadab, the son of Rechab, had commanded his descendants:
"You shall not drink wine, you or your sons, forever. And you shall not build a house, and you shall not sow seed, and you shall not plant a vineyard or own one; but in tents you shall dwell all your days, that you may live many days in the land where you sojourn."
This prohibition from wine was distinctly an in-part vow of the Nazirite,
and not just for one man but for all the descendants of Rechab. When
Jeremiah brought this devout family into the temple and set wine before them
to drink, they flatly refused the prompting and offer of the prophet.
"We will not drink wine," they said, "we have obeyed the voice of Jonadab
the son of Rechab, our father, in all that he commanded us, not to drink
wine all our days, we, our wives, our sons, or our daughters, nor to build
ourselves houses to dwell in; and we do not have vineyard or field to seed.
We have only dwelt in tents, and have obeyed, and have done according to
all that Jonadab our father commanded us." Because of their faithfulness
in keeping the commands of Jonadab, including this test by the prophet of
God to see if they would indeed drink from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil, Yahweh declared a most unusual promise for them - "Jonadab
the son of Rechab shall not lack a man to stand before Me always."
Prophetically, this is LIFE FOREVER!
Did Yahweh make this marvelous promise to Samson, Samuel, or John the Baptist?
No indeed. Of those who were placed under the vow of the Nazirite,
it was the Remnant-representing Rechabites who received this promise.
Why? Because on a higher spiritual realm, it is the Remnant that will
truly fulfill the promise to "not lack a man to stand before" Yahweh always
- to live forever before Him!
In contrast, the three breach church representatives were each cut off:
Samson by his self-afflicted death, Samuel by the dishonesty and perversion
of his sons (1 Samuel 8:1-5), and John the Baptist by the loss of his head.
But this was not true with the Rechabites. They had the promise of
forever standing before Yahweh.
Indeed, Yahweh has provided the most marvelous and attesting evidences and
types of the two kingdom-receiving works, the Nazirites in the garden of
God. Representing Christianity in their three-part number and in their
failures, Samson, Samuel, and John the Baptist were three men of miraculous
births who were placed under the Nazirite vow by the will of another.
Representing the Remnant who will reign with Yahshua in the Millennium and
live forever, are the Rechabites who were faithful in their vow they too
were placed under by another. For their faithfulness, they received
the promise to "not lack a man to stand before Me (Yahweh) always."
Clearly, we see in these testimonies the two-part work of Yahshua in the
garden of God, the two kingdom-receiving Nazirites of the tree the knowledge
of good and evil and the tree of life.
Before closing this section, since we have identified with great significance
specifically what kind of tree the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
was, it would be most helpful in understanding prophetically more about the
Remnant if we knew specifically what kind of tree the tree of life was in
the garden. If the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was a grape
tree, then what kind of tree was the tree of life? It is very clear
from the Scriptures that the tree of life was, in fact, an olive tree.
From the olive tree came the oil to anoint men into priesthood, the oil to
anoint all the vessels in the tabernacle (Exodus 30:22-33), the oil burned
in the lampstand to provide the continual light in the holy place (Exodus
27:20), the oil mixed with the grain for burnt offerings (which were symbolic
types of ascension to the Father), and the oil used as a part of the ceremony
for the cleansing of a leper (Leviticus 14).
Furthermore, the olive tree per se continually makes its appearance as the
tree of life Remnant. One of the clearest pictures of the two-part
Remnant is in Zechariah 4 where the seven-lampstand church with its golden
bowl above it, has two olive trees on both sides of it - one on the right
and one on the left. These two olive trees are clearly the first and
second Remnants (the "two sons of fresh oil" created by the former and latter
rains - vs. 14), with the lampstand breach church in between. And though
we cannot go into this, the two Remnant are the two witnesses in Revelation
11 - "the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord
of the earth."
The Remnant is the "olive leaf" that the dove brought back into the ark.
The first-garden-work church received the Holy Spirit - the "dove," yet when
the "dove" returns to the "ark" (Jerusalem above), He will have nothing to
bring with Him. No man from the good and evil church will be a part
of the first resurrection. All have been cut off and perished by death.
But Noah "waited yet another seven days; and again he sent out the dove from
the ark" (Genesis 8:10). We have already seen that the church is represented
by the number "seven." Thus we see here that at the end of the seven-represented
church period, the Holy Spirit will be sent out again - the latter rain!
At this second release or second work or second tree in the "garden," the
Holy Spirit will in fact gain a small remnant - a leaf from an olive tree.
The Holy Spirit in His second work in Yahshua's restored garden kingdom,
the second release of the "dove," will bring into Yahweh's "ark" the olive
tree Remnant!
And finally, throughout the Scriptures we further see that the Mount of Olives
clearly and repeatedly represents the tree of life or the two Remnant.
This picture that we saw above in the two olive tree Remnants separated by
the breach church lampstand and bowl, is equally seen in Zechariah 14:4,
this time as the Mount of Olives. Here we see that the Mount of Olives
(the olive Remnant) is "split in its middle from east to west by a very large
valley." Once again, the olive Remnant is split/separated into two
parts by the "very large" breach of Christianity.
Also, we see that Yahshua as an intercessor frequently went to the Mount
of Olives. It was to that mountain He returned (to the tree of life)
once He took His vow as a Nazirite. Yes, clearly the olive tree was
the tree of life in the garden of Eden, and that tree and its fruit repeatedly
represent prophetically the tree of life Remnant.
When Yahweh establishes His tree of life Nazirites, He will once again open
His vow-secured window into the garden of God. This window will provide
far more than the first window that was opened to the carnal church to produce
the fifth dimension, and actually will be a double portion of what was received
by the first Remnant on the day of Pentecost. When the window is opened
the second time, Yahweh will " open for you the windows of heaven and pour
out for you a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it"
(Malachi 3:10)! This is the window of the latter rain that will provide
access to the garden's tree of life work of establishing the Remnant.
Continue to page 3 of Two Trees... for HYPERSPACE