“Father, as you judge, you will be judged.” She was right, but there was nothing I could do about it. For several years after ’94 when the Spirit of Yahweh came upon me, I had been teaching that Christianity was corrupt, that it was 2,000 years of swine going to the sea of death, that its “two parts,” or 2,000 years, had been cut off by death (Zechariah 13:7-8). But this “negative” assessment began to wear on my older daughters, and they saw what I was teaching to be judgmental, thus responding with this warning. But what was I to do? It was clear from Yahweh’s word that this was the accurate assessment of Christianity; and if by stating this fact I was to be judged by it, there was nothing I could do to change that. If I was to be judged for this, then I would be judged, and I had to entrust myself to Yahweh concerning it. Truth was truth, and I could not deny what was written and what I had been shown. And the fact was, they were right about me judging myself, and that which I was saying indeed came upon me.
What I am going to share with you is not intended to give attention to
a man, but to point out the ways of Yahweh. There
is a very great price in coming to know the ways of Yahweh. Equally, there is a great price in intercession;
and, it is only through intercession that one comes to know and understand
and benefit from His ways. This is an encompassing
statement that cannot be addressed here, other than for you to see this
in action in this account.
My daughter(s) warned me that as I was judging Christianity, so I would
be judged. But, if I had to be judged by truth,
and it meant my affliction, so be it; but in the long term, that judgment
and affliction would have to work for my good. The
alternative to this process is the thing I would fear the most – for Yahweh
to leave me to my own will. I would much rather
walk under His rod, than to do my own will – “Your rod and Your staff,
they comfort me.” Oh, there is no question
– this process is sometimes almost unbearable; but, in the long term it
is well worth the pain. (Oh gulp, when I say
What you are going to see and learn here concerning the ways and works
of Yahweh, was only possible to understand through intercession/identification. Thus, when I
share this truth with you, I will share it within the framework of how I
learned it – by personal identification. It is
hoped that by understanding the process by which it was learned, you will
not only understand the truth, but also the place and purpose of intercession/identification.
My daughter was precisely right. As I judged
Christianity, so I was judged, and even as I write this, am still in the
process of being judged. I did not understand
this until just recently when a woman, whose name is Anna, said something
to me that opened the door of understanding. Anna
has the gift of seeing revelation truth in numbers.
Yahweh is complete order, and there is nothing more orderly than
One day as we talked by phone, Anna told me how numerically Yahweh had
a “Six Day War” with me from 1994, when the Spirit of Yahweh came upon me,
to 2000, when the Remnant Bride was brought forth at Passover of that year. She pointed out that in 1994, I was forty-six years
old, the number of years that it took to build Herod’s temple at the time
in which Yahshua said that He would “Destroy this temple” (John 2:19-20). For the next six years, Yahweh sought to kill me;
then, she said, afterwards has followed the three years in which Yahshua
said in the same account that in three days He would raise up the destroyed
temple. This is the three year period from
Passover, 2000, to Passover 2003. This is that
which we look forward to now – for Yahshua to raise up His temple in
these closing days from Passover to Tabernacles, 2003.
When she told me this, the events recorded in Exodus 4:24-26 were most
applicable. Here Yahweh came to Moses on his
way to deliver the sons of Israel, and He was equally going to kill him
– a “Six Day War” with him as well. But what
happened? Moses’ wife, Zipporah, took a flint
and cut off their son’s foreskin and placed it on Moses’ feet. Why? Because Yahweh was
prophesying/foreshadowing a pattern, a way of Yahweh.
I can truly say/concur that from 1994 to 2000, Yahweh sought to kill me! I in fact died many times. They
were very difficult years, so difficult that it essentially wore my family
out, and often me as well. On one occasion Satan
attempted to literally kill me, if not more than one.
They were years in which I suffered disappointments and sorrows;
and most tragic, no one really understood or believed the two-part Remnant
Finally, at Passover, 2000, Jerusalem above circumcised the young lad
and threw his foreskin on my feet, my kingdom rights, to avert Yahweh’s
death process. In a brief time, a dozen or
so people suddenly believed; not just one or two, but several – a rib had
been taken out of the body of Christ! This
ended the “death” period for not only me, but more importantly for the Remnant
Bride truth. The “Six Day War” on my life and
on the Bride truth was complete! But what was
Anna said that at the end of three years, Yahshua would raise up the destroyed
temple. These three years from Passover, 2000,
to Passover, 2003, have been years of intercession, learning, and growth
for the Remnant Bride. They have not been a
swell of growth; but nonetheless, there has been maturation and vital learning
and intercession taking place. But personally
for me, they have been the very thing that Yahweh’s patterns reveal. They have been three years of purification by fire! Yahweh has taken me through the fire! Let us look at these patterns.
Here is where I began to further understand these things via intercession/identification.
As you have read here at The Remnant Bride, you know that Yahweh has specific
patterns whereby He performs His works. These
are not merely mechanical, but they are His ways.
Yahweh is very orderly and legal, and He performs everything in
patterns so as to tie all things together so that He might save all. What we will now see is most remarkable and confirming.
The complete creation process of six days, as we see in the six days of
creation, is not the only creation pattern. There
is also a creation pattern of nine days. At
Passover, 2002, Yahweh showed this man that the days of creation were the
same as the trips that were made up Mount Sinai. Moses
was called up the mountain eight times, while Elijah fulfilled the promise
made to Moses in Exodus 33:17-23 and went up Mount Sinai the final ninth
time. If you want to mark in your Bible these
eight trips by Moses, recorded in the book of Exodus, here they are: first – 19:3, second – 19:8, third – 19:20, fourth
– 20:21, fifth – 24:9, sixth – 24:12, seventh – 32:31, and eighth – 34:4. The ninth trip up Sinai by Elijah is recorded in
1 Kings 19.
What is most remarkable about these nine trips/days is that they are divided
according to the pattern we have seen so many times before – two-thirds
and one-third. Zechariah 13:7-9 clearly attests
to this pattern, whereby we see that “two parts” are “cut off and die,”
while the “third part” is burned with fire. But
of course this two-thirds/one-third pattern shows up everywhere, as we will
see once again. (Read The Passing Over Principle.) Let us look at this pattern in it’s application to
Since man was created, how many thousands of years has he equally been
cut off by death? The answer – for 6,000 years! Thus we see that Yahweh has had His own “Six
Day War” with mankind where for 6,000 years He has killed man. This is the
two-thirds or “two parts” portion of this creation pattern where mankind
has died. So what follows next? There must be the “third part” three 1,000 year periods
of fire, or burning, before mankind can have his own Passover entrance into
the promised land - his nine “month” gestation birth into immortality!
In The Issue – II, page 11, we find precisely what
we are seeing and saying here concerning this “third part” burning of mankind,
referred to in that writing as the period of the Millennial reign and the
white throne judgment. Let us look further at
how each of these three 1,000 year periods are foreshadowed.
The Millennial reign of Yahshua is in fact its own “third part” period
of Christianity that must be burned following the “two parts,” or 2,000
years, of death. This period of burning will
be for all the Christians who remain here on this earth in mortal bodies,
who do not hear, believe, and obey the Remnant Bride truth and were not
a part of the Bride. But we equally find that
the next 2,000 years are the Elijah period, or the lake of fire, in which
those Christians who died in the first 2,000 year period of the church are
brought back into their mortal bodies and likewise pass through the fire. (Read Ascending Alive, page 13.) Thus we find that
the Millennial reign and the 2,000 years of the lake of fire, are in fact
3,000 years of fire, or burning.
So we see that the pattern this man was put through where I had six years
of death and three years of fire, is precisely that through which mankind
passes – 6,000 years of death and 3,000 years of fire. But let us look
at this some more.
At the end of my six years of death, Jerusalem above cast the foreskin
of hope and promise on my feet/kingdom rights and the Remnant Bride began. This is precisely that which must take place in
mankind as well. While this entire nine-part
creation pattern cannot be fulfilled until the full 9,000 years are complete,
we find that at the end of 6,000 years, Jerusalem above must cast the foreskin
of deliverance on the feet/kingdom rights of mankind; and this is exactly
what she is doing right now. The establishment
of the second Remnant is in fact the circumcision of the young son, and
his foreskin is thrown on the “feet” of mankind; this being done in order
to stop the death that has been taking place in mankind for 6,000 years. The establishment of the second Remnant is the little
covering work that ceases Yahweh’s wrath against mankind!
Let us look at this entire pattern in graphic representation.
9,000 Years of Mankind
1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 Remnant established as foreskin placed
on mankind’s feet to stop deathThe church out of mankind
is birthed into immortality
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Remnant established Passover, 2000, as
foreskin placed on my feet to stop death
Thus we see that the pattern Yahweh has taken this man through for nine years, is the same pattern He takes mankind through for 9,000 years. And, it was only through intercession/identification that I was able to see this. And, it will only be through intercession/identification that you will be able to participate in Yahshua’s provision in these days in which the young lad’s foreskin is being cut away to be cast on the feet of mankind.
A vast amount of evidence has already been provided here at The Remnant
Bride web site, clearly stating why you must sell everything, place it
into Yahshua’s purse, and hold all things in common.
(Read the writings under “The
Covering of the Bride of Yahshua.”) If
you are not willing to identify with Yahshua in His own act of becoming
poor and His clear instruction for you to do likewise, then you cannot be
His disciple. If you refuse to identify with Him
in His humility and obedience, you will never identify with Him in His glorification.
Thus we see once again the remarkable seamless garment of truth regarding
the ways of Yahweh and how they apply to not only the church, but to all
mankind. The first two parts of each must be
cut off and die, and the third part must pass through the fire. This has happened to me in my nine years from 1994
to 2003. It has happened to Christianity in
its 3,000 years, in which for 2,000 years kingdom man has died, the 2,000
swine have all gone into the sea, and will be followed by the Millennial
reign in which they will remain in earthly bodies and pass through the refining
fire. And, it has happened and will continue
to happen to mankind in its 9,000 years in which for the last 6,000 years
man has died, and for the next 3,000 years will pass through the fires of
purification. These are the ways of Yahweh that
He is now opening the eyes of His Remnant Bride to see – His back, after
He has passed by.
And before closing, might we add here in this continuing and almost endless
seamless garment of truth, that Elizabeth carried John for six months, whereupon
Mary came to visit her and John leapt in Elizabeth’s womb. Then, three months later John was born. Likewise, the John work was conceived in 1994, and
six years later at Passover, 2000, with the establishment of the Remnant
Bride, John leapt in the womb. Most noteworthy,
the year 2000 was a leap year! What now? The birth of John three years later at Passover,
Thus we see that as I judged, so indeed I was judged.
But the judgment of Yahweh is good. In
this case it has not only given me spiritual authority as an intercessor,
but also much needed spiritual insight and great hope.
Intercession earns the right to receive from Yahweh. Our hope and expectation is that with the coming of
Passover, 2003, and the completion of these nine years, the Remnant Bride
will be birthed. This birthing period will culminate
with the Bride ascending alive into heaven at Trumpets, 2003. This is indeed our hope, evidenced in every regard
by all that we are seeing.
Now let us look at some more affirming truth that relates to these 9,000
years of mankind.
Continue to page 2 of Intercession for THE RIDDLE