CONT., page 3
This matter of the fifth dimension of the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil leads us to some new and exceptionally exciting information about
existing dimensions and the assurance of other dimensions. We have seen
how the fifth dimension is the dimension of the spiritual kingdom of God
on earth in carnal men - "A depth of good / A depth of evil" - and have briefly
mentioned that the fourth dimension is time - "A depth of beginning / A depth
of end." Both of these non-spatial hyperspace dimensions (of more than
three dimensions) relate specifically to the earth in its corrupt, base state.
In fact, all five of these first dimensions are only temporary, in that they
are each related to the natural. The spatial three dimensions are only
temporary, since they in time will be replaced entirely by a new heavens
and new earth (2 Peter 3:10-13, Revelation 21:1) which will not have the
three-dimensional limitations of space. Additionally, when the present
universe is destroyed, obviously the present dimension of time relative to
the sun and the moon will equally be destroyed. Revelation 21:23 says,
"And the city (the new Jerusalem from above) has no need of the sun or of
the moon to shine upon it, for the glory of God has illumined it, and its
lamp is the Lamb." The natural elements which set the galactic-clock
of the natural universe will be replaced by the perfect heavenly. The
natural is a corrupt type or preluding picture of that which is to come -
the perfect complete fulfillment of the imperfect natural. When this
occurs, time as related to the natural will likewise be put away - time as
we know it will be no more.
So we see that the three dimensions of space, as we know it, will be put
away, as well as the fourth dimension of time. What then will happen
to the fifth dimension of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil church?
One must keep in mind here that the fifth dimension relates to the earthly/the
carnal. The problem with Christianity is that indeed it is a mix - the
earthly with the heavenly, the good with the evil - and this is the great
problem! The fifth dimension of Christianity relates to the earthly,
and the earthly will be replaced by the heavenly. Thus, the corrupt
church must be replaced by the entirely spiritual church, even as the heavens
and earth are replaced by the new heavens and new earth. This is a
two-part process for Christianity. First, the corrupted body of Christ
that chooses both good and evil, must be trained and purified to be a true
Christ and do and choose good only. Isaiah 7:15 states concerning Yahshua
- "He will eat curds and honey with respect to His knowing to refuse evil
and choose good." Christianity has never been able to "refuse evil
and choose good." Instead, they are the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil. As Zechariah 13:9 tells us, Christianity in the Millennium
must be taken through the fire in order to purify it and bring it to this
true example of good only, refusing evil. Then second, in time fifth
dimension Christianity will also enter into glorification, putting off their
corruptible bodies and putting on the incorruptible. When that occurs,
equally the corrupted fifth dimension will be no more.
Now, where does this corruption and eventual passing away of these first
five dimensions leave man, the earth, the heavens, and the kingdom?
One must realize that Yahweh is indeed a God of laws and order. These
laws and order are observable even by the natural, even by those who have
absolutely no belief in God whatsoever. While not seeing God or accepting
God by faith or some form of belief, man does see Him in creation. God
is observable to the natural man, but as natural Creation. Thus, man
can actually know God in part, by knowing His natural laws and qualities.
Amazingly, man can know in pattern who God is and what He will do,
without recognizing or acknowledging God. Man can do so by Yahweh’s
natural laws.
Within the science of physics is Yahweh, the Creator of all things.
Now, men have not entirely figured out Yahweh, any more than physicists have
entirely figured out the laws of this universe. Some strides have been
accomplished in physics, unleashing for man such developments as atomic energy
(including the atomic bomb), radio, television, computers, etc. But
there remain mysteries in physics that man has not been able to decipher or
Up until the 1900's, men pondered and fantasized what the fourth dimension
could be. It was not until the epoch-making introduction of the theory
of relativity by Albert Einstein in 1905, that man understood the fourth dimension
was in fact time. Of course, it cannot be said that this was the first
time man had knowledge of this, for we have seen already that this "depth
of beginning/depth of end" was presented by Abraham almost 4,000 years earlier
as one of the five dimensions of earthly man. But as to the consciousness
of man relative to the laws of "Nature," the gifted brilliance of Einstein
reconciled that time itself was indeed the fourth dimension per man's earthly
Since 1905, inquiring physicists have come to the conclusion that there
must, in fact, be a fifth dimension in man's existence. Physicists
have absolutely no idea what this fifth dimension is, other than their remarkably
amazing and paradoxical conclusion that it is small enough to fit within
the nucleus of an atom, yet the earth and the entire universe is within it.
This is the extent of their understanding of the fifth dimension, yet most
physicists now admit that in order for physics to all fit together, there
must be this fifth dimension.
Of course, while man was not persuaded of the fourth dimension until after
1905, though Abraham identified it 4,000 years earlier, it is most certainly
unlikely that physicists will accept Abraham's equally accurate identity of
the fifth dimension - "A depth of good / A depth of evil." This identity
by some might simply be called the dimension of the spiritual; and indeed
it is, but we see by its very identity with the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil that, more specifically, it is the kingdom of God Yahshua restored
and gave once again to carnal man. The spiritual kingdom given to carnal
man is the corrupted mix of the good and evil church, or Christianity, and
has the unique identity as the fifth dimension. But keep in mind, all
five of these dimensions, including Christianity, exist and have their inherent
weaknesses within the carnal earthly realm.
In the world of physics, there is a theory that Einstein proposed and called
the "unified field theory." In the closing thirty years of Einstein's
life, he sought to formulate this "theory of everything" in which all the
forces found in nature were explained, including light, gravity, molecular
structure, everything from the atom to the galaxies. But, this was never
accomplished in the life of the brilliant Einstein, and has not been solved
to this day. As concluded by one physicist, whoever can resolve the
unified field theory is certain to receive the Nobel prize for physics.
But, some physicists have proposed a theory they believe solves this elusive
problem. They believe that adding higher dimensions simplifies and unifies
all the laws of nature. At this time, physics is limited to four-dimensional
analysis. But as we have noted, most physicists now agree that there
is indeed a fifth dimension. This persuasion is pointed out in Michael
Drosnin's book, The Bible Code (p. 196). In Drosnin's book,
he reports on the recent findings that "There is a Bible beneath the Bible,"
in what is called Equidistant Letter Sequences (ELS). The validity and
workings of this computer-enhanced discovery cannot be reviewed here, except
to note that the scientific community finds it irrefutable, and that against
all odds it is profoundly revealing and startlingly accurate.
Drosnin points out on page 50 of his book that ELS (the Bible within the
Bible) specifically identifies "Einstein," and associated with his name the
information - "They prophesied a brainy person;" "science;" the exceptional
phrase, "A new and excellent understanding;" along with the amazing truth,
"He overturned present reality." His "theory of relativity" is also
encoded, as well as the amazing truth which has more recently come to acceptance
- "Add a fifth part"! To the astonishment of scientists, mathematicians,
a newspaper reporter/author, and multiplied readers, 3,500 years before man
would even begin to unravel these truths of physics regarding the universe,
Yahweh had encoded within the Bible the man who would introduce this process,
and even suggest the solution which Einstein did not discover - the "fifth
part" or the fifth dimension.
In physics, men understand that by adding hyperspace dimensions, all their
problems in reconciling the laws of nature can be solved (the unified field
theory). In Michio Kaku's book, Hyperspace, we read on page 86:
Every undergraduate student learning the theory of electricity and magnetism toils for several years to master these eight abstract equations, which are exceptionally ugly and very opaque. Maxwell's eight equations are clumsy and difficult to memorize because time and space are treated separately. (To this day, I have to look them up in a book to make sure that I get all the signs and symbols correct.) I still remember the relief I felt when I learned that these equations collapse into one trivial-looking equation when time is treated as the fourth dimension. In one masterful stroke, the fourth dimension simplifies these equations in a beautiful, transparent fashion. Written in this way, the equations possess a higher symmetry; that is, space and time can turn into each other. Like a beautiful snowflake that remains the same when we rotate it around its axis, Maxwell's field equations, written in relativistic form, remain the same when we rotate space into time.
Though you will not likely understand the details of Kaku's comment here,
hopefully you see his most important conclusion (which is the main theme of
his book) - that higher dimensions resolve the laws of nature.
This is a most important principle in the ways of Yahweh that has been brought
to light in physics.
Now, what hyperspace dimensions has man had to work with? Well, in
the dimension Kaku pointed out here, all men certainly have the fourth - time
- to work with in order to reconcile nature. But an even higher and
added dimension is that offered by Yahweh to Einstein and to all men - the
"fifth part," or the fifth dimension. Indeed, despite all of Christianity’s
ills, this tree of the knowledge of good and evil kingdom has certainly resolved
many of the problems of nature. It is a higher dimension that, in effect,
lifts man up out of the restrictions of three-dimensional living, as does
the fourth dimension of time. Both of these dimensions, in not only
the sterile calculated minds of physicists but as well in the experience
of those who have entered into the fifth dimension of the kingdom of God
here on earth, are proven remedies to the limited restraints of nature and
the natural life.
Let us pause here and provide simply a few examples of this power of the
fifth dimension to reconcile and resolve nature. One of the simplest
and most obvious to understand is the power of miraculous healing. The
three spatial dimensions in the case of an affliction may indicate that in
time someone might die from a given illness or injury, or be permanently afflicted
or physically altered. Though natural provisions may not be able to
correct the problem, nor may the dimension of time in healing, there have
been many, many, multiplied cases in which the fifth dimension of the power
of God has indeed reconciled and corrected an otherwise uncorrectable affliction.
This introduction of the higher fifth dimension into a naturally impossible
situation, we call a miracle. In truth, it is the higher fifth dimension
that, according to the laws of physics, is in fact resolving the lower laws
of nature. And this power of resolution of the higher fifth dimension
is oft repeated again and again with other problems - emotional, domestic,
moral, financial, lack of information, direction, and so on. Men have
oft discovered that the spiritual fifth dimension indeed brings much needed
resolve and reconciliation within their natural lives.
In addition to this brief look at the fifth dimension and its resolution
of nature, before moving on in the progression physics offers us, let us look
at some of the most amazing aspects of this same power in the fourth dimension
of time. Many aspects of the higher dimension of time in resolving
the realm of space and nature could be addressed. For example, Benjamin
Franklin's wife identified one of the powers of resolution via the fourth
dimension of time, when she declared to her husband following the death of
their young son - "Time is an herb that cures all diseases." This statement
reveals the power of hyperspace in resolving the ills of nature. Give
time a chance, and a three-dimensional circumstance can be rectified, resolved,
or healed. Time can indeed be a most appreciated way of resolving the
laws of and acts within three-dimensional nature.
Furthermore, all the laws of restitution laid out in Yahweh’s Word in which
the offender restores the offended, are in fact fourth-dimensional ways of
reconciling three-dimensional problems or offenses. For example, according
to Yahweh’s laws, if someone stole from a man, then the offense was to be
reconciled by the offender paying back the offended. This was to be
the case, even if the offender had to serve the offended for a period of time
to pay his debt. In time the offense was more than fully restored.
Time thus restored the violation within nature.
Further reflecting on this matter of the fourth dimension of time, let us
comment on one of the stickiest issues in the theory of relativity - Can there
be such a thing as "time travel," going forward or backward in time?
Can man build a time machine? While this feat, in theory, may arguably
be possible (particularly with the addition of higher dimensions), the obvious
reality at this time is that time travel as man imagines it is (gratefully)
out of earthly man's reach. But, and we add a most remarkable "but,"
actually earthly man can and does and has indeed experienced the reality of
time travel. Granted, everything experienced in this realm is relative
to one's feet still stuck in mud (Jeremiah 38:6 - i.e., limited to this earthly
body experience in a pit that leads to death) and cannot be altered until
we "shake the dust of our feet off" (Lit. of Matthew 10:14, i.e., exit this
body to put on the incorruptible); nevertheless, there is most certainly a
way given to man to effect time travel.
The remarkableness of this feat of time travel is seen in the matter touched
on in this piece, and addressed more fully in THE ISSUE. Let's
say one wanted to travel back in time to the garden of Eden, where man in
the beginning failed. How then could we "warp," if you would, time so
that we could enter into the garden? Somehow we must enter into the
garden in the fourth dimension, without our "world line," as Einstein pioneered,
being broken or interrupted - i.e., without departing from these bodies.
And let it be noted that entering into a higher dimension than the fourth
via a translation into heaven as Enoch or Elijah experienced, is not being
spoken of here. One's "world line" is associated with this world and
these bodies, and remains unbroken thus far. So, how can a fourth-dimensional
travel through time occur without interrupting our "world line"?
Those who imagine the application of time travel, often project the idea
of going back in time and undoing wrongs that have been done - warning Lincoln
to not go to Ford Theater, preventing Hitler from ever coming to power, stopping
Oswald from entering the Texas School Book Depository, or preventing the tragedies
or wrongs in one's personal life. The point we note here is that in
order to alter the consequences of a wrong, one must go back to the place
prior to or at the time of the offense and correct it there. This was
the same dilemma Yahshua faced. For Him to undo the problems created
4,000 years prior to His birth, He had to be able to return to the time of
the offense in order to fix the problems. In order to fix the sins
of Adam and the corruption of the garden, Yahshua had to go back to Adam
in the garden.
Let us use a practical example to explain this. If one was wanting
to fix a mechanical problem, such as in a motor, if the problem existed deep
within the motor, one could only fix it if they systematically removed part
after part until they got to the source of the problem. Once getting
to the problem, then it could be fixed. This was true with Yahshua.
He came to fix man and the kingdom of God; but, time offered a dilemma.
The source of the problem with both man and the kingdom was "located" 4,000
years prior in the garden of Eden. How could He get back to Adam to
fix man? How could He get back to the garden to fix Yahweh’s kingdom?
The curses upon the man, the woman, the earth, and Satan, all originated at
the foundation of man and the earth. Like the problem with the motor,
Yahshua had to some how get back to the source of these problems at the foundation
of the earth and fix them there, in the garden.
How could the man Yahshua, now 4,000 years after the fall, go back in time
to the garden and change or undo the sin that originally occurred there?
To do this, He had to utilize the fourth dimension in order to somehow return
to the garden - "time travel." Yahweh, of necessity, had indeed provided
a way for this to be done. We read in Revelation 13:8 that Yahshua was
"slain from the foundation of the world." This is indeed a wonderful
statement, for in it we find the needed resolution to this dilemma of solving
man's and the kingdom's problems at their source - the foundation. But,
this still leaves us with the question - How then could Yahshua the man effect
time travel and return to the foundation of the earth to there be slain,
thus dying for the entirety of all men since Adam? (Remember that in
time travel, an alteration of events is only effected from the point in which
the traveler returns, thus necessitating that Yahshua return all the way
back to the beginning of man in the original garden in order to restore all
How then could Yahshua go back to "the foundation of the world," having
been born 4,000 years later, and effect being slain there? The answer
to this is in the most important and vital principle of INTERCESSION and
the vow of the Nazirite! Through identifying with the garden elements
in the vow of the Nazirite - the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
the glory of God, and the tree of life - by intercession Yahshua in fact
returned to the garden (testified to by His entering "a garden" upon taking
His vow at the Passover meal - John 18:1), chose to partake of the tree of
life (testified to by His journey to the Mount of Olives), identified with
dead man (testified to by the sleeping three disciples), rejected the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil (He prayed three times that the wine-possessing
cup would pass from Him), and identified with the curse of man to work the
earth by the sweat of his brow (in the garden, equally Yahshua sweat, and
it was "like drops of blood, falling down upon the [cursed] ground" - Luke
22:44). Truly and most surely, through the vow of the Nazirite and
His garden experiences, Yahshua entered a place of intercession, and by it
returned to the garden of Eden to correct by His blood and restored vow the
sins of all men (1 Timothy 4:10, 1 John 4:14) and to restore the defiled
kingdom! In "time travel" reality, Yahshua by intercession was in
fact slain as a Nazirite "from the foundation of the world," uniting the
cross with the original garden! Such is the immense power of intercession!
It is the power to travel through time and even space!
Now that we have seen the remarkable feat of traveling back in time, let
us likewise see in Yahshua's intercession as a Nazirite the equally remarkable
feat of traveling forward in time. We will not elaborate on this a great
deal, for the mechanics of it are laid out in THE ISSUE. In
that writing, we saw that Yahshua's intercession as a Nazirite was two-fold
- both backward in time to the original garden of Eden, as well as forward
in time through the body of Christ church period. We clearly saw that
Yahshua's garden period of prayer (immediately following His Nazirite vow
at the Passover meal) was a specific intercessoral identification with the
original garden, while His trial and affliction was a specific intercessoral
identification with the body of Christ (albeit an equally preluding pattern).
When Yahshua went back in time, He returned to the garden of Eden. When
He went forward in time, He felt all the pain that would afflict the church
- being delivered to His afflictors by "a devil" (Judas), tormented, blinded
(with a blindfold), a crown of thorns (worldly cares) was placed upon His
head, He was beaten, they spat into His face, He was crucified, and all of
this culminated with the three hours of darkness and Yahshua's cry - "My
God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?" All of these events were specific
acts of intercession in which He experienced beforehand what the body of
Christ would go through. (For more details, see THE ISSUE, page 3.)
In Yahshua's affliction and death, He was equally performing time travel,
this time passing forward in time through the body of Christ period and feeling
all the pains of that good and evil kingdom that was to come.
But we ask the question - Why? Why would Yahshua intercede for the
church in its deprivation? The answer is - Because Christianity of necessity
needs deliverance from its corruption, and Yahshua as an intercessor gained
the authority to deliver it! An intercessor gains authority on behalf
of the one(s) for which intercession is made, and Yahshua by His intercession
for the corrupted church gained intercessoral authority to deliver it.
If He had not done so, the outcome of the church would be that which occurred
at the conclusion of His affliction: three "hours," or three thousand
years, of darkness with the final dreaded - "My God, My God, why have you
forsaken Me?" But this is the very point of His intercession.
He suffered for the church so that He might deliver it! Yahshua will
not allow the church to go three "hours" in darkness, but will cut its time
short to two "hours" (or two thousand years) and return to deliver the church
from its afflictor, Satan. Because Yahshua interceded for the church
in His afflictions, He has the authority to deliver it from its afflictor!
Thus we see, as a Nazirite intercessor Yahshua not only traveled backward
in time to fix the problems of Adam man and the corrupted garden, but He equally
traveled forward in time to gain the authority to deliver the church from
its three "hours" of darkness. Such is the most remarkable power of
intercession - it provides the higher dimension capability of time travel,
both back in time, as well as forward. And this is the power of intercession
available to all men! Without making this a study on intercession, let
us simply note that intercession is the power for any man or woman to perform
time and space travel to accomplish things as though they were there in reality.
This fourth dimension of time is, in the laws of physics, the higher dimension
that allows the simplification and unification of the laws of nature - either
by time travel in intercession, by the resolution of past events with the
herb of time, or in a sundry of related ways.
And before closing this section, what is to be said concerning Yahweh, the
Creator of all things? Is He under the constraints of time as is carnal
man? Does He relate from a single moment in time as men do? Certainly
not! Yahweh is much higher than these first five dimensions of carnal
man; in fact, He is higher than all the dimensions of man (to be considered
in the next section). Yahweh the Creator is not bound by time, and exists
eternally with no beginning and no end. In Revelation 1:4 we read that
the Creator identified Himself as He "who is and was and is
to come." This describes an omnipresence of Yahweh, not just in
place, but equally in time. Yahweh is present in the present, the past,
and the future, all at one time.
To help understand this, let us consider time as being a long scroll.
For man, he can only view the scroll at one given point as it unrolls before
him, but then recoils after him. But for Yahweh, the scroll is unrolled
entirely from beginning to end as one continuous and observable sheet, laying
completely open to Him so that He is present at and completely aware of all
points on the scroll - past, present, and future. Thus, Yahweh occupies
all points on the scroll of time in the full stretch of time. For this
reason, He can declare:
"Remember this, and be assured;
Recall it to mind, you transgressors.
Remember the former things long past,
For I am God, and there is no other:
I am God, and there is no one like Me,
Declaring the end from the beginning
And from ancient times things which have not been done,
Saying, 'My purpose will be established,
And I will accomplish all My good pleasure'" (Isaiah 46:9-10).
Yahweh alone can declare the end from the beginning of time because He
not only sees all the works of man from beginning to end, but He also occupies
and even establishes all of man's works for all time according to His good
This forework, and thus obvious foreknowledge, of Yahweh is abundantly evidenced
in Michael Drosnin's accounts concerning ELS in the Old Testament. Drosnin
notes that "apparently every major figure, every major event in world history,
can be found with the level of encoding we already do know" (p. 46).
(One has to read this book to understand the fullness of his statement.)
How can Yahweh encode in the Bible all the names of now historical figures
and their events thousands of years before they even take place? Because
Yahweh is not bound by the fourth dimension of time. The Bible code
provides irrefutable evidence as to what could be called the hyperdimension
existence of Yahweh God (i.e., being above all the dimensions of man).
As noted in Drosnin's book, Albert Einstein once wrote on the occasion of
a friend's death - "the distinction between past, present and future is only
an illusion, however persistent" (pages 31, 193-194). This persistent
"illusion" is most confining to man, yet to the Creator who exists above time,
neither the past, nor the present, nor even the future offer any restraints,
limitations, or surprises to the Creator, Yahweh.
Let us now close this section by returning to our consideration of the fifth
dimension or "fifth part," which Yahweh encoded Einstein to add.
We have already seen that the fifth dimension in the physics of earthly
man is the dimension of the kingdom of God that is good and evil. While
this most certainly is not the perfect kingdom that man is to enter
into, it is the kingdom that has been available to carnal man. The fifth
dimension is an access to the highest yet dimension of physics available to
man at this point. A relationship with the Creator is available through
the Son Yahshua, the anointed (or Christ). By entering into this fifth
dimension, the lower dimensions of time and space can be resolved. In
this fifth dimension, the God of creation and order becomes the God of miracles,
with the result of the modification of space and even time. Yahweh,
in the fifth dimension, offers to man a higher level of physics that simplifies
and unifies all that is available to him at his present point of time and
But is there more? Is there only the get-by-in-carnal-flesh experience
of the fifth dimension? Is there more to come than the conflict of both
good and evil? Man left at this level is still woefully in the "wretched
man" state of carnal existence and struggle addressed in Romans 7.
Surely Yahweh has created higher levels of dimensions to rescue man.
Once again we can look at the findings of physics to gain our answer.
Continue to page 4 of Two Trees... for YET HIGHER DIMENSIONS