CONT., page 5


"For everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled,
and he who humbles himself shall be exalted."

There cannot be enough said regarding this matter of humility as Yahshua spoke of here.  In 1980 when I was studying Yahweh's principles, this principle was identified as the abased to be exalted principle.  Only recently Yahweh showed this man some things regarding this that thrill me, and they relate to yet another application of the passing over principle.  Let us now look at them.  This is very exciting, highly revealing, and very important.

We have already seen that the passing over principle applies to the church in a number of ways, yet amazingly they all harmonize.  

Though we could find the expression of the following truth in any of these three applications, it is this third testimony that we want to concentrate on now.  And the specific example from the Scriptures we will look at to help us see this truth, and more, is the first sons among mankind - Cain, Abel, and Seth.

We find that the first few chapters of Genesis are incredibly prophetic per that which Yahweh will perform in His higher kingdom.  It is as though He took all the information needed to foreshadow all that He would do in His kingdom, and condensed it within the beginning years of mankind.  This testimony concerning Cain, Abel, and Seth is no exception.

If we lay out this passing over pattern once again over these three men, examining them per the three works within the church, we find the following:  Cain = the first Remnant, Abel = Christianity, and Seth = the second Remnant.  Surely your first response to this is puzzlement, especially in relating the first Remnant to Cain.  But, you are going to be surprised at all that Yahweh is giving testimony to here.

Undoubtedly, your first question would be - Since Cain killed Abel, how could the first Remnant kill Christianity?  Earlier I said that death is not concrete, but rather is a prophetic and legal statement.  Let us see what we mean by this.

Who killed King Saul?  First, 1 Samuel 31:4 tells us that Saul killed himself.  His armor bearer refused to kill him per his command, so we read that Saul then fell on his own sword and died.  "And when his armor bearer saw that Saul was dead, he also fell on his sword and died with him."

Second, 2 Samuel 1:10 tells us that a young Amalekite saw Saul who was wounded, and Saul beckoned him to kill him because of his lingering life.  The young man obeyed him and killed him and took the crown from his head and the bracelet and brought them to David.  For this, David killed the young man.

Third, 2 Samuel 21:12 tells us that the Philistines killed Saul.  So then who killed Saul?  It appears that three different people killed him!  The answer is that which has been stated in the writings under Bible contradictions.  Things do not have to make practical sense in the Bible; but, they must make prophetic sense!  Obviously, Yahweh is more concerned about His prophetic message than He is in providing historical accounting.  The greatest value of the past is in its ability to direct us into the future, and Yahweh uses the accounting of the past, even in seemingly foolish contradictions, as important and revealing riddles that afford rewards for the understanding.

We will address Saul's death, but two other examples of this prophetic nature of death are the riddle contradictions of who killed Ahaziah and Josiah.  In 2 Kings 9:27 we read that Ahaziah was shot by the men of Jehu at Ibleam, and wounded "he fled to Megiddo and died there."  Likewise, king Josiah went out to do battle with Pharaoh Neco of Egypt, and Neco "killed him at Megiddo.  His servants then drove his body in a chariot from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem and buried him ..." (2 Kings 23:29-30).  But in 2 Chronicles 22:9 we read that Ahaziah fled south to Samaria (which was south of Ibleam), was brought to Jehu (who was either at Jezreel where he next killed Jezebel or at Ibleam), and was put to death.  According to 2 Chronicles then, Ahaziah was killed in Jezreel or Ibleam, and never went to Megiddo. And concerning Josiah, we read in 2 Chronicles 35:23-24  that he was wounded and brought "to Jerusalem where he died."  Thus we see that both of these men prophetically were killed twice, at completely different locations, their deaths equally providing a prophetic riddle.

Furthermore, in like and confirming testimony, in 1 Samuel 17 we read the thorough account where David killed Goliath.  However, in 2 Samuel 21:19 we equally read that Elhanan killed Goliath.  Thus we see once again prophecy prevailing over the practical, so that there is the testimony that Goliath was killed twice as well, by two different men.

In each of these cases, we find once again that death is both prophetic and a legal statement.  So, why was Saul killed by three different parties?  Because Saul is a very clear testimony of Christianity, and Christianity is legally killed three different ways.  Let us now see these ways.

Even as Saul killed himself, likewise Christianity kills itself by its own ill actions.  This testimony is seen also in Eli falling backward and killing himself, or Haman being killed on his own Pentecost fifty gallows, or even Judas hanging himself and his belly bursting open.

But even as the Philistines killed Saul, so we find that Satan equally kills Christianity.  And finally, the third cause of death for Christianity is that which we want to address here more fully per Cain killing Abel.

Even as the young Amalekite killed Saul and gave his crown and bracelet to David, so the young first Remnant killed Saul Christianity.  Both the Amalekite and the first Remnant were deceived into thinking that they were doing something good, but for each of their actions they suffered death.  

But this three-party death of Christianity was equally the case with Yahshua's own death.  As we have seen before in these writings - as went Christ, so has gone the body of Christ.

Who killed Yahshua?  Legally, the first Remnant killed Him through His own disciple, Judas.  But, also the Jews killed Him, or His own Judah brothers.  Thus we see the testimony that Christianity kills itself.  But also, the Roman government killed Yahshua, thus the third testimony that Satan killed Him.  So in either testimony, whether it be Yahshua Himself or the body of Christ, there are three who are responsible for death (just as three killed Saul).  

This now brings us to the clearest testimony of that which we are saying here regarding the first Remnant killing Christianity.  We know that Adam and Eve were clear creation testimonies of the two-part kingdom of Christianity and the Remnant Bride, or the body of Christ and the Bride.  Of course even as the Bride comes out of the body of Christ, so Eve came out of Adam.  BUT, there is an equally revealing and interesting testimony here as well.

We see that even as the Amalekite thought that he was doing a good thing by aiding Saul in his death, yet he suffered death himself for it, so Eve thought she was doing something good by eating from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and then gave it to Adam to eat, and both of them likewise suffered death for it.  It is most telling that the prophetic Bride representative was responsible for the death of Adam.  Equally, we see that the first Remnant ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil kingdom of God, and then turned around and gave the corrupt fruit to the body of Christ, Christianity, and they too ate from it and they both died.  Thus we see that Christianity was equally killed by the first Remnant Bride.  (This responsibility on the part of the first Remnant is likewise seen in their part as the lattice-breaker that opened the hole through which Christianity has been able to fall.)

Now that we have seen that indeed the first Remnant in their own way was legally responsible for killing the body of Christ, we see more clearly the testimony of Cain killing Abel.  And while there are many other testimonies in the Genesis account regarding Cain being the first Remnant, let us briefly look at two of these.  

First, we have seen in other accounts that in like prophetic evidence, Christianity kills the first Remnant.  (This might at first seem confusing to you, but both are equally true.)  Once again, this is only legal (testified by Saul/Paul being party to those who stoned Stephen).  What was the curse placed on Cain for killing Abel?  One, he was to be "a vagrant and a wanderer on the earth," and two, he was marked so that anyone who killed him, vengeance would be taken on him sevenfold (Genesis 4:11-15).

We have already stated in The Issue - II and in other places that the mark of the beast on Christianity is the number seven.  From where did they receive that mark?  From legally killing the first Remnant and coming under the sevenfold curse of Cain.  Thus, after Yahshua swept clean the house of God, casting out Satan, and then left and stayed in heaven, Satan returned and found the house swept and in order and went and got "seven other spirits more evil than itself" (Luke 11:24-26).  By what legal authority did Satan have the right to do this (for he cannot do anything unless it is legally allowed)?  From the curse of Cain.  Satan could thus go before Yahweh and by legal precedence have the right to go and get the "seven other spirits more evil than" himself.  These seven spirits came via the testimony we see here regarding Cain - the first Remnant was killed by Christianity and thus received the curse of the mark of the beast.  

The second testimony is - even as Cain was sent out from the house of Adam to "wander on the earth," so with the stoning of Stephen the first Remnant were sent out to wander on the earth.  They were not the ones who would ascend alive, so they had to leave Jerusalem and were sown into Christianity in the world.  Thus we see in two very important ways how Cain was a prophetic representative of the first Remnant.

With the testimony of Cain and its prophetic and intercessoral relationship to the first Remnant now made evident, the second part to this passing over sequence is readily understandable.  Even as the body of Christ is put to sleep so that the promise-receiving Bride can come out, so Abel was put to sleep so that the promise-receiving third son could take his place.  When second-Remnant-representing Seth was born, Eve declared - "God has appointed me another offspring in place of Abel; for Cain killed him" (Genesis 4:25).  Here we see the clear position of the second Remnant - they are the work that is "in place of" Christianity, which has been killed, put to sleep, for 2,000 years.

We will not say much here about Seth representing the second Remnant, other than to point out that he was the one through whom came the linage of Yahshua, even as the second Remnant are those who bring forth Yahshua, and that he was "a son in his (Adam's) likeness, according to his image."  Likewise, we will be the work that is made into the image of Yahweh Father.

Now that we have said all of this, let us return to that which was set forth at the beginning of this section - to consider the vital place of humility.  As you will see, all of this thus far is information we need in order to understand the ways of Yahweh per this matter of humility.

We find in the Scriptures three highly relevant and attesting representatives of the second Remnant.  One is Jael, who is possibly the best testimony of the second Remnant regarding its death blow to Satan - the tent peg to his temple that goes even into the earth to remove the curse from the ground via Adam's fall.

The second dramatic and clear testimony is that of the Rechabites.  While we find that there were three men who were placed under the Nazirite vow and were failures on different points (Samson, Samuel, and John the Baptist), representing the failure of three-part Christianity, in contrast there were the Rechabites who, representing the second Remnant, were not failures in their equal vow and received the Remnant promise to "not lack a man to stand before Me always" (Jeremiah 35:19).

The third person is once again a woman, she who saved the life of Moses.  Following the burning bush, Yahweh came to Moses to kill him, and the only thing that kept Him from doing so was the intercession of Moses' wife, Zipporah, who circumcised their son and placed the foreskin at Moses' feet.  Yahweh thus let Moses live.  Once again we see the Elijah work that averts the wrath of Yahweh, even the work of the second Remnant.

So what could all three of these have in common, other than they all represent the second Remnant?  First, each one was a wanderer on the earth.  The Rechabites were under a vow to not only not drink wine, but to also live in tents and wander about as shepherds.  Jael was equally a wanderer, who invited Sisera into her tent to sleep.   And Zipporah was a wanderer, Moses joining with them in their shepherding.  (You will recall that the angels revealed the birth of Yahshua to the wandering shepherds as well, even as the angels are revealing truth to the Remnant now that will lead us to Yahshua - Luke 2:8-10.)  Why were all three of these wanderers?  Most dramatically, they were wanderers because they were all Kenites, and the Kenites were the descendants of Cain.  "Kenite" is the Hebrew word "Qini," and comes from the Hebrew word "Qayin" or Cain; thus Kenites are actually Cainites.  And as we find, these descendants of Cain were cursed to be "a vagrant and a wanderer on the earth."  Most interestingly, each one of these second Remnant representatives were descendants of Cain!

Before we draw any conclusions from this, let us look at another most interesting and revealing testimony.  Even as Cain was the first graphic example of corruption in the land after Adam and Eve were sent out of the garden, so Judas Iscariot was the first graphic example of corruption in the kingdom of God.  Satan came to him and his actions led him to be identified as "the son of perdition," or destruction or loss (John 17:12).

Judas held the office as the one who had the purse.  As Yahshua's disciples held all things in common, Judas was responsible for the well-being of the entire group.  But, for thirty pieces of silver he betrayed Him, and afterwards went out and killed himself, vacating his office.

It has been pointed out in these writings that the selection of Matthias by the eleven to replace Judas by casting lots, was just one more act of corruption performed by the first Remnant disciples.  When Yahshua came back to be among them after His resurrection, if He had wanted that position to be filled at that time, He would have done so.  But instead, by the flesh (like Abraham with Hagar or Moses killing the Egyptian) they took actions into their own hands and filled it.  Without the all important government of the One being there, falsely adding a twelfth to the then eleven did nothing to solve the problem.  In fact, it only pointed to the fact of the vital necessity of the presence of the One.

So what were Yahshua's plans?  Here we begin to see the incredible way of Yahweh and humility, taking the one seated at the back of the room and moving him to the head table.  

The way of Yahweh is to choose the despised and rejected; the poor and crippled and blind and lame; the foolish things of the world, the weak things of the world and the despised, even the things that are base and are not; the unseemly members; the lame Mephibosheths; even those who are not His people; these are the ones whom Yahweh chooses to exalt.  Thus we see in the ways of Yahweh His performing this with the office of Judas.  Yahshua took an office that had been abused and become despised and even forsaken, and almost 2,000 years later has exalted it to the highest place where it occupies the very position of Himself, in the "one" position of His government of thirteen!

This is absolutely incredible how Yahshua takes the despised place of Judas, and elevates it to the position of Himself!  But, this is in fact the very way of Yahweh.  He exalts the base to the highest position; and when He warns man that He does this and for man to seek the lowest seat, He does this because this is the very way that He Himself takes.

It is an overwhelming thought that the One who had the power to create the entire universe with His very words, and could blow man away with such awesome power that man would shrink back in weakness and fear and death, chooses instead to humble Himself and present Himself and His message in weakness and foolishness.  THAT blows me away!  You may take this for granted, but it is an entirely awesome thing that Yahweh chooses to humble Himself and work through the foolish to shame the wise, to work through the weak to shame the strong.  Yahweh Himself chooses to come to man in weakness and foolishness.

Look at the way He came to this earth in His Son.  He came in weakness, to the point that He even died at the hands of man.  He humbled Himself to the point that man was even able to kill God.  This is incredible!  Yahshua first humbled Himself by leaving heaven and coming to this corrupt earth; but, He went the second mile and even humbled Himself as a man, even to the point of death.  Incredible!

This is the testimony we see with Cain as well.  Who would Yahweh choose to represent and, in truth, provide the intercessoral authority for the second Remnant to destroy Satan, but the first great failure in mankind after leaving the garden - Cain!  After being the murderer of mankind, even so Yahweh chose Cain's place (as with Judas) to become the deliverer for mankind!  Incredible!  

The prophetic and intercessoral position the second Remnant must adopt today is that of Cain, those who are wanderers, those who are Rechabites, those who are lowly shepherds, those who do not own the property and possessions of this world (the very two things the first Remnant sold - Acts 2:45).  One must humble himself to become a cursed Kenite if he wants to defeat Satan (as a Jael), to prove himself faithful (as a Rechabite), and to appease the wrath of Yahweh (as a Zipporah).  One must humble himself, give up all his possessions, obey Yahshua's command regarding what one must do to be His disciple (Luke 14:33), become the very least of this world, recline at the last place, if he expects to be exalted to the head table in immortality.  All others, even as Yahshua said concerning those from John (the first Remnant testimony) until now, take the kingdom by force instead with their wealth and power.  The second Remnant will not be this way, but will be like the first Remnant and become poor and weak in this world.  Thus the words of Yahshua will be fulfilled - "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God" (Luke 6:20).  This was the very first statement of Yahshua in His beatitudes, and must become first priority in your life.

Incredibly, this is the way Yahweh pursues, this is the way Yahshua pursues, and this is the way you must pursue if you want to walk in their ways, to find favor with them, and to enter into their presence.  There is only one way that you will be exalted into a glorified body with Yahshua, and that is to humble yourself and become poor in spirit, as well as poor in this world, taking the legal position of a Kenite.  He who humbles himself will be exalted.

Let us close this section with a revealing comparison of the gospels per this matter of humility.  It is most striking that even as the word "law" is never used in the gospel of Christianity Mark (it is a lawless work), so the word "humble," or any form of it like "humbles," is not used in Mark.  Four times the word "humble," and its associated forms, is used in first Remnant Matthew.  In second Remnant Luke it is used six times.  And, it is not used in kingdom John either, for it is evident that by then the humble are exalted.

But most telling about this is the placement of the statement found at the opening of this section - "For everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted."

It has been pointed out that the latter rain is to be a double portion of that which the first Remnant received.  As the ones who receive the second touch from Yahshua, we are already being shown some marvelous truths and understanding that the first Remnant never saw.  But even as there is the testimony of receiving a double portion, there is a price for this as well.  For example, in Matthew and in Mark, the disciples left their nets and those things that were at hand.  However, in second Remnant Luke, very consistently testified with both the fishermen as well as with Matthew, they "left everything."  Such is the greater commitment seen in this matter of humility.

While of course the subject statement by Yahshua is not found in Mark, it is found once in Matthew (23:12); but tellingly, the identical statement is found, not once but, twice in Luke (14:11 and 18:14).  Thus we see the testimony that if we are to expect the double portion of Yahweh's Spirit, we must be willing to double humble ourselves.

As has already been noted here, this is precisely that which Yahshua did.  First He humbled Himself by coming to this earth; but, He further humbled Himself by dying on the cross.  Yahshua likewise double humbled Himself.

But further impacting is the fact that first Yahshua humbled Himself by coming to this earth and dying, but then came again as the body of Christ and once again humbled Himself unto death through the body.  Thus both through His own life, as well as through the life of the body of Christ, Yahshua double humbled Himself.

This double humbling is the message seen in the passing over principle, which clearly reveals to us why the passing over principle is in practice.  The first passing over is Yahweh's first work of humbling man, the second passing over is His second work in humbling man.  Having been twice humbled, man is then ready to receive the promise of Yahweh.  BUT, this is only after being twice humbled.  AND, this is precisely that which the second Remnant must expect if we are to likewise receive the promise of Yahweh.  That promise cannot come until we too as the Luke group are willing to be twice humbled in our lives, both individually, as well as in the Remnant Bride.  We must go the second mile, giving up all we possess, if we are to be His like disciple.  May Yahweh accomplish His works and His ways in our lives that we may be acceptable and pleasing to Him.  And may we always seek to go the second mile and be double humbled.

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