Chapter 8


Each of these chapters has been so amazingly revealing, it seems almost facetious to offer that this chapter is highly revealing; but such it is. Like so much of this writing, these truths have never before been seen and presented. They, quite obviously, are something new. But, this newness should indeed hold great attraction and produce sincere inquiry. The promise of new wine in fresh wineskins (Luke 5:38), of a new song (Revelation 14:3), of the new thing in the earth (Jeremiah 31:22), even the new ox cart that transported the ark of the covenant back to the Israelites (1 Samuel 6:7), and much more, should exhilarate us with the hope of something new and most wonderful in the days ahead! If indeed there is something new, one can certainly expect that, as it was with the first coming of Yahshua, men have not thought about it before, it will come on the scene as a great surprise, and will be rejected by the majority (only a "Zoar" will embrace it)!

In this writing we will not take the truths laid out in these foundational chapters any further than this last chapter, though there is much, much more to learn. This chapter opens the door to a whole new panorama of what lays ahead in the hope-filled future before us – who is the body of Christ, who is the Bride, who will be glorified with Yahshua, and how all of this relates to the plan of Yahweh for the world. But we cannot here sail off into those horizons, but must instead maintain our attention on that which is at hand.

The Scriptures we have looked at raise some puzzling questions that, frankly, men could noodle out, coming up with their own answers; but, for the truly inquiring and sincere seeker, the truth we find will not fit into established thinking. Who would say that what has been presented in this writing thus far fits into established thinking or "sound" (whatever that means – the accepted, I suppose) doctrine? Frankly, it does not fit! In fact, it flies directly into the face of 90% or more of Christians.

Yes, there are Christians who obediently cover their heads. It is nice that there are at least a number who provide a visual reminder of what all churches practiced in the beginning without exception (1 Corinthians 11:16). And even if they wear a headcovering for the sake of tradition and do not fully understand why they follow in it, we can still be glad that there is a remnant of people who keep a truth alive, affording some visual encouragement as to what is right. But that which is presented in this writing seeks to reveal the laws and patterns and ways of Yahweh that are the basis for these practices; and in so doing, leads us to go beyond the immediate, and with that understanding extrapolate what this means in His greater works.

For example, in Chapter 6 we asked the puzzling question:

Since the man is the glory of God, why in Yahweh's sovereign design did He not give the glorious long hair to the man?

Does this not strike you as a question of great puzzlement? When writing this material, it certainly posed a most enigmatic problem to me! The short hair on the man did not seem to fit at all into the whole of the issue of hair and glory. Yahweh's word, as well as all creation, testifies that the male received the glory. So then why was this not true with His placement of the glorious long hair? The man had the beard, so why not the long hair as well? This was such a personal and life-changing question for me, its answer cannot be given without sharing with you my own experience in how it came.

In June of 1994, I was in my car returning to a home we had built in order to help women and children, and this question prevailed most heavily on my thoughts. Over and over I pondered it as it weighed on my mind. Finally, relenting that I just could not figure out the answer, I resolved to go home and ask the ladies at the house. Maybe since they were women they would know. But, my inadequacy was Yahweh's opportunity to begin a dramatic change in my life and in my beliefs. When I had given up on solving this most puzzling problem, Yahweh clearly spoke the answer to me in my understanding. To put it into words, He told me: "Because I will take the glory that was given to the short-haired body of Christ, and give it to the long-haired Bride." I cannot begin to tell you how my spirit soared at hearing this! I was exuberant inside at having heard from Yahweh concerning, for me, a most puzzling question. I knew then why the man was to wear short hair, while the woman was to wear her's long. Because the woman was a prophetic picture of Yahshua's Bride that would receive the long-hair-represented glory of Yahweh!

My hours, days, weeks, and months after that revelation were filled to overflowing with the ever-illuminating study of Yahweh's word. What had thus far been seemingly a very fruitful harvest from the study of the Scriptures, became a bounteous unrelenting deluge of revelation and affirmed truth!

What then is meant by a Bride that is unique and separate from the body? Most would hold those two to be the same – two expressions of the same company. But, this is most certainly and clearly not what the Scriptures reveal. Let us now go to this fountain and see who this Bride truly is. We will list here some of the qualities, or characteristics, of the Bride, and consider them in this chapter as it unfolds.

The Bride of Yahshua

  • Her identity is hidden
  • She is not the body, but comes out of the body
  • She is young – without spot or wrinkle
  • She receives the long-hair Nazirite glory
  • She is legally covered


In this section we will consider the first two of these listed points. The question that would arise here is: From whom or what is the Bride hidden? Maybe from the world? But the hiding is far more than just from the world. The testimony of the Scriptures is that Yahweh is going to perform an entirely new work, hidden thus far from man and silent thus far in the church. Neither the world nor even Christians have known who this silent Bride is. Let us briefly consider some clear evidences of the Bride's identity being hidden.

It has been eluded to in this work that the Bride must come out of the body. This is clearly evidenced in both Adams – the first Adam and the last Adam, Yahshua. We have already seen the remarkable similarity between these two Adams in how they both partook from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in order to save their brides. In like similarity, we find both Adams provide evidence that the bride from each must come from their sides.

The first Adam obviously provides the clearest evidence of this. In Genesis 2:21-22 we read:

So Yahweh God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh at that place. And Yahweh God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man.

But as we have seen, what Yahweh performed in the first Adam was a picture, or pattern, for what He would equally perform in the last Adam – Yahshua, or even in the body of Christ. Thus, in John 19:32-34 we read:

The soldiers therefore came, and broke the legs of the first man, and of the other man who was crucified with Him; but coming to Jesus, when they saw that He was already dead, they did not break His legs; but one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately there came out blood and water.

Even as the first Adam was put to sleep and a rib was removed from his side in order to fashion for him a bride; likewise, the last Adam was put to sleep on the cross, a spear went between His ribs into His side, and out came the provision for His Bride – blood and water.  We are told in Leviticus 17:11 that "the life of the flesh is in the blood." We also know that "Eve" means "life." Thus, one could well say that "Eve" came from Yahshua's side.

We have already seen how the flesh is a covering for the bones and blood. In both of these like cases, the bride was hidden under the covering of the man (more on this shortly), specifically under his/His side, and most significantly was not revealed until the completion of his/His labors. Though from Adam's creation Yahweh acknowledged that it was "not good for the man to be alone," and committed to making "a helper suitable for him," He did not give Adam his bride until he had performed his labor of providing names to "every beast of the field and every bird of the sky" which Yahweh had brought to him (Genesis 2:18-20). And from all these labors it was concluded: "but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him." Therefore, Adam was put to sleep and from his side was taken a bride. This was a most important pattern laid out in creation!

Equally, as the last Adam we find Yahshua laboring. Beginning at the age of thirty, for three and a half years He performed the work of His Father; and it was not until the close of His life as the last Adam that He too was put to sleep in order to take a bride from His side as well.

What do these obvious parallels mean for us today? For 2,000 years the Adam body of Christ has labored upon this earth. But is there a bride for Yahshua yet? No, for as we see, the Bride cannot be taken out of the body until the end of the body's labors. The body of Christ likewise must be put to sleep and from its side come the Bride. What will form this Bride for the body? The same elements that were represented in the two Adams. The rib of Adam is, of course, a bone from which comes the life of man – the blood. And from Yahshua's side equally came blood and water. At Yahweh's elected time the body of Christ is put to sleep and out will flow life – the blood, even "Eve." Hereby a bride for Yahshua will be formed.

But most importantly, note that the masculine Adam body of Christ work is created first and performs its labors first before the Bride can come from its side. Very significantly, Adam and Eve were not created at the same time – Adam came first, then after Adam's labors came Eve. Today, the Adam body of Christ, the first work, has now labored for 2,000 years without the Bride coming out. It is time for the Bride-work to begin.



The Bride is equally attested as hidden by Abraham's wife, Sarah. In a testimony we will find repeated many times in other examples as well, Sarah's identity was concealed for the sake of her husband. As a testimony to the two-part Bride, Sarah was hidden twice – once in Pharaoh's house in Egypt (Genesis 12:10f) and once in Abimelech's house in Gerar (Genesis 20). In both cases her identity was hidden for the sake of preserving her husband's life. And because of Sarah, Abraham received great wealth and provision. Equally, through the concealment of Yahshua's Bride and its ultimate revelation, the body (and the Bride) will receive life, wealth, and abundance.

Another bride that was hidden in Gerar for the same reason – fear for the life of her husband – was Isaac's bride, Rebekah. During another famine, Yahweh specifically told Isaac not to go to Egypt. So, as did his father he likewise went to Gerar. There, Rebekah's identity was also concealed. And equally, once her identity was revealed and she and Isaac received legal protection for their lives, Yahweh blessed them exceedingly: "Now Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold. And Yahweh blessed him, and the man became rich, and continued to grow richer until he became very wealthy (Genesis 26:1-14).

But one of the most revealing testimonies concerning Yahshua's Bride and its origin comes from when Rebekah was first obtained for Isaac. This account is often noted by Christians as a clear and obvious testimony of Yahshua's Bride. However, because of their false idea that the feminine Bride is also the masculine body, a most important testimony of that account is missed. We will review the events recorded in Genesis 24 and see these remarkably clear and explicitly revealing parallels.

For the sake of brevity, let us first simply note that Abraham (the Father) wanted a bride for his son Isaac (Yahshua), so he sent his chief servant, Eliezer (whose name means "God of help," i.e., the Helper, the Holy Spirit), to find a bride from among his own family (the body of Christ). Did he find a bride? Indeed he did. Rebekah provided water for Eliezer and his camels according to Eliezer's prayer; and by the next morning, young Rebekah was on her way to her husband, Isaac. When Rebekah saw Isaac, "she took her veil and covered herself. Then Isaac brought Rebekah [the Bride] into his mother Sarah's tent [Jerusalem above], and he took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her ...."

What could be more unmistakably clear in representing the prophetic calling out of a bride by the Holy Spirit for the Son of God than this account? We will note here one matter already presented, and then must add one most important and revealing point from this account that is always overlooked.

First, note that Rebekah veiled herself at the sight of Isaac. May we suggest to you two things here? First, as we have noted in this section thus far, the identity of the Bride is hidden, concealed, or veiled. Particularly in this example, her glory is hidden, or veiled, under the headcovering. Likewise, we can fully anticipate that women in the Bride work of the Holy Spirit will equally veil themselves, covering their heads in harmony with Yahweh's ways and protective government.

Now for the most important exclusion or oversight. Where did Eliezer go to get a bride for Isaac? You might answer: To Abraham's family. Indeed he did; and we point out that this was representative of taking the Bride from the body. But what other testimony is there to this being the body of Christ, other than the simple fact that they were family? To answer this, how is it that we have consistently seen in the Scriptures that a bride came from the two Adams? In each case their sides were pierced. So, where is it that we see Eliezer obtaining the prophetic bride for Isaac? In verse 10 we read that Eliezer specifically went "to the city of Nahor." What does Nahor mean? It means:


Eliezer went to "piercing" to obtain a bride for Isaac! Equally, in order to get a bride for Yahshua, the Holy Spirit will have to go to piercing the body (the family). Is it not abundantly clear that taking this prophetic picture in whole, one sees that the Bride must come from the family, the body, and is obtained specifically by "piercing" the body? Once the body is pierced, out will come a bride. This overlooked point in this oft noted picture of obtaining a bride for Yahshua is exceptionally important!

And when Yahshua's Bride comes out, she will come out quickly, suddenly, almost overnight, as did Rebekah! The morning after Eliezer's arrival, Rebekah's family wanted her and Eliezer to stay for ten days; but Eliezer did not want to be delayed. Rebekah concurred with this, and that very morning they departed. Within less than twenty-four hours, Rebekah was on her way to be Isaac's bride. One evening she was an unsuspecting girl going out to gather water, and the next morning she was a bride-to-be, mounted on a camel and on her way to her husband. Her calling out was totally unexpected and very sudden!

This same testimony of a sudden work in calling out the Bride (clearly not over 2,000 years, but suddenly, in a short time) is confirmed in numerous accounts in the Scriptures, including that of Yahshua's own testimony. When they pierced His side, "immediately there came out blood and water." The immediate "coming out" of Rebekah from piercing her family members, and the immediate "coming out" of blood and water from piercing Yahshua's side, is an unmistakable parallel giving testimony to the sudden obtainment of Yahshua's Bride from the pierced body of Christ.

In the book of Acts we see another clear indication of this piercing of the side of the body and the sudden release of the Bride. In Acts 12 we read the account of Peter being jailed by Herod, who was intending to kill him (the same fear of Abraham and Isaac). The night before Herod was to kill him, we read: "And behold, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared, and a light shone in the cell [the light of truth]; and he struck Peter's side and roused him, saying, 'Get up quickly.' And his chains fell off his hands." "Get up quickly" will be spoken to the Bride when the body of Christ is struck in the side; and the chains that have bound for 2,000 years will fall off and the captive will be set free! 

Before leaving the fruitful testimony of Rebekah as the Bride, there remains another significant aspect concerning the meaning of her name that would greatly benefit our understanding of the work of Yahweh, adding further evidence to this truth concerning the Bride work vs. the body work.

Rebekah's name uniquely means "loops of a rope or noosed cord." People have tried to take this unusual meaning and come up with catchy or positive applications. But, its purposed meaning is seen in its most powerful testimony of this very significant girl – her testimony as Yahshua's Bride. You may ask with puzzlement: What do loops of a cord have to do with Yahshua's Bride? Let us see.

We mentioned at the beginning of this chapter that Yahweh is going to do a new work – new wine, a new song, a new ox cart, and yes, a new thing. In Jeremiah 31:22 we specifically read: "For Yahweh has created a new thing in the earth – a woman will encompass a man." Regarding the testimony of Yahshua's Bride, clearly she is indeed a "new thing," and the timing of this work is critical.

For 2,000 years the Adam body of Christ work has existed within the 6,000 year period of the curse from Adam and Eve. When will this curse be removed? In the Millennium. Yahweh's law allows an Israelite to be in bondage for six years, but in the seventh year he must be released (Deuteronomy 15:12). Man has been in bondage to sin, Satan, and the curse from Adam for 6,000 years; and as most Christians anticipate, in the seventh 1,000 year period – Yahweh's Millennial sabbath – he must be set free. 

Also as we saw per the Nazirite vow, Yahshua has made it possible to reenter into the original Garden. Thus we find testified in verse 21 of Jeremiah 31, immediately preceding this unique promise: "Return, O virgin of Israel, return to these your cities."  And in verse 17 we find the same message: "'There is hope for your future,' declares Yahweh, 'and your children will return to their own territory.'" What is meant by returning to one's own territory?  On the kingdom level, the highest level, it means returning to the covering and fulfillment of the original Garden of God; again, the very work Yahshua effected as a Nazirite. It is Jubilee, when "each of you shall return to his own property, and each of you shall return to his family" (Leviticus 25:10).

Therefore, this "new thing" that Yahweh will perform is the Bride which will encompass the body of Christ in the restored Garden of the Millennial reign.  This is the "loops of the cord" that are testified to in Rebekah, the clear testimony of the Bride that comes from piercing the body.

And in final testimony here, up to now Yahweh's heavenly kingdom has strictly been masculine works – the Father, the Son, and the body of Christ. This is the masculine trinity of headship at the higher level of the kingdom. Therefore, for Yahweh to now create a feminine Bride, indeed He is performing a "new thing"! No longer in the kingdom will it just be the three-part masculine headship, but now the unique feminine as well that receives the long-hair glory. This final addition of the feminine Bride thereby completes at the heavenly kingdom level the order of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 – the three masculine forms, plus the feminine. This is very important to note.



Let us examine another remarkable evidence concerning the hidden Bride. This example is most unique in that the Bride is actually pictured in the account of a man. This man, however, is contrasted with another man (his brother), and is identified more with the feminine qualities of a bride.

In Genesis 25:27 we read the contrast between the two sons of Rebekah – Jacob and Esau. "When the boys grew up, Esau became a skillful hunter, a man of the field [as was Nimrod]; but Jacob was a peaceful man, living in tents." Esau was the favorite son of his father, while Jacob was preferred by his mother. Esau was hairy, Jacob was smooth (27:11). And it is in Jacob that we see the picture, testimony, or pattern of the Bride; while Esau testifies of the body.

Initially, who had the rights of inheritance between these two? Of course, the first born – Esau. But because of Esau's appetite, he sold those rights to his brother, Jacob. From that point on Esau was called Edom, and his descendants became known as Edomites. The word "Edom" means "red," and carries the identical meaning as the very similar word "Adam." Red Edom was prophetically the body of Christ, which was also identified by red Adam. Edom and Adam were prophetically one in their representation of the body.

Jacob received the birthright when Esau became Edom, but in order to obtain the blessing, the Bride-representative, Rebekah, performed her role in making Jacob become Esau. After overhearing a conversation between Isaac and Esau, Rebekah went to Jacob and instructed him in what to do. At her command, Jacob brought her two kids. She took the skins of the two kids, as well as Esau's best garments, and disguised him as his brother. Through this disguise, Jacob received Isaac's blessing, all entirely performed by his mother (even, once again, as temple-building Solomon became king by the influence of his mother). What can all of this mean?

One can be most certain that this very unusual set of events did not occur without bearing some very outstanding prophetic testimony. Again we note from Ecclesiastes 1:9: "That which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done. So, there is nothing new under the sun." What occurred here with Jacob, Rebekah, Isaac, and Esau was a most profound pattern of something that was to come. What was it? It testified of the hidden Bride! Even as Sarah was hidden to obtain the wealth of Egypt and Gerar, so Jacob was hidden in order to obtain Esau's birthright. The Bride must be hidden in order to obtain the wealth. This truth is equally seen in the parable by Yahshua: "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has, and buys that field" (Matthew 13:44).

In this intriguing account surrounding Jacob, we see how Yahweh passes along the birthright from the Esau body of Christ to the Jacob Bride of Yahshua. In order to obtain the birthright, the Bride must first be hidden in the body, even as Jacob was hidden in Esau, in his identity. The Bride must first be Christian, taking on their identity, before it can come out of the body and be the birthright-receiving Bride. The body may have the masculine hairy glory of an Esau, but that glory will be placed upon the Jacob Bride. Thus we see again that the Bride must be hidden in the body, but at the proper time come out of it, possessing the birthright! We will also note here, as testified in Adam, that equally Esau was born first, giving like testimony to the body of Christ first work, followed by the Bride of Yahshua second work (the latter being greater than the former, the last becoming first).


Another marvelous testimony of the hidden Bride is queen Esther. Here we find the Bride whose true identity was hidden – nobody knew she was a Jew. Her identity was hidden, as we find, for the ultimate salvation of her people. Once again we see the blessing aspect of the hidden Bride.

When an edict approved by the king was passed to annihilate all Jews (which in parallel was Abraham and Isaac's fear), it then became incumbent that Esther reveal her identity. Even as Sarah was hidden twice and two kids were prepared by Rebekah, in a most unusual account Esther requested two banquets with the king. At the second banquet her true identity was made known, foiling the plan of an evil Haman, and in the end turning what was to have been a day of sorrow and destruction into a day of gladness and gain. Here again we see the two-part Bride, and the putting away of Satan at the revelation of the latter rain Bride work.

Esther was a type, or picture, of the hidden Bride, who when revealed will bring the salvation of her people. This is the Bride testimony of the feast of Purim.



The pattern of this hidden Bride repeats itself again and again throughout the Scriptures as a testimony of both its truth, as well as its great importance. We cannot identify and explain all these various testimonies, but in them we see the evidencing of these key elements: the feminine Bride is hidden for the sake of the masculine body, the association of the number two with the two-part Bride, the piercing of the body, and the Bride's sudden unexpected coming out or revelation.

For example, in a most significant pattern that cannot be elaborated upon, we see the same truths in the two sons of Judah born by Tamar (Genesis 38). Judah's shunned daughter-in-law, Tamar, was equally hidden. Her identity was concealed under the veil of a prostitute, which resulted in her receipt of Judah's seal, cord, and staff. The identity of the hidden "Bride" was revealed suddenly, with the acknowledgment from masculine Judah – "She is more righteous than I ...." Tamar gave birth to two sons, whose births and names hold outstanding prophetic meaning (which we will not here address)!

We see the same Bride pattern in the two spies sent into Jericho (Joshua 2). In this case, the woman was not disguised as a harlot; she was a harlot. Rahab received into her home the two fleeing spies, and performed the Bride testimony by concealing the two of them under "stalks of flax" on her roof (flax is used to make linen, which was the material worn by the priests). The spies fled to the hill country next where, once again, they hid (for three days), while Rahab, in an agreement that would save the lives of her and her family, tied a "scarlet thread" in her window. (Likewise, we find that a "scarlet thread" was tied onto the hand of the second-born son of Judah by Tamar. And significantly, a "scarlet string" was dipped into the blood of the first dove in the two-dove procedure for the cleansing of the leper. So much could be said about this!)

But one testimony that is to be elaborated on slightly more (though they are all more than worthy of much further elaboration) is the testimony surrounding David's departure from the house of Saul. Once again in testimony of the two-part Bride that comes out of the Body of Christ, David came out of Saul's house specifically by two spears being thrown at him by Saul (1 Samuel 18:11 and 19:10).

Saul's house was clearly prophetic of the body of Christ. Saul was the name of the foremost teacher in the body of Christ. His name was changed to Paul, which means "little." In 1 Samuel 15:17 we read Samuel's words to King Saul: "Is it not true, though you were little in your own eyes, you were made the head of the tribes of Israel?" Little Saul and Paul ("little') Saul represent the same work of Yahweh – the body of Christ. But this is not all the evidence that King Saul indeed represented the Saul/Paul body of Christ.

The church began on Pentecost. Equally, King Saul was made king at Pentecost. Pentecost was the feast specifically associated with the wheat harvest, and in 1 Samuel 12:17 we read that Saul was made king on the day of "the wheat harvest." On Pentecost two loaves of wheat bread were held in the hands of the priest and waved before Yahweh; thus, in confirming testimony that Saul represents the church, the prophet Samuel told him that some men would give him two loaves of bread, and he would prophesy "and be changed into another man" (vs. 6). This indeed took place, and on the day of Pentecost, over 1,000 years later, while the priests were waving the two loaves of bread before Yahweh, the 120 followers of Yahshua were prophesying, and they too became new men.

These evidences, and many more, clearly testify that Saul and his house were prophetically the body of Christ; and as such, undoubtedly we would find a Bride coming out that, like unto Jacob, would possess the legal rights to the house/the throne. This Bride was David, who came out of the house of Saul the same way the blood and water came out of Yahshua – by a spear! But with David, once again we see this marvelous testimony of the number two. David had spears thrown at him on two separate occasions – the two-part Bride. The spear that brought blood and water out of Yahshua's body, also brought Bride-representing David out of the body-representing house of Saul.

Furthermore, as we have seen that the body work must be first, followed by the Bride work, so we find here that Saul had the kingdom first, followed by David. Saul lost his kingdom rights because of his disobedience (1 Samuel 15:25-28), and they were given to David. Equally, the second-work Bride of Yahshua receives the kingdom rights that have belonged to the first-work body of Christ.

Since Yahweh is the author of all things, and His fingerprints are on all His works (His-story), and since there is "nothing new under the sun," we find throughout history, and more specifically recorded in the Scriptures, this replete testimony of Yahshua's two-part hidden Bride coming out of the body of Christ.



Let us now draw upon Chapter 5 concerning glory. In that chapter (as well as Chapter 6) we noted that the woman's hair is her glory. Yahweh also spoke to this writer that the reason the woman has long hair instead of the man, is because Yahshua's Bride will receive the glory, not the body of Christ. As with Esau, the body of Christ might have the hairy body of glory, but that glory will eventually go to the one to whom it is promised – to the Jacob Bride of Yahshua. This is the long-haired woman who, according to the ways and instruction of Yahweh, covers her hair (her glory). Why does the woman cover her hair? We have seen numerous sound reasons, but our answer to this question at this point provides a most important reason why women today should be willing, or would be desirous, to cover their heads essentially at all times. The woman covers her long-hair glory because she is prophetic of the hidden Bride! And her glory is to be hidden until Yahshua comes and takes her into the covering of His mother's tent – Jerusalem above.

There are two reasons why a woman would wear a headcovering at all times.  First, as we have noted, it would be to cover her glory in testimony to the covered glory of the hidden Bride.  But also, as my oldest daughter appealed as we began to see the relevance of the woman covering her head, it is the fulfillment of the instruction of 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to "pray without ceasing."  A woman who has her heart continually before Yahweh to commune with Him at all times, would of necessity need to wear the headcovering at all times. Conversely, there are times when I take a walk on a cold day and need something on my ears; but I know I will be communing with Yahweh, thus so as not to shame my Head, I wear a ski headband.  This is indeed the practicality of honoring Yahweh's government of headship.

But, if the woman is not in prayer or in an attitude of prayer, her husband (or father) is her covering and it is not required at that time that she have the substitutionary covering on her head.  A man does not wear a covering on his head when he prays or prophesies because Yahshua is his covering.  No one physically sees that covering; but even so, before God and the angels it is there.  Likewise, when the woman is not praying or prophesying, her head is covered by her husband.  But if she prays or prophesies, she is to cover her head. And again, this is why many women desire to continually wear a headcovering, being ready to pray at any given moment.


In the account of Ephesians 4 where husband and wife relationships are addressed, we read that Yahshua will present to Himself a bride "in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she should be holy and blameless" (vs. 27). We ask then the simple question: Does this describe the church that has existed for 2,000 years? If you know anything about church history, or if you simply open your eyes to what takes place in the church today, you know this has not been and is not now a church without spot or wrinkle! The body of Christ is 2,000 years old and has developed numerous spots and wrinkles over this extended period! In fact, this church period is the longest standing period of Yahweh's work in the history of man.

There are other testimonies to the youthfulness of Yahshua's Bride. While the Bible does not tell us Rebekah's age at marriage, the Book of Jasher (mentioned twice in the Bible) tells us that she was ten years old (Jasher 24:40) when she went with Eliezer. Both Jasher and the Bible tell us that Isaac was forty years of age when his bride was brought to him. (Isaac was sixty when Jacob and Esau were born, making Rebekah thirty.) This is a most interesting age contrast between the very young bride and the much older husband, providing testimony of the young Bride of Yahshua and the much older body.

Of similar age would have been Mary, the one whom the Holy Spirit came upon to bring forth the Holy Offspring. It is suggested by others that Mary was probably about fourteen when the Holy Spirit came upon her. If so, her youthfulness certainly would testify to the Bride who will likewise be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and bring forth godly offspring.

While the body work has lasted 2,000 years, in contrast the Bride work will be very short. This allows the Bride to not get all those spots and wrinkles that the much older body has obtained.



It should not be necessary at this point to elaborate much on the relationship of the Nazirite's glorious long hair and the Bride. By this time one should see that the long-haired woman is a prophetic picture of a faithful long-haired Nazirite. Again, the two are prophetically one. It is the Bride who enters into the restored Garden kingdom of God which Yahshua had entered by His Nazirite vow. Of course all of this is a legal work, and the natural elements we see are simply patterns, foreshadowings of a kingdom that is much more than a literal garden. In reality, the more perfect kingdom of God will be seen in the Millennial reign of Yahshua with His Bride, who joins Him at the first resurrection.



We have already considered in Chapter 7 the testimony of a small remnant coming out of the Sodom church and residing at Zoar. This is the "Lot" covering that is withdrawn from the Sodom church and preserves the two daughters. (Once again we see the two-part Bride in a testimony of two – Sarah hid two times, two spies, two kids, two banquets, two spears, two daughters, and even Lot removed from Sodom two times.)

Having now an understanding of the Bride coming out of the body, it should be evident that what we see here is a picture of equal testimony. Lot, the covering, is removed from the Sodom church (evidenced by the uncovering of Christian women in the church). The covering is removed to a place called Zoar (meaning, little), providing protective covering for a remnant from the fire that consumes Sodom. This is the covered Zoar Bride that comes out of the Sodom body of Christ. This is the covered vessel that comes out of the dead man's tent.

A particularly thrilling and extremely significant aspect of the woman's substitutionary covering, which is separate from her covering that is otherwise by the man, is its testimony that there is and will be a covering for the Bride that is separate from the masculine body. This is very important and you will want to carefully read this.

The law of Yahweh regarding this matter of the woman's headcovering reveals His plan and provision to bring a bride out of the body. In the natural, when the woman comes out from her husband and goes directly to Yahweh in prayer or to prophesy, a covering has been provided to make this act legally possible – the headcovering. Do you see the great prophetic significance of this? This provision of a covering separate from the man, is a foreshadowing of the legal covering Yahweh will provide in order for the Bride to come out of the body.

Under this separate covering, the Bride will be free to commune with Yahweh (pray) and proclaim His words to mankind on the earth (prophecy). What Paul instructed a woman to do – to come under a covering separate from her husband when she prays or prophesies – is clear, affirming, and highly relevant evidence as to the work Yahweh will do in order to obtain a bride for Yahshua. This bride will in fact be His messenger to mankind on earth.

Do you see this marvelous truth? Legally, it is highly profound! This instruction Yahweh has given the woman is exactly what He will accomplish for the Bride. The separate covering allowance He provides for the woman is exactly what He will provide for Yahshua's Bride.

Even as when a woman prays or prophecies and it necessitates a separate covering, so Yahshua's Bride will need a separate covering from that of the body. Thus we see once again that it is extremely significant and important for the woman to wear the cloth headcovering on her head when she goes to Yahweh in prayer or speaks on His behalf. Yahweh will provide this equally important headcovering on His Bride.

One might ask here: What will this important legal covering be that Yahweh places over the Bride? This was a question that became evident when in 1994 I saw the great significance of coverings and the truth of the Bride coming out of the body. To answer this question fully would require far more space than we can give here. To discover and understand this, read the writings under "The Covering For the Bride of Yahshua."

One can be certain that there will be a very specific legal covering over this Bride in order for her to come out of the body and ascend to Yahshua. This separate covering is required in Yahweh's own laws. And ladies, until the Bride is taken up, you are to give testimony of Yahweh's governmental order by your harmonious obedience in covering your own head when you pray or prophecy. This is the glorious will and plan of Yahweh. Ladies, you have a most wonderful opportunity to reveal the love, mystery, and plan of Yahweh for a covered Bride for His Son!



It is hoped you are beginning to grasp the profound significance of coverings. Because clothing, the beard, or even headcoverings are in the realm of the natural, the common, most fail to grasp the immense spiritual significance they hold. It is a true statement that familiarity leads to error. The familiarity of these everyday things dulls us to their immense importance (not to mention the deception of Satan, who wants men and women to be uncovered). As the old saying goes, one cannot see the forest for the trees. The everyday common exposure and corruption to these spiritual coverings blinds one to the truths of how they relate to the workings of Yahweh.

But, as you hopefully now see, the beard, hair, clothing, the skin, and the headcovering are all relevant, important, and very revealing legal coverings of Yahweh. Thus we are wise and prudent to rightly cover ourselves under these basic, everyday, visual expressions which not only men see, but as we have learned, are more importantly seen and responded to by Yahweh and His angels. To put it in one simple thought: If Yahweh was so concerned as to personally place correct clothing on Adam and Eve, how much so should we give attention to our clothing (including the beard, skin, and the headcovering)?

Yahweh has not altered His concern or attention pertaining to these governmental coverings. But it is man who has been deceived, blinded, and distracted, wandering away from what is right and proper – both morally and governmentally. Therefore, man needs to turn away from the wide way of worldly attraction, affection, success, and praise, and pursue the narrow way that causes one to be wholly different from this world. That is a choice not only immensely hard for some, but even more so difficult to discern. Yahweh God, who may put hooks in the jaws of nations to direct them, does not do so for His Bride. To her He calls from the tops of the trees, gently – "Come out and be not among them."

PS – Let me remind you that you would benefit greatly by rereading this.


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