Very significantly, as has been noted thus far, it is an imperfect
work when the only option is to relegate something to death. Though
it is necessary for a period of time – the death period of the church – that
work of its very nature cannot be the ultimate fulfillment and must come
to an end. Why? Because it is death, and death is an enemy that must
be defeated (1 Corinthians 15:26)! Therefore,
the imperfect work must be done away with so that the perfect can come. As we read in Hebrews 9:8, the holy place must come
down so the way into the holy of holies can be revealed.
Again, the contrast of these two works is clearly evidenced between the
reign of David versus the reign of Solomon. David
was a man of violence, of death; therefore, he could not build the temple
of Yahweh. Equally, Christianity is a work of
violence and death, including the violent death of the old man, and is therefore
an imperfect work that cannot build the temple of Yahweh.
What is the answer for the old man? The same
as that which happened to the temple. Solomon
built the temple and the glory of Yahweh filled it.
Is not our body the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19)? The only way for the old man to be changed is for
the glory of Yahweh to fill the temple; then the old man will do only the
will of Yahweh. Like the law, the old man is
weak through the flesh (Romans 8:3), and can only be delivered through the
glory of Yahweh, by the oil and the wine that is to be poured into it.
It is equally revealing in regard to this matter that Remnant-representing
Solomon was the only king of Israel to occupy all the land that was promised
to the sons of Israel. Why is this significant? Because we read in Joshua 23:13 regarding the inhabitants
of the land who were supposed to be driven out – “know with certainty that
Yahweh your God will not continue to drive these nations out from before
you; but they shall be a snare and a trap to you, and a whip on your sides
and thorns in your eyes, until you perish from off this good land which Yahweh
your God has given you.” And in Judges 2:3 we
read – "Therefore I (Yahweh) also said (Numbers 33:55), 'I will not drive
them out before you; but they will become as thorns in your sides, and their
gods shall be a snare to you.'"
How then does this prophetic picture relate to man for the last 2,000
years? Carnal man has never been able to take
possession of his body, his temple, his possession.
Areas of the old man have been left unconquered and have been “thorns
in the flesh,” even as Paul equally experienced. Paul’s
thorn was left so as to keep him from exalting himself (2 Corinthians 12:7),
and such has been the case for all kingdom men. Men
up to now have had to try to reckon these areas of the old man as dead, as
crucified; but like Paul, and like the sons of Israel, they have found it
impossible. Thus one has not been able to
wholly put the old man to death, any more than the sons of Israel were able
to put the inhabitants of the land to death, and for the same reason.
What then is the answer? As we have noted,
the only king of Israel to take possession of the entire land, the representative
land of the old man, was Solomon, the man who dreamed.
Under him, all the land of promise then submitted to one head. What then is our hope? Yahweh
must perform a new work. The period of violent
David Christianity must give way to the Solomon Remnant, and Yahweh’s glory
come upon us and fill the temple. Only by the
abiding presence of His glory will all the land in ourselves be truly conquered,
will we truly “know how to acquire (our) own vessel” (1 Thessalonians 4:4). As it is written, it is the fresh oil that breaks
the yoke of bondage to sin – “So it will be in that day, that his burden
will be removed from your shoulders and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke
will be broken because of the oil (shemen)” (Isaiah
10:27). This is the olive tree second son of
fresh oil in Zechariah 4, the second outpouring of the Spirit, the second
release of the dove that returns with the olive leaf and removes the burden
of the old man.
Everything up to now in the kingdom has been a shortfall, inadequate. We must have His glory that fills the temple, the
glory seen in 2 Chronicles 7:1-3 where “fire came down from heaven and consumed
the burnt offering and the sacrifice, and the glory of Yahweh filled the
house. And the priests could not enter into the
house of Yahweh, because the glory of Yahweh filled Yahweh’s house. And all the sons of Israel, seeing the fire come down
and the glory of Yahweh upon the house, bowed down on the pavement with their
faces to the ground, and they worshiped and gave praise to Yahweh, saying,
‘Truly He is good, truly His lovingkindness is everlasting.’” Quite significantly, this is the second time the
glory of Yahweh came down in the temple in this Chronicles account, the first
being in 5:13-14.
Would it surprise you that this highly significant and obviously dramatic
second outpouring of His glory is not even present in the like account in
1 Kings? Compare this yourself. In 1 Kings 8:10-11 we see the identical initial outpouring
of His Spirit (the former rain), but in 8:54, when Solomon had likewise finished
praying, there was not the dramatic second outpouring where the fire of
Yahweh consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices (the latter rain). This latter rain type is the same thing that happened
to Elijah’s offering on Carmel – the ascension of the second Remnant. But in 1 Kings 8:55 Solomon simply blessed the people,
and that was all!
As pointed out in The Key to Their
Understanding, page 5, we see that the two-part Remnant is revealed
in the testimony of Chronicles, while Christianity is revealed in Kings. So, per this unusual difference in these two accounts,
what do we see regarding the remarkable difference between these two works? Precisely what we have been saying regarding the
salvation of the old man – breach Christianity, that relegates the old
man to nothing more than death, lacks the latter rain glory that helps the
old man; while the Remnant is a work that is entirely different relative
to the fate of the old man, and through the coming much needed latter rain
glory provides not only for his restoration and empowerment, but his ascension.
In this same regard and equally revealing, it is significant that all
the furniture in the temple was wood covered with gold.
What is wood? It is flesh man. Man is often prophetically represented by trees, or
wood, even idols made of wood who, in fitting testimony, having eyes cannot
see, and having ears cannot hear (Isaiah 44:12-18, Psalms 135:15-18). Truly, men are their own idols.
What then is our hope? That Yahweh’s much
needed and vital glory will come upon us and qualify us to enter into His
temple. The furniture of the temple was not just
gold, but there was an old man under that gold; it was the gold overlaid on
wood that prepared the furniture to enter into His temple.
This is the same testimony when the skins of the two kids (hair speaks
of glory) were placed on Jacob so that he could receive his father’s blessing. This is the much needed glory we must have on the
old man. When this occurs, the old man will submit
to one head, even as all the land promised to the sons of Israel finally
submitted to one head – Solomon, the man who dreamed.
Thus we see once again, even as we saw per the corners of the field, that
it is the Remnant work that affords the much needed deliverance for the affliction
of the old man. (I am most grateful to Yahweh
for Mr. Carroll Sanders who saw many of these things shared here which came
up as we spoke about this matter. Carroll was
a pastor for ten years before he was called out of Christianity.)
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