What you are going to find in this writing is clear and repeated evidence as to what Christianity is, and the hope and necessity of the Remnant. This writing should leave little doubt as to what has transpired in the last 6,000 years, and must now take place in the church, the kingdom of God. Clearly, today is the breaking of the dawn. Light is rising in the east, and the cock has crowed.
Read all the following verses before you continue. These passages from Matthew 20 begin Yahshua’s proclaimed journey to the cross.
17 As Jesus was about to go up to Jerusalem, He took the twelve disciples aside by themselves, and on the way He said to them,
18 "Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem; and the Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn Him to death,
19 and will hand Him over to the Gentiles to mock and scourge and crucify Him, and on the third day He will be raised up."
20 Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to Jesus with her sons, bowing down and making a request of Him.
21 And He said to her, "What do you wish?" She said to Him, "Command that in Your kingdom these two sons of mine may sit one on Your right and one on Your left."
22 But Jesus answered, "You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink?" They said to Him, "We are able."
23 He said to them, "My cup you shall drink; but to sit on My right and on My left, this is not Mine to give, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by My Father."
24 And hearing this, the ten became indignant with the two brothers.
25 But Jesus called them to Himself and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them.
26 "It is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant,
27 and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave;
28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."
29 As they were leaving Jericho, a large crowd followed Him.
30 And two blind men sitting by the road, hearing that Jesus was passing by, cried out, "Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!"
31 The crowd sternly told them to be quiet, but they cried out all the more, "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!"
32 And Jesus stopped and called them, and said, "What do you want Me to do for you?"
33 They said to Him, "Lord, we want our eyes to be opened."
34 Moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes; and immediately they regained their sight and followed Him.
In these verses we find a string of truth that is quite revealing, especially when we perform a gospel comparison with the same account in Mark 10:23-52 and Luke 18:31-43. We will begin at Matthew 20:20.
Drinking The Cup
From my years as a Christian, when I read this passage, I thought of the “cup” as being the cup of sorrows and suffering that Yahshua drank. But it is amazing how, even though we begin to see Remnant truth, we can so often stay in the old mindset of that which is familiar to us. Such was the case here; for even though I knew that the cup from which Yahshua drank was to partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the grape tree, my old mindset was to think otherwise. Only recently did I realize that the cup which Yahshua spoke of here per the request of the mother of James and John, was equally the cup of the fruit of that ill tree.
Who is it who will sit on the right hand and the left of Yahshua when He enters into His kingdom, those for whom He said “it has been prepared”? Clearly it is the split two-part work of the two Remnant. These are the Moses and the Elijah on the mount of transfiguration with Yahshua, or even the two sons of fresh oil on each side of the lampstand (Zechariah 4). They are the covering cherubim on each side of the ark of the covenant.
You will notice here that immediately following this conversation, Yahshua went to Jericho where He healed “two blind men sitting by the road.” Who are these two blind men? Once again, they are the two Remnant who “cry out all the more” when told to be silent, and whose eyes are opened so they can see. Will Christianity see as well some day? Indeed they will, for we find in Christianity Mark 10:46-52 not two but one man being healed here at Jericho. There was also only one man in the like account in Luke 18:35-43, but what makes Mark so outstanding per Christianity is that the man in that account was given a specific name – Bartimaeus. “Bartimaeus” means “son of the unclean, or defiled.” Christianity is the defiled and unclean corrupted body of Christ.
Matthew repeatedly gives evidence to this unique double testimony – two blind men healed, two men from the tombs delivered from demons, and two donkeys brought to Yahshua. These are the two Remnant, the two witnesses.
So what do we see when Yahshua told the two sons of Zebedee that they would indeed drink the cup? Clearly it tells us that the two Remnant would drink the cup by being sent into the tree of the knowledge of good and evil period of the church. Thus, not only did James and John go into this corrupted period, but all the first Remnant did so. They all had to follow in the pattern of Yahshua and drink from the cup, partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Gospel Comparison
Equally revealing, in Christianity Mark we find not only the requirement to drink from the cup, but also – “to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized” (10:38). This is not in Matthew, but is unique to Mark. (Note: some translations such as King James add this in Matthew; but it is not in the older manuscripts.) This baptism into death is the requirement specifically identified with the body of Christ that goes into hades (“to not see”), or even death, into the grave. For three days, or 3,000 years, Christians will remain in their graves, though dying itself will be cut short to two “days” (Zechariah 13:7-9).
It is equally revealing that the preceding statement regarding Yahshua’s imminent death, and the ensuing healing of the blind man, are both in Luke; but strikingly evident, this statement regarding the cup, as well as the statement regarding the baptism, are totally absent! Why would this be the case? We have already seen how revealing these two accounts are in Matthew and Mark; so is there any doubt that the specific absence of this portion of this account in Luke is equally significant and speaks? Is it not evident that both this baptism of death that the body of Christ enters, as well as drinking the cup of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, are removed from the second Remnant? As the Elijah work that ascends alive, and receives critical truth that others before have not received, this is certainly the case.
Furthermore, in Matthew it was specifically “the mother of the sons of Zebedee” who asked for this right to sit at Yahshua’s right hand and left, while in Mark it was not the mother at all, but the two sons themselves. Obviously, factually both of these cannot be true. But as has been noted before in these writings, it is more critical that the Scriptures make prophetic sense than practical sense. This is only one of MANY such contradictions that afford us revealing riddles as to what Yahweh is doing and saying.
So what is the truth regarding this riddle? Let us ask some other questions. How did Jacob receive the blessing of Isaac? His mother arranged it. How did Solomon receive the throne of David? His mother requested it. How did the people at the wedding at Cana receive the wine that was transformed from mere water? Yahshua’s mother requested it. In each of these cases, the mother represents Jerusalem above, the mother of us all. It is Jerusalem above who arranges for the two-part Remnant to sit at Yahshua’s right hand and at His left. Christianity will not occupy that position in the Millennial reign.
Asking Two Questions
Relative to this matter of the Remnant having to drink from the cup of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, let us examine some other revealing testimonies regarding this period of the church. When we celebrated Passover together in Salem, Missouri, beginning April 23, 2005, some most interesting and revealing truth came out. Questions arose regarding two matters that wonderfully came together as one. First, we discussed the issue of when the Passover meal actually took place. Second, one of the brothers brought up the issue of when the day begins. Is it at evening, as the Jews present, or is it at daybreak? (Or one could even ask if it is according to our present marking of time when the new day begins at midnight?) The answer to these questions marvelously revealed the nature and work and ways of Yahweh.
The question of when the day
begins goes beyond a mere intellectual examination of records and ideas; for
whatever Yahweh does, He does so out of His own nature and government and law,
and repeats it over and over. Thus
the beginning of the day is far more than just a reckoning of time; it is a
testimony of Yahweh’s ways, and prophesies. The important question then is:
Does Yahweh begin His works with darkness, or with light?
As you will see, the answer to this question affords us affirming and highly revealing understanding regarding the kingdom of heaven – that which we are instructed to seek first in this life!
Testimony: The Kings Of Israel
The answer to the above question reveals a great deal regarding the kingdom of God. Let us begin our understanding by asking another revealing question. When Yahweh refers to the lineage of the kings of Israel, from what king does this line have its origin? The first king was Saul; so would it not seem that he would be the origin of the kings? But no, Saul is not reckoned as the origin of the throne, but that honor was given to David. The term – “the throne of David” – is often used in the Scriptures; but where do you ever read – the throne of Saul? It is never stated; for the throne is always related to David, who began his reign forty years after King Saul.
This is a strange thing, for the throne of the kings of the sons of Israel actually began with Saul, yet it was not reckoned until later with David.
Testimony: Abraham
In like regard, neither are the offspring of Abraham reckoned to the firstborn son, Ishmael. But despite Abraham’s pleading that he would be accepted (Genesis 17:18), the title and inheritance of the “firstborn” went to Isaac, who was actually born after the firstborn son. Let us now consider Passover.
When did Passover begin? Looking at the first ever Passover in Egypt, as well as Yahweh’s commands regarding it, it began at evening. At evening the Passover lamb was slain and its blood was sprinkled on the lintel and the doorposts (Exodus 12:6-7). The lamb was then roasted in fire (it could not be boiled at all with water), and they ate it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs (vss. 8-9). Also, they were to specifically eat it with their loins girded, their sandals on their feet, and their staff in their hand (vs. 11). And they had to eat the entire lamb, or burn that which remained (vs. 10). Furthermore, they had to remain in their homes until morning (vs. 22). Thus, most importantly, we see that the Passover meal was a meal that was to be eaten specifically at night. It was not until the break of day, the coming of the light of dawn, that they could pass through the blood (on the lintel and doorposts) and go into the light. Now for a most important and revealing understanding. We will get straight to the point.
What is Christianity? It is the period when there is darkness. Yahshua clearly stated – “We must work the works of Him who sent Me, as long as it is day; night is coming, when no man can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world” (John 9:4-5).
Did the light, Yahshua, remain in the world? No. As He said, when He left, darkness came and no man has been able to work. Thus, clearly, for 2,000 years the world and the church have been in darkness. What is this darkness?
It is the period in which the Lamb is eaten. It is the period of the beginning of Passover. It is the period of Christianity. Even as the lamb had to be eaten with their sandals on their feet and their staff in their hand, so Mark Christianity was instructed to take the sandals and the staff (read The Sandals and the Staff). It is the period likewise addressed in Until Shiloh Comes, in which Christianity wanders in the wilderness and Moses leads them with a staff, where Judah, who has the rod until Shiloah comes, leads the people as they go out, and the period in which their sandals do not wear out (Deuteronomy 29:5). Unmistakably, these Passover instructions specifically identify the period of Christianity.
In like regard and testimony, Christianity is the period in which the lamb must be roasted in fire and not immersed in water. It is the period in which there is a drought on truth – the Lamb is not immersed in water, and the “flaming sword,” or literally the “flaming drought,” prevents men from partaking of the tree of life, the cup made new (Genesis 3:24). Likewise, it is the period in which the lamb is eaten with bitter herbs, even as Christianity is a very bitter period, even a bitter wilderness period.
And what of the unleavened bread that was supposed to be eaten with the lamb? Did Christianity eat unleavened bread? No, they have been eating leavened Pentecost bread, leavened teachings. So where then do we see this Passover bread being leavened? It is foreshadowed when Yahshua dipped bread in the fermented wine and gave it to him who would betray Him – Judas (John 13:26). Judas thus did not eat unleavened bread at Passover; instead, he ate leavened bread, even as does Christianity, the one who betrays Yahshua. Remember, two primary things occurred at Yahshua’s Passover – the meal and the betrayal.
Testimony: Two Sons Of Tamar
That which is presented in these two paragraphs is highly important to note.
In equal testimony per this matter of darkness and light, let us consider the clear evidence of the two sons of Judah by Tamar. When Yahshua came, He was light. But even as Zerah (whose name means “light”) extended out his arm and received the scarlet thread, brought it back in, and Perez was born (whose name means “breach”), and then Zerah was finally brought forth as sustained light, so Yahshua, and the first Remnant He established, were a brief manifestation of light, and Christianity was the breach period of darkness that followed, until the sustained light of the Remnant would come.
There are two key elements to communion – the bread and the wine. The church is the fulfillment of Yahweh’s communion. How? The body of Christ, or Christianity, is Yahweh’s bread. It is the lamb that was eaten at Passover in the night. However, no mention is made of drinking the wine during this time. So where is the wine of this communion? It is the blood sprinkled on the lintel and the doorposts. Thus, the lamb was the bread, and the blood on the door was the wine. And when did they partake of this wine? When they left the house in the morning and passed through the door. As with Zerah and Perez, the sprinkling of the blood at evening at the beginning of Passover was the Zerah briefly presenting forth his arm; but the door was closed and darkness fully came until after the Perez lamb could be eaten; and only with the dawning of light, the full Zerah, could those in the house open the door and pass through the blood, thus drinking the wine, completing communion.
Testimony: Sodom
This is the like door we find in the testimony of Sodom. Equally during the night, the two angels pulled Lot through the door and blinded the eyes of those who sought to enter through it, but were unable, though they “wearied themselves trying to find the doorway” (Genesis 19). And equally “when morning dawned,” the angels seized the hands of Lot, his wife, and two daughters, and they too passed through the door and likewise went out of the city, that was burned with fire. There were some whom Lot had gone to in the night and spoke to, warning them of their plight; but they thought he was only jesting and did not respond, and thus perished. What then is the outcome of the preaching that takes place in the darkness? It does not deliver them from the coming fire! What of the presentation of the Remnant truth to Christians who choose to remain in their darkness of Christianity? They too will enter into the fire that consumes Sodom.
Again, the door of deliverance that was at issue here in Sodom, is the same door of deliverance we see in the Passover meal. It is the door that is closed in the night and none pass through. Only when it is opened when the morning light dawns can it be passed through. And adding even more relevant similarity to this, Genesis 19:3 specifically tells us that Lot prepared his own “Passover” meal for these two angels – “he prepared a feast for them, and baked unleavened bread, and they ate.”
Testimony: The Wilderness
In equal testimony, the night time when they ate the lamb is the wilderness period when they ate the manna, which is the body of Christ (John 6:31-35, 48-51). The manna in the wilderness was the Passover Lamb, and when they crossed the Jordan, the manna ceased, even as in Passover it was required that the lamb either be eaten or burned before morning. So it is per the body of Christ, or Christianity. What is left over of the body will be burned in the third part of the church (Zechariah 13:7-9), even as the house of Achan was burned (Joshua 7). (In like revealing testimony, the votive or freewill offering was to be eaten for two days, or 2,000 years, but had to be burned on the third day, or the Millennial reign – Leviticus 7:16-17.)
When The Day Begins?
So how does all of this relate to the question of when a day begins – at evening or at dawn? It is quite simple. When did the period of the kings of Israel begin? Well, actually they began with Saul. Yes, he was before the time (1 Samuel 8), but nonetheless he was the chosen first king. He was neither obedient to Yahweh nor did he retain his right to the throne, but that right was given to the one of whom all other kings and even the Messiah would relate – the throne of David.
And when did the offspring of the sons of Abraham begin? Clearly, Ishmael was his first offspring; but the promised offspring did not come through him, but through Isaac, who came after Ishmael.
And when did Passover begin? Yes, it too began at evening. But those in the house were obligated to stay there and could not go out until the morning. As testified per the sons of Israel in Egypt, they did not escape their bondage until they came out of their houses in the morning and made their exodus. And in like regard, Lot, having eaten the unleavened bread with the angels in the night, equally escaped destruction only after he came out of his house in the morning, and then had his own exodus.
And in like manner regarding these sons of Israel, did they enter into the promised land immediately after coming out of Egypt? No. They too had their Passover lamb/manna period in the wilderness with bitter herbs that corresponded to this preluding period of darkness before the dawn, before entering into Canaan where the manna ceased.
And per Christianity, it too, like Pentecost-coronated King Saul, has lost its rights to the throne, and the kingdom will forevermore be reckoned to the work of the Remnant, the David, who equally came out of the house of Saul (as with Yahshua’s opened side, via a spear – 1 Samuel 19:9-10). The throne of David will not be assigned to Saul Christianity that is the wilderness period of the church, but to the Remnant.
Thus we can conclusively say that indeed the day, of necessity, begins at evening, even as it is written repeatedly in Genesis 1 – “there was evening and there was morning” (vss. 5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31). But this beginning period of darkness is a preceding period that is a premature Saul, an Ishmael, an eating of the lamb in the house before one can be delivered out of bondage, a wilderness wandering that must be trekked in order to come to the place of passing thorough the door to the land of promise, a time of darkness (hades) when no man can work, a Perez breach that precedes the coming of the Zerah light. While the premature initiation of the day may of necessity be at evening, it is a shortfall period, and the true fulfillment is reckoned with the dawning of morning light.
“He brought us out from there in order to bring us in” (Deuteronomy 6:23) is Yahweh’s purpose. His goal is not to bring night, but the night prepares for the break of dawn when light causes darkness to flee away and brings life and deliverance. It is not a Saul whom Yahweh seeks, though He was according to His will and plan, but the throne of David. Neither is it an Ishmael who receives the promise, though he comes first. And finally, from which all of these living parables, these living prophesies, find their fulfillment, it is not the 2,000 years of Christianity that Yahweh seeks, but His Bride and the Millennial reign wherein she will rule and reign with Yahshua.
The Two Trees
While Christianity is the Passover bread of the Lamb, on the other hand it is equally the period of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. So what then is the wine? It is the tree of life Remnant. Types are evidenced for an important purpose – to reveal truth. Though the cup that Yahshua said James and John would drink referred to the very cup that He would soon drink on the cross, thereby identifying with the cursed grape tree of the knowledge of good and evil, we read in Yahshua’s own proclamation as a Nazirite that that cup would some day be made new – “I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father’s kingdom” (Matthew 26:29).
Seeing that the cup will lead to life, this is in fact the cup that is made new and is the tree of life. (Remember, the cup spoken of in Matthew and Mark, is distinctly not present in Luke.) It is the Zerah Remnant who are the second work in the kingdom of God following the night time of the Perez breach of Christianity. The night time during which the Lamb is eaten is the period of Christianity, while passing through the door where the blood/wine is applied, leading one to the light, is the work of the Remnant, passing through the door and coming out of Sodom and going to Zoar in order to escape the required burning of the remaining lamb, the body of Christ.
The “Open Door”
This is the same door spoken of
in Revelation per the church of Philadelphia, the sixth church that represents
the work of the second Remnant. In
Revelation 3:7-8 we thus read concerning this door – “He who is
holy, who is true, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut,
and who shuts and no one opens, says this: ‘I know your deeds. Behold, I have put before you an open door which no
one can shut, because you have a little power, and have kept My word, and have
not denied My name.’”
This is the subject door that leads to the light. It is the door that was shut for the
first Remnant, being barricaded with “planks of cedar” (Song of
Solomon 8:9), and they could not pass through it for it was yet the time for
darkness. But 2,000 years later
this door is opened and the Philadelphia second Remnant indeed pass through,
for it is now time for the light (the “Luke”)!
The Baker And The Cupbearer
In further confirming testimony as we examine this continuing seamless garment of truth, Christianity is the baker, while the Remnant is the cupbearer. There were two dreams that ultimately brought Joseph before Pharaoh and his subsequent reign in Egypt. Pharaoh’s cupbearer and his baker were both in prison. The chief cupbearer had a dream, and in accordance with that dream, on the third day he was restored to his office. Likewise, Pharaoh’s baker had a dream, and in accordance with that dream, on the third day he was hanged. Both of these conclusive acts took place on Pharaoh’s birthday, the precise occasion when John the Baptist equally lost his head at Herod’s birthday. Clearly, at a birthday, the Passover bread baker of Christianity loses its head (which is not such a bad thing when its head is Satan), while at the same time the Remnant cupbearer has its office restored (having lost it with the passing of the first Remnant). Once again we see the testimony of Passover:
Christianity is the bread, the baker, and
The Remnant is the door with the blood, the cupbearer.
And as affirmingly testified here, it is on the third day that this transition takes place, or the third part of the church, the Millennial reign, into which we have already entered (read Shelah and Clay of Spittle).
Eighty And Forty
Let us now look at the bigger picture regarding this matter of light and darkness. We rejoice in Yahweh for revealing these marvelous things to us, showing the wonder of His order and sovereign plan. Jim Neumann, in whose home we met for Passover, initially revealed the following truth.
When one considers the account of creation in Genesis 1, though we see its beginning with the coming of light, the fact is that that light came out of a preceding darkness – “And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep” (Genesis 1:2). Then, eighty Jubilees (or basically 4,000 years) later, Yahshua stood in Jerusalem and declared that He was leaving and darkness would once again come upon the earth – “We must work the works of Him who sent Me, as long as it is day; night is coming, when no man can work” (John 9:4). These two periods of darkness are important to note.
Before we continue, we must consider a most unusual law of Yahweh. In Leviticus 12 we read that if a woman gives birth to a male child, she is unclean for seven days, and must “remain in the blood of her purification for thirty-three days,” thus for a total period of forty days. However, if a woman gives birth to a female, she is unclean for two weeks, and must “remain in the blood of her purification for sixty-six days,” thus for a total period of eighty days.
It is quite interesting how these two numbers appear in the Scriptures and in marking time. For eighty years Moses lived in Egypt and in the wilderness, then for forty years he led the sons of Israel out of Egypt and wandered in the wilderness. For eighty years Saul and David were the first two kings of the sons of Israel. Neither of these men could build the temple of Yahweh. Then for forty years Solomon was king, and he built the temple, and for the only time ever all the land of promise was in their control.
As pointed out in The Issue – II, page 8, these two eighty and forty (or 120) year testimonies follow the same pattern of time itself. Since creation, time has been on an 80/40 pattern of eighty Jubilees and forty Jubilees. From the fall of Adam, to Yahshua’s crucifixion and Pentecost, there was a period of precisely eighty Jubilees, or 3,920 years (80 x 49 years). Following this was the church period that we know as Christianity. It has been marked by a period of forty Jubilees (the church’s forty “years” in the wilderness), or 1,960 years, which brings time to 1993. Thus, even as we see an 80/40 relationship per the birth of a female child and the birth of a male child, so we see the same fulfillment per Moses, the kings of Israel, and time itself. Once again we find a seamless garment of truth, a repeating of Yahweh’s ways; but what can this mean relative to these purification periods of the woman?
Based on the law of the purification of the woman, the first eighty Jubilee period would be the time required per the higher level of the kingdom of heaven for purification from bringing forth a female child. Then, the next forty Jubilee period would be the time required for purification from bringing forth a male child. Who then, or what female, was birthed at the beginning of creation that began this eighty Jubilee period? Was it not wisdom?
“Yahweh by wisdom founded the earth” (Proverbs3:19). “From everlasting I (wisdom) was established, from the beginning, from the earliest times of the earth. When there were no depths I was brought forth (or, given birth), when there were no springs abounding with water.” This portion of a remarkable testimony regarding wisdom can be read in its entirety in Proverbs 8:20-31. Yes, it appears that wisdom, a feminine form, who actually represents the Bride, is “birthed” before the establishment of the earth, thus requiring eighty Jubilees of purification.
So then what male child was birthed at the end of this period that placed the earth on a corresponding forty Jubilee period of purification? The answer is twofold. On the one hand it was Yahshua, the Son of God. But there was another birth at that time as well that was more relevant to the contrasting eighty Jubilee period – the birth of the body of Christ. Both Christ and the body of Christ are actually one, so the forty Jubilee purification that followed was per both of these births. Now read the next paragraph very carefully.
We see then that a type of the Bride, and the body of Christ, were “birthed” in the first 120 Jubilees of mankind. And even as there was a type of the Bride – wisdom – birthed before creation of the natural earth, so the true Bride is birthed before the creation of the new heavens and new earth, the kingdom of God. The literal Bride is birthed at the end of this 120 Jubilee testing period, beginning the Millennial reign, as well as beginning another eighty Jubilee period of light. Again, it is the Bride, the tree of life, the door, that brings light, while the body of Christ in fact brought darkness.
Therefore the period of eighty
Jubilees and then the forty Jubilees, are relative to first a female work then
a male work. Now let us consider
this per the matter of light. In a
24 hour day, the proportion of darkness and light varies greatly depending of
where you are on the earth and what season. For many people, a one-third/two-third (40/80) proportion of
darkness and light would be the time of a beautiful summer day when everything
is green. We already know that the
time before creation was darkness, and that the time when Yahshua has been gone
is darkness as well. Thus we see
here that the masculine period is associated with darkness, and the feminine
period is associated with light.
This is consistent with the testimony of the long hair. When I asked Yahweh why men had short
hair and woman long hair, He told me that His glory would not be given to the
masculine body of Christ, but would be given to the feminine Bride, and glory
is light (read Coverings, page 8). Therefore, the cyclic period of
darkness and light on the earth has been the following:
Frankly, because of the clear testimony of Saul and the wilderness wandering period relative to the body of Christ, this could be seen in another affirming way as well. One could also appropriately say that Saul was the forty period of darkness, and David and Solomon were the eighty Jubilee period of light. This would be in contrast to the preceding period evidenced by Moses in Egypt and in the wilderness, followed by the sons of Israel wandering in the wilderness period. Thus we would see this testimony:
Obviously this affords a clear and affirming testimony as well.
In 1993, the body of Christ’s forty Jubilee period of darkness came to an end. It was in that very year that this man moved to the ranch that was built for women and children, and Yahweh began teaching me truths that were foundational to the Remnant Bride. By June, 1994, the Nazirite vow truth had been revealed, and His Spirit came upon me and He opened my eyes to see the truth of the two-part Remnant and many other related marvels. The Bride had begun! The time of darkness had legally come to an end, and wonderful light began to dawn on the earth! (Quite significantly, “Luke,” the gospel per the second Remnant, means “light”!)
How, you might ask, can the period from creation to Pentecost be light? Think about it; how many times in the Scriptures do we see Yahweh/Yahshua personally coming to this earth and manifesting Himself during this time? Adam and Eve walked with Him. Moses talked face to face with Him. So did Abraham and Joshua. The sun and the moon stood still. Two men ascended alive as revealing types. There were all the prophets, and Yahweh gave us His Law. All the Old Testament was given to us from this period of light. And we could go on and on. The fact is, a great deal of light was given to man during this time.
One might now say that the following period of Christianity was equally light; but to say this flatly contradicts what Yahshua said in John 9:4-5, and is not in agreement with the clear sequence of alternating periods of darkness and light. Equally, there are many testimonies that for these forty Jubilees, the church has been in darkness, blindfolded, blind, in hades, in the cleft of the rock, in the grave.
This darkness will become more and more evident as the light of the Remnant grows brighter and brighter until the full day. That which has been is that which will be, and the establishment of wisdom at the beginning of the natural earth will be repeated on a higher level, foreshadowing the establishment of the Bride today and the creation work that follows. The Bride will be with Yahshua from the beginning of the true kingdom. (Remember, the beginning of the church, though prematurely initiated as a Saul work forty Jubilees ago, will be reckoned to today with the throne of David Bride work.)
Given To The Beast
Having noted all of this, why then is this writing titled – Given To The Beast? Looking back to the beginning of this writing, we see that the Remnant was told that they would indeed drink of the cup from which Yahshua drank. Just as Yahshua had to drink of the cup, so did the church. And even as Eve ate first from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and then gave that forbidden fruit to Adam, so the first Remnant drank from the cup of that tree, and then passed that cup to the body of Christ. In reality, both were given over to the beast! Both were given over to darkness! This is the work wherein the church is cursed and is occupied by Satan. It is the true abomination of desolation spoken of in Daniel wherein the church is to be defiled for three periods of time (3,000 years), even as Antiochus IV performed this per the natural temple for three years. (Christianity falsely teaches that an antichrist, a man, is coming who will perform this; but they do not realize that their own false teaching here evidences his presence already – Satan.)
Even as Yahshua was turned over to Satan, likewise the church had to be turned over to Satan, the beast. Did not Yahshua tell us that one of the twelve apostles was indeed Satan? “Did I Myself not choose you, the twelve, and one of you is the devil?” (John 6:70). This is the apostle who has rightfully ruled over the church for 2,000 years.
In like regard, even as the founder of Christianity, Saul/Paul, turned a man over to Satan “for the destruction of his flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus” (1 Corinthians 5:5), so Christianity has likewise been delivered over to Satan for the identical reason – for the destruction of their flesh, that their spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Yahshua. This act on the part of Paul in fact occurred as a highly foretelling living prophecy.
Even as it is testified in King Nebuchadnezzar, mystery Babylon Christianity has been given the mind of a beast for seven periods of time (Daniel 4), or the period of the mark of the beast. This is the period of darkness that Yahshua said would come when He left. It is hades, which means “to not see.” It is the breach period when the church was hidden in the cleft of the rock with Yahweh’s hand over it so that it could not see (Exodus 33:22). It is Lot proceeding to a like cleft in the rock, a cave, where his two daughters got him drunk and laid with him and brought forth the two cursed offspring of the Ammonites and the Moabites, or the cursed 2,000 years of the church. (Thus, David measured out three lines of Moabites, or 3,000 years, and made them lay down; and he put two lines to death and kept one full line alive to serve him, or the third part of Christians in the Millennial reign – 2 Samuel 8:2.) It is Saul (with his 3,000 men) sleeping in the cave where he deposited his dung, and David removed the corner of his garment (1 Samuel 24:1f). Christianity has been in a cave, a tomb!
This has been the state of the church for 2,000 years of darkness. It is the kingdom of heaven given over to the beast, to flesh man/Satan; and if Yahweh did not intervene, this affliction and dearthing of the kingdom would continue for another 1,000 years! But now through the Remnant, knowledge is returning to the church, even as it did for beast-minded King Nebuchadnezzar. As it is written regarding Nebuchadnezzar, so we are observing today:
"But at the end of that
period, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven and knowledge returned
to me, and I blessed the Most High and praised and honored Him who lives
For His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
And His kingdom endures from generation to generation.
All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing,
But He does according to His will in the host of heaven
And among the inhabitants of earth;
And no one can ward off His hand
Or say to Him, 'What have You done?'” (Daniel 4:34-35)
Our Hope
And with hope we continue reading the words of Nebuchadnezzar:
"At that time my knowledge returned to me. And my majesty and splendor/brightness were restored to me for the glory of my kingdom, and my counselors and my nobles began seeking me out; so I was reestablished in my sovereignty, and surpassing greatness was added to me. Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise, exalt and honor the King of heaven, for all His works are true and His ways just, and He is able to humble those who walk in pride” (36-37).
Quite revealingly, even as Satan changed the 616 of the original manuscripts per Revelation 13:18, to the 666 that people mistake to be the mark of the beast, this is in fact what must take place – the 616 mark of the beast work, must become the 666 redeemed Remnant. The purification period per the masculine body of Christ is complete and the feminine Bride period has begun. Darkness and the curse must now give way to the light and Yahweh’s blessing. The reckoning of day by the dawning of light must now rightfully be established, allowing us to pass through the door. Through the restoration of knowledge, the cursed period of the church has come to its bitter end and is being restored to its necessary and rightful place.
While the first Remnant and Christianity had to drink from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, again we note that this passage is not in Luke, nor a baptism into death. The Luke Remnant is the tree of life, and because of the understanding, the truth, it receives, it is delivered from the beast and receives “sovereignty,” and “surpassing greatness” is added to it. The cup is made new, and the light of day now dawns.
Thus it is written in Isaiah 59:21 and 60:1 concerning the Remnant Bride in this day:
"As for Me, this is My covenant with them," says Yahweh: "My Spirit which is upon you, and My words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your offspring, nor from the mouth of your offspring’s offspring,” says Yahweh, “from now and forever.”
“Arise, shine; for your light has come,
And the glory of Yahweh has risen upon you.
For behold, darkness will cover the earth
And deep darkness the peoples;
But Yahweh will rise upon you
And His glory will appear upon you.”
Blessed be Yahweh forever!