Hungering and Thirsting
For Righteousness


Cont., page 4




With the hugely prevailing spirit of feminism that engulfs the world today—a sign of the degenerate times in which we live—for most women, and feminized men, this will definitely be the most controversial and disliked, and even detested section of this writing.  But for the same reason—the prevailing spirit of feminism—this all the more necessitates addressing this critical and essential revealing truth.  If one wants to walk in truth and to have understanding that can deliver man and effect righteousness and the kingdom of heaven on this earth, they must be honest with these facts and with reality.


The shameful and clear fact is:  that which took place in the Garden, is being repeated today.  In the Garden, the woman was tempted to be like God and abandoned her place (Genesis 3:5), resulting in the curse upon her:  Your desire will be for the place of your husband (Genesis 3:16, read The Curse On the Woman).  But as a result of her sin, added by that of Adam, she became naked, as well as Adam.  These two things are tragically evidenced today:  the shameful and irresponsible immodesty and sensuality in the way women dress, once again leading men to sin and destroying society; and the destructive results as women seek to have equality with men, abandoning their roles as wives and mothers, as well as taking the place of governance that belongs exclusively to the man.  The latter will be the subject of this section.


Let us begin by making a careful examination of the Creation account.  Herein, one can see the foreshadowing seed testimony of the great social ill that so tragically befalls man today, affording us much needed insight and vital understanding.  Otherwise, we are left in the blinded state where we measure ourselves by ourselves and compare ourselves with ourselves, and for this reason we are without understanding (2 Corinthians 10:12).  But as it is written, That which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done.  So there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9).  Only in examining Yahweh God’s revealing seed testimony set forth at Creation, can we gain clear understanding as to the wholly destructive tragedy that is upon us today.  Only then can we secure a clear and essential standard that affords light and truth.


There are some who say that God is both male and female.  Here again, the root of this is as old as the Garden when the woman was tempted to be like God (Genesis 3:5), and today is dramatically evidenced in feminism—the woman wanting to be equal to the man.  To help understand this matter, we will begin in Genesis 1:26-27.  Here we read:


(26)  Then God said, Let Us make man [Heb., 'dm] in Our image, and according to Our likeness; and they shall rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.   


(27)  God created *the/namely ['th] man/Adam ['dm] in His own image, in the image of God He created him [masculine, or distinctly a male]; male and female He created them.


* Young’s Literal Translation and the Apostolic Bible Polyglot interlinear, both translate verse 27 the man; in other words, the man Adam.  In the Hebrew, the word 'th preceding man/Adam in verse 27, indicates something definite, or namely.  Therefore, on that sixth day, He created namely the first man, Adam.  In contrast, 'th did not precede man in the verse 26 where the plural form Us and Our are used.  But in verse 27 where the singular is used—His and He—here the singular man, Adam, is addressed.  Furthermore, it is then stated that Adam was created in God’s own image, and even emphasizes this by reaffirming his masculine identity with:  in the image of God He created him, not them.  Once again, Adam is distinctly masculine.  Thus we see that in verse 26 when the plural of God is addressed, the plurality of mankind, or they, is addressed.  But, in verse 27 where God is singular, it is now namely the man who is created—Adam.  Then, only after clearly identifying Adam in the distinct male role, possessing God’s own masculine image, is it stated that He made male and female.


In addition, in Bullinger’s Companion Bible, a footnote to Genesis 1:27 confirms what we have thus far seen.  He states:


Here the Heb[rew] 'adam has the art[icle], and the demonstrative Heb[rew] 'eth, to indicate that the man Adam created in [Gen.] 2:7 was the man here purposed. 


In other words, both verses speak of the same:  the man, Adam, who bears God’s image as distinctly masculine.  Let us now examine Genesis 2:7, where we read a restatement of the creation account regarding Adam:


 Then Yahweh God formed the/namely ['th] man/Adam of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of lives; and man became a living soul.


Once again, 'th, or namely, precedes 'dm; and as Bullinger noted, both of these verses speak specifically of the man, Adam.  Furthermore, Young’s Literal, the Apostolic Bible Polyglot, the Geneva Bible (1587), the J.B. Rotherham Emphasized Bible, and Green’s Literal, all translate this verse the man, meaning Adam.


Continuing in this matter, in Genesis 2:15-17 we read:


Then Yahweh God took the man ['dm] and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it.   Yahweh God commanded the man ['dm], saying, From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.


Obviously, given that Eve had not yet been created, again, the man is indeed Adam.  And then next, in verse 18 we read.


Then Yahweh God said, It is not good for the man ['dm] to be alone; I will make him a helper opposite/before him.


Of course, Yahweh took a rib out of Adam and fashioned a woman, who was taken out of man (vs. 22).  First, was Eve made in the image of God?  Not at all.  We read in Genesis 1:27 that Adam alone was made in God’s own image, in the image of God He created him.  This is confirmed in 1 Corinthians 11:7, where we read:


For a man ought not to have his head covered, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.


Again, a man is the image and glory of God.  So, is the woman the image of the man?  No.  You will notice here the contrast:  man is the image and glory of God, but the woman is the glory of the man, but not his image.  This is quite obvious.  Yahweh is distinctly masculine, repeatedly identified as the Father, and never a mother.  Thus, the man shares the Father’s image.  This is, of course, evidenced by the Son of God as well, who likewise came as a man.  But, the woman, who was, literally, built apart from Adam, and was opposite or before him, was made distinctly different from the man in many ways:  in appearance, in role, in purpose, in personality, in strength, in authority, in government, and in fulfillment.  As you will see, this creation pattern is most important, revealing the relationship between God and man.


Let us now get back to the question and matter raised earlier in this section:  Is God, the Father, both male and female?  The answer?  Unquestionably not!  By nature, the male is law and strength, while the female is mercy and is gentler.  But also, keep in mind that the female, which was created opposite or before the male, is the weaker part (1 Peter 3:7) who is easily deceived (1 Timothy 2:14) and does not have the right to rule (1 Timothy 2:12).  Therefore, law and government cannot be forfeited for the desires of the weaker, which is lawlessness.  Thus, as instructed by the Scriptures, the female is to submit to the male, even as the created is to submit to the Creator.  Whether it be God and the created, or the man and the woman, or law and mercy (even the mercy of God is provided through the Law), the latter is the weaker and must yield to the former. 


Now, having said this, God knew that to have fruitfulness, He had to create the latter of each of these, for as it is written, it is not good for the male to be alone (Genesis 2:18).  Thus, in order for God to bear fruit, He had to create man.  Likewise, in order for the man to bear fruit, He had to create the woman.  Furthermore, it is not good for the Law to be alone.  Therefore, in order for the Law to bear fruit, He had to have mercy.  Yahweh God is Law, He is government, and in order to have mercy, and this is important to recognize, He had to likewise create it apart from Him, a separate work, even opposite or before Him.  Thereupon, He sent His Son to be before Him on behalf of man.  By providing a way to have mercy on man, the Father made it possible to bring forth spiritual offspring—the sons of God. 


Most revealing concerning this, in the Old Testament wherein there was the Law, the word mercy is used only ten times regarding having mercy.  (This does not count the mercy seat, which is its own unique Hebrew word, more specifically having the meaning of covering or atoning.)  Also, in the negative meaning, no mercy is used five times.  Subtracting the latter, mercy is found only a net of five times in the Old Testament. 


On the other hand, after Mercy was created before Yahweh God who is Law, in the New Testament, the word mercy is used fifty-eight times.  The negative statement of no mercy was used once, and was in fact a warning to those who do not show mercy (James 2:13).  Even so, this would leave a net usage of fifty-seven times, more than ten times its usage in the Old Testament.  And the fact is, this is even more significant in that the Old Testament is well over three times larger than the New Testament.  In addition, if Yahweh God does not cut time short from three to two, there will be no mercy for man and the three woes spoken of in the book of Revelation will come upon us.  Thus, the book of Revelation has no mercy.  However, we know He will have mercy and establish the Bride, added in the closing chapters.


Do you now see that the Father is not and cannot be both male and female, but is distinctly male/Law?  Therein, to have fruitfulness, He had to create that which is opposite or before Him—the female, or mercy.  Thus, just like we see in the man and the woman, or the Father and the Son, the two are not one in the sense that they are equal or within one entity; but rather, they are one in purpose.  Furthermore, we see that Yahweh indeed could not have given His image to the woman; for again, there would be two laws and no mercy.


Recently, a lady contacted me, noting that the glory of the male is his beard, while the hair on his head has to be short.  In contrast, of course, the glory of the woman is her long hair on her head (1 Corinthians 11:15), and she has no glory on her jaw.  True thus far; but, she then errored.  She concluded that God the Father would have both:  long hair on His head and a long beard.  However, just as nature teaches us that a man is to have short hair, that long hair is a dishonor to him (1 Corinthians 11:14), so nature also tells us that one with both long hair and a long beard is nothing other than a smelly hippie.  The union of the two as one is nothing more than hermaphroditic, violating the necessity of having a distinctly different creation before or opposite of the male.


Again, it was not good for Yahweh/Law to be alone, thus He created mercy, and gave it glory.  Thereby, Yahweh would have the masculine beard (figuratively), even as He placed upon man and the Son of man, and mercy would have the feminine long-hair glory (again, figuratively).  For Yahshua, as a man, that glory could not have been long hair per se, but the glory of attesting to the Father in His own role as a servant (John 1:14), as well as His resurrection.  And of course His greatest glory will be upon His return to this earth to rule and reign.  For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every man according to his deeds (Matthew 16:27). 


Additionally, we have noted that the woman is the glory of man.  When the man shares his glory with the woman, it is fitting that Yahweh would create mercy and it would have its own glory.  Thus, man’s beard attests to Yahweh’s/Law’s glory, and the woman’s long hair attests to Yahshua’s/mercy’s glory—the two being separate, but one in purpose.


This belief that God is both images, has at its root the woman’s desire to be equal to the man, and even the lie she listened to in the Garden:  God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God.  Women are not made in the image of God; but in truth, they are made in the image of Yahshua—as a servant who lays down one’s life for others.  And just as Yahshua knew pain in the birth of the sons of God, so women know pain in childbirth as well (Genesis 3:16).


The concern for this kind of teaching where it elicits the conclusion that the male and the female are one, is that it is at the very heart of feminism and a repeat of the temptation of Eve and the curse on the woman (Genesis 3:16).  But, spiritual growth and fruitfulness is in recognizing and respecting these clear and distinct differences, and learning to faithfully occupy the body one is entrusted with (as did Yahshua)—whether it be a man who needs to learn to rule justly and for the good of the home or society or the church, or a woman who needs to learn to serve, invest her life in her children, and obey her husband.  This is, without question, the order and way of Yahweh God.  In fact, the lady who noted the above equally and rightfully stated, It seems to me a spiritual ‘Eve’ was created when prideful and vain-filled Lucifer wanted equality with God and couldn't have it, and creation was an attestation of the battle in the heavenlies.  And, Satan is still using woman to serve his evil purposes.  That makes me want to put on an apron and SERVE.  That is all I can do being found in the body of a woman, and RESIST with all I am prideful vanity and trying to be 'like man.’   (And by the way, she also readily saw the error of her original conclusion that God had both long hair and a beard.)


Again, look at the Father and the Son and you find this same male/female relationship.  The Son came to this earth as a mere man to serve and not to be served.  He did not come in the male role to rule, but in the female role to serve (Matthew 20:28).  In like regard, He laid down His life for man for the expressed will and purpose of the Father, so as to bring man to the Father.  Hereupon, with the Son in the female role, He will bring forth many sons to the Father.  Just as the Son demonstrated, just as natural childbearing evidences, it is the union of the male and the female that effects fruitfulness.  But, that union NEVER means the confusion of the two roles of the male and the female; and the Son demonstrated and proved this by coming and laying down His life, effecting obedience to the point of death.  Read 1 Peter 2:21-25 for this very testimony, summarized in verse 21:  For you have been called for this purpose [of enduring ill treatment], since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps.  And, the correlation of this with the woman who is in the like role, is clearly evidenced in the concluding statement:  In the same way, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives (1 Peter 3:1).


We have seen regarding hair that Yahweh evidences His truth in His anatomical design, order, and distinct differences in the man and the woman.  This is never more true than the differences in the one thing that affords fruitfulness and multiplying, the very thing Yahweh set forth at Creation (Genesis 1:28), and that is the reproductive organs.  Much of this significance has already been addressed in the writing, Kissing, Lips, and Attesting Glory.  Here, let us examine further revealing and affirming truth regarding this highly relevant matter.


In Deuteronomy 28:57, we read of the baby that comes from between her [the woman’s] feet/legs.  The phrase between her feet/legs is from the two Hebrew words, beyn regal.  (Regal is translated both feet and legs.)  Most interestingly, these are the same Hebrew words in Genesis 49:10 where we read about the rod and the scepter of Judah that is likewise beyn regal, or between his feet/legs.  The rod will not depart from Judah, and the scepter from between his feet/legs . . . .  This verse is addressed in Until Shiloh Comes.  What we see evidenced in both of these verses is the anatomy of the woman and the man—one literally and one figuratively.  The child comes from the birth area between the feet/legs of the woman, and the rod is between the feet/legs of the man.


It is most significant that the man, who is created in the image of God, and the woman, who came out of the man, are anatomically unique from all of Yahweh God’s creation in three, even four distinct ways.  First, man is the only created being that walks erect.  Obviously, this must be quite significant.  Second, the woman is the only female mammal, if you would, whose mammary glands serve as more than milk production.  Unique from the animals, the woman's breasts are not made just of mammary tissue, but of a mix of conjunctive tissue and fat tissue that enlarges them even when not producing milk, beginning this growth at puberty (which is significant in itself).  In like uniqueness from the animals, third, the rod, if you would, of the man is external at all times.  In contrast, animals retain it within the concealment of their bodies.  And fourth, the buttocks, particularly of the woman, are more pronounced than in the animals.  What would be the significance of these differences per the testimony of Yahweh God regarding man?  One thing for certain, whether it be the hair on the head, or what we have just presented, or a host of other physical qualities, Yahweh speaks vital truth through them.  So what are we seeing here with regard to these four items? 


Briefly, it is evident that man’s erect state attests to his quest for the heavens, for the kingdom of heaven.  He is unique from the rest of creation in that, like the tower of Babble, he reaches into heaven.  Furthermore, this uniqueness is dramatically affirmed in that man literally ascends into heaven to receive a body that is born from above.  No other creation on earth experiences this heavenly transformation.


The woman’s breasts are likewise unique from the rest of creation by their pronounced appearance, as well as that they are much desired by the man, and satisfy and even intoxicate him (Proverbs 5:19).  Though not unique, of course they also provide milk for his children.  Here once again we see the kingdom of heaven:  greatly desired by man, and even intoxicating, a land flowing with milk.  On the day of Pentecost, you will recall that they too evidenced the intoxicating effects of receiving the kingdom (Acts 2:13, 15, and 16). 


Concerning the man, the rod is uniquely external, attesting that he has the God-ordained right and responsibility to rule and teach.  Male animals with their concealed rod do not have the right to rule.  From the Garden, man has possessed the right to rule over them (Genesis 1:28). 


Judah had a rod and a scepter.  Again the rod speaks of the right to rule, and the scepter (a rod) is the right to teach or establish and proclaim law.  The very fact that the woman does not have the rod between her feet/legs, clearly evidences that she does not have this authority.  Women voting, governing, teaching doctrine, and otherwise standing in the place of authority today, violate the lawful and fruitful design and order of God, abandoning their own role to bring forth, nurture, raise, and teach the baby that comes from between her feet/legs. 


Another relevant and important point here regarding the male is most evident as well.  In 1 Timothy 2:15 we read:  women will be saved through the bearing of children, if they continue in faith and love and sanctity with self-control.  How is it that the woman can fulfill her designed purpose towards salvation?  By the bearing of children, with attesting faith, love, sanctity, and self-control.  And how is it that she is enabled to bear children unto salvation?  Only by the man placing his seed within her.  And how is it that the man is enabled to place his seed within her?  By the increasing of his rod in size and strength.  And how does this take place?  By the infusion of blood into it, which the Scriptures tell us is life (Leviticus 17:11). 


Clearly attested here, when a man’s authority increases by the infusion of life, and the woman comes under the man and yields to him for the purpose of bringing forth life and fruitfulness within herself, we see exactly what the relationship of the man and the woman is supposed to be in all areas of life.  The only way to bring forth life in and through women, is for the rod/authority of the man to justly increase!  Look at society today with its multitude of destructive and tragic social and governmental and religious ills, and you can see the effects of the diminishing of the male’s authority through Eveonian feminism—his familial, social, governmental, and religious state of being flaccid!  But evidenced in God’s Creation testimony, with the lawful increase of the rod comes fruitfulness.


Men, you will notice that the phrase lawful increase was just used.  There are two things that obligate the man to produce profitable offspring:  (1) not being unlawful in the application of the rod (and the issue here is ruling lawfully and justly), and (2), his application of the rod must be by the infusion of Life that comes from his own Head, Yahshua.


Men, your rod has a head on it, evidencing that, yes, you are the head of your household and have the rights to teach and govern.  But also remember that that head attests to two coverings—one that must decrease, and one that must increase.  Further regarding this uniqueness of man in all creation, E.S.E. Hafez notes in Comparative Reproduction of Nonhuman Primates:  Man is exceptional in attachment of the prepuce [foreskin] very close to the glans [head].  Not only did Yahweh God make the man unique in that the rod is completely external at all times, but the foreskin is uniquely placed so that it is only over the head.  Why did He do this?  Obviously, to prophesy of His government and effectual purpose! 


In Genesis 17:10-14, we clearly see why Yahweh made man in this entirely unique manner.  Here He commanded that Abraham, the father of faith, and all the men of his household, be circumcised.  Instead of the flesh (foreskin) being Abraham’s head covering, Yahweh became that covering, and thereupon the only begotten son, Isaac (Hebrews 11:17), was miraculously born.  In like manner, men, and this is most important, with your rod of authority—in the home or wherever God has given you authority—you are to circumcise your head of its flesh, and submit your plans and ways to God so that the Son of Promise might be produced. 


In 1 Corinthians 11, the man is forbidden to cover his head when he prays.  Why?  As with Abraham, his head must be circumcised of anything upon it when he goes to God, attesting that his head covering is Yahshua.  Conversely, the woman MUST, is obligated to, cover her head when she prays.  Was Sarah, or any of the other women, obligated to be circumcised?  No, only the men.  Women do NOT have the right to rule, and their head/covering is their husband or father.  Therefore, they must cover their heads when they pray or prophesy, being women under authority.  Otherwise, they shame their husbands or their fathers (vs. 5).  Read chapter 3 of Coverings to better understand this.


So women, submit to your husbands or to your fathers.  And men, submit to Yahshua, your head covering; and like Abraham, let your authority be enabled to produce fruitfulness for the purpose of good, not producing Ishmaels by uncircumcised fleshly actions.  Let your authority be by the like infusion of Life, and let your council and purpose be from above through your Head and Head Covering.


Ladies, only the man has the right to rule and teach, and when you step into that place, there is no way true life can come forth.  That which women practice today in standing in the place of the man is lesbianism.  Instead of laying with the man who has the rod, they lay with another woman who does not have the rod or the seed to bring forth fruitfulness.  Only as the man’s rod of authority increases via the infusion of Life, and the woman yields to and under that rod, is true united fruitfulness possible.  Women make the fatal and tragic mistake of taking the place of the man—in the home, in society, in civil governance, and in the church!  They are blinded, along with men, and continue this usurping and destructive practice that began in the Garden.  As Paul stated and we have just witnessed, does not nature itself teach you this?


The greatest evidence and much needed fulfillment of this fruitfulness of the rod, will be when Immanuel returns to this earth and rules with a rod of iron (Revelation 12:5)!  Then we will see His fruitfulness, as the Bride yields to Him as her Head and does only His will, even as He demonstrated when He came 2,000 years ago and obediently served, laying down His life for us.


Finally, regarding these four uniquenesses of God’s design of man, the fourth is added here simply to make the analysis complete:  the larger buttocks, particularly of the woman.  However, because of the length required for this examination, as well as its lack of relevance to the subject at hand, you can read about this at Kissing, Lips, and Attesting Glory, page 6.


The point in all that has been addressed in this section, is that Yahweh has a way that we are wise to recognize and follow.  That way is that the male is law and has the right to rule and teach, while the female is the created, out of the male (Adam), and is opposite or before her husband.  Her purpose is to do only the will of her husband, as did the Son unto the Father, and to be one with him to bring forth fruitfulness—both naturally and in seeking what is best for him.  Furthermore, there is a GREAT responsibility on the part of the man to do what is right, for even as the head of the woman is her husband, so the head of all men is Yahshua (1 Corinthians 11:3).  All men have an equal, in fact an even greater responsibility to submit to Yahshua and do only His will.



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