CONT., page 3
We have already seen several evidences that we are indeed in the Millennial reign period. Let us now consider another; and in this we will find a confirming and revealing testimony as to what is taking place right now in the kingdom of God, and specifically how the transition from these two periods is occurring.
We have already seen that the period of the church up until now has been the forty Jubilee wilderness period. This period was to have ended in 1993; but, Yahweh added ten years as a divine overlap so as to make His work a Tabernacle, a weaving, even a seamless garment, and in this time would begin to establish the Remnant Bride. This of course would bring us to the critical year of 2003. But what in fact has been taking place in the church, what transition was at hand, and what is the outcome for the church?
One can be most certain that anything that takes place in the church is foreshadowed in advance, particularly in the Scriptures. Yahweh knows precisely what He is doing; He follows specific intercessoral and prophetic patterns and ways that are set forth beforehand. As it is written – “That which has been is that which will be” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). And most certainly, the testimony of the sons of Israel in their wilderness wanderings and journey into the promised land, is one of the clearest and most revealing testimonies there is regarding the church.
Earlier in this writing, it was stated – “In order to heal this blindness (of the church), because of the church’s failure to bring forth the required offspring, He has to spit upon the earth and, in so doing, fashion a man of clay and apply that man to men’s eyes and send them into the third part of the church, the Shelah period, the Millennial reign, and there give them sight.” This is the pattern we see in the sons of Israel. Let us now examine this highly appropriate and revealing transition from wilderness to promised land.
For thirty-nine years, the sons of Israel wandered in the wilderness; and in the first month of the fortieth year, they entered into the wilderness of Zin. “Miriam died there and was buried there” (Numbers 20:1). Then they came to Mount Hor, and on the first day of the fifth month, “Aaron died there on the mountain top” (Numbers 20:22-29, 33:38). There is much more here than we can cover, or frankly even understand, but we will pick up at 21:16-17, where we read:
And from there they continued to Beer, that is the well where Yahweh said to Moses, “Assemble the people, that I may give them water.”
Then Israel sang this song:
“Spring up, O well! Sing to it!
The well, which the leaders sank,
Which the nobles of the people dug,
With the scepter and with their staffs.”
It is remarkably fitting that the elements of this verse are precisely those which Yahweh has been revealing to us. First, the well is quite reminiscent of the “gently flowing waters” of Shelah that Yahweh has given to us. And second, this well was dug with “the scepter and with their staffs.” From a natural standpoint, this would be a strange way to dig a well, but prophetically it makes a great deal of sense. The last two writings have dealt with these very items, and point to the second golden rod that is needed to dig this well and brings forth the shemen. Thus we find here a testimony to the work Yahweh is doing in revealing these marvelous truths that we are learning today – the waters that spring up from Shelah, and the rod that is used to dig the well.
And in like testimony in Isaiah 45:8, may Yahweh so fulfill His word in this very day:
“Drip down, O heavens, from above,
And let the clouds pour down righteousness;
Let the earth open up and salvation bear fruit,
And righteousness spring up with it.
I Yahweh have created it.”
Next in Numbers 21:21-35 we read of the victory that is gained over the kings, Sihon and Og. What is the significance of these two victories at the conclusion of the forty years in the wilderness just before crossing the Jordan? As we will see, these victories in fact marked their entrance into and their possession of the promised land. As we read in Numbers 32:33, these two victories provided the land that was given to Reuben, Gad, and half of Manasseh.
So Moses gave to them, to the sons of Gad and to the sons of Reuben and to the half-tribe of Joseph’s son Manasseh, the kingdom of Sihon king of the Amorites and the kingdom of Og the king of Bashan, the land with its cities with their territories, the cities and the surrounding land.
There are many more details which could be examined here, but we will have to pass them by for the sake of focusing on the broader picture.
On the first day of the eleventh month, Moses addressed the people and expounded upon the law (Deuteronomy 1:1f), and then immediately thereafter he died on Mount Nebo and the people mourned his loss for thirty days (Deuteronomy 34), which would take them into the twelfth month.
Joshua then sent the two spies into Jericho to assess the city, and on the tenth day of the first month, or the day in which the Passover lamb is selected, the sons of Israel crossed over the Jordan (Joshua 4:19).
In the writing, Ascending Alive, page 10, most importantly we see that Yahweh set forth the promised land according to the pattern and picture of the temple. When David determined that he would make a house for Yahweh, Yahweh told him instead that He would build him a house. “I will also appoint a place for My people Israel and will plant them, that they may live in their own place and not be disturbed again …. Yahweh also declares to you that Yahweh will make a house for you. When your days are complete and you lie down with your fathers, I will raise up your descendant after you, who will come forth from you, and I will establish his kingdom” (2 Samuel 7:1-12). On the prophetic nations level, Yahweh fulfilled this for the sons of Israel for the only time in their entire history, by establishing under Solomon the full measure of the promised land.
Nationally, and prophetically, this was Yahweh’s house, His temple. You will want to read Ascending Alive, page 10, in order to understand the fullness of the certainty of this, but what we find was that the land east of the Jordan was the holy of holies, and the land west of the Jordan was the holy place, the Jordan being the veil that separated the two. In this regard, it is most striking and revealing that the two and one-half tribes east of the Jordan are in fact the length of the ark of the covenant that was in the holy of holies – two and one-half cubits (Exodus 25:10). This is the house that Yahweh said He would make for David. Following is a map showing the locations of each of these tribes and their placement in regard to the Jordan River, the veil.
But it is important to note here that the promise to David has a higher spiritual fulfillment. The “descendant after you, who will come forth from you,” in the natural was Solomon. But as we learn in The Issue – II, the true fulfillment of this is pertaining to the house of the kingdom of God which Yahweh will build upon this earth. This is the house that in like regard cannot be built by the body of Christ, Christianity, the violent David, but must be built by the “descendant after them, who will come forth from them” – the Bride that comes forth from the body of Christ.
Having now laid out a brief overview of the events that led up to the Jordan crossing, as well as knowing the placement of these tribes as a representation of the two-part temple of Yahweh, and knowing that the church is in fact the temple of Yahweh with its equal two parts of the body and the Bride, let us now see how these events foreshadow not only what took place in the church in its establishment, but also its entrance today into the Millennial reign. We will try to be brief.
When the church first began under the former rain, it formed a work that was completely separate from the rest of the church, even as the campaign and land east of the Jordan was separate from the campaign and land west of the Jordan. As has been stated, the Remnant is the holy of holies work, while the body of Christ is the holy place. This first work was the first son of fresh oil olive tree, while the body of Christ is the lampstand (Zechariah 4). Thus, even as the land east of the Jordan was possessed first, followed by the land west of the Jordan, so the first Remnant was established first, followed by the establishment of the body of Christ. This is very important to note, and will actually, very significantly, be repeated in our days.
Furthermore, as pointed out in Ascending Alive, page 10, while Reuben, Gad, and half of Manasseh were given the land east of the Jordan, they had to go into the land west of the Jordan and secure the land there as well before they could return to their inheritance. This is a picture of the responsibility of the Remnant. It cannot live for itself, but must be poured out for the benefit of the body. The first Remnant, though being established first, had to likewise be sown into Christianity. This holds tremendous implications for the second Remnant as well.
Now that the forty Jubilees are completed and the church has in fact passed through the Jordan, as a fulfillment of the like pattern, we now see that once again the second Remnant has had to equally pass into the land west of the Jordan and help take the land. We have to build the house.
Before we consider this though, something must be said here. Up until this time, this writer has accepted the common thought that when the sons of Israel crossed the Jordan, they entered into the promised land. But that is not true. One must keep in mind, very importantly, that the promised land included the land east of the Jordan. Therefore, it is quite significant that the sons of Israel actually entered into the promised land when they defeated Sihon and Og. So technically and factually, entrance into the promised land must be marked at this conquest at the end of the wilderness period, and not at the Jordan. You will see that this has important implications.
The veil of the Jordan then actually marks a separation of time and Yahweh’s works, in truth marking the separation between the first 2,000 years of the church, and the Millennial reign. This is clearly confirmed insomuch that when they crossed the Jordan, Yahweh commanded the people – “When you see the ark of the covenant of Yahweh your God with the Levitical priests carrying it, then you shall set out from your place and go after it. However, there shall be between you and it a distance of about 2,000 cubits by measure. Do not come near it, that you may know the way by which you shall go, for you have not passed this way before” (Joshua 3:3-4). This distance of 2,000 cubits that were to be placed between the ark and the people is a clear testimony of the “about 2,000” years of the church that have transpired since it began with the first Remnant. Every indication was that Tabernacle, 2003, was the outer limits of when we could enter into the Millennial reign. And at the gathering of the Remnant Bride during the days before that from Passover to Pentecost when we held all things in common, one of our clear conclusions was precisely that which was stated here – we have not gone this way before!
This matter concerning the 2,000 cubits provides a truly incredible statement – “Do not come near it, that you may know the way by which you shall go.” One would think the contrary in the natural – stay close to the priests, so we can know the way to go. But no, to the contrary it says that if they wanted to know the way which they should go, they had to stay back 2,000 cubits. Why? Because it is only after the 2,000 years of Christianity that Yahweh removes His hand from covering the church so they cannot see, and establishes the second Remnant to see His back. Clearly, if one is a part of the 2,000 year body of Christ, they are within the 2,000 cubits and can neither see nor know the way over the Jordan into the holy place work. Today is a very certain evidence to this very fact where Christianity has absolutely no idea as to the outcome or working of the time of their visitation (Luke 19:44).
Now that we see that we have entered into the Millennial reign, and Yahweh has made it possible for the second Remnant to enter into this period as clay of spittle in order to heal the eyes of the blind, and considering the requirement we see evidenced here that the holy of holies work must cross the Jordan and help defeat the enemy and possess the holy place west of the Jordan, we thus find one more clear evidence concerning the Remnant entering into Shelah. Just as the first Remnant had to enter into Christianity and be sown into death, so the second Remnant must equally enter into the Millennial period, but this time in order to defeat death. Thus, the first bird experience of Leviticus 14 will be followed in like pattern by the second bird, but unto life, the first not only setting the pattern, but most importantly purchasing the legal right and power for the second.
Let us look at this second Remnant work more carefully. Legally, the forty Jubilee wilderness period of the church was to be completed at Atonement, 1993. However, at that time there was no second Remnant work whatsoever. Therefore, Yahweh had to cut the church’s days short to two and give it ten more years so that He could begin the second Remnant. So, in June, 1994, He opened this man’s eyes and began showing him the marvelous truths about which you are reading. What was it that Yahweh was in fact performing? He was reestablishing the land east of the Jordan, reestablishing the holy of holies. But could we settle in that land? No, for like the first Remnant, we had to go into the Millennial reign and help secure the victory for Christianity. Once that victory is secured, then we can ascend alive and be the holy of holies that we are intended to be. Even as testified in Joshua 22:34, we will be Yahweh’s “Witnesses”!
Thus, when we read in the list of points regarding the many sound evidences that 2003 would be the time when the Millennial reign would begin, what we anticipated did not take place. There we read – “In 1948 AD the test of Carmel began; and in 2003 AD that test was to have come to an end with the second Remnant entering into the promised land (The Passing Over Principle, pages 3 and 4).” The fact is, this man actually entered into the promised land east of the Jordan in 1994; however, we did not cross the Jordan into the Millennium until later.
In closing this section, we want to make a salient observation regarding Moses, Miriam, and Aaron. It is quite interesting that though Moses was told that he would not be able to bring the people into the land which He was giving them (Numbers 20:12), he did in fact lead them into that promised land east of the Jordan. And quite strikingly, and in clear contrast, this He did not allow for either Miriam or Aaron, both of whom died before going into the holy of holies land occupied by Sihon and Og. But Yahweh had to perform a work of grace for Moses, insomuch that he was a picture of the first Remnant and stood on the mount of transfiguration with Yahshua and thus had every legal right to enter into the land of the holy of holies.
Therefore we see that though Yahweh said He would not let him lead them into the land of promise, in fact he did. However, even as the first Remnant could not and did not bring the church into the holy place, neither could Moses lead the sons of Israel across the Jordan into the holy place. From Mount Nebo he viewed the land. As Mount Sinai is named for the Babylonian moon god Sin, Mount Nebo is named after the Babylonian god of the planet Mercury, or the Messenger. As Moses looked from Mount Messenger upon the land of the Millennial holy place, prophetically he was looking for the day when the Elijah work, the messenger, would come and make that Passover entrance possible. Even as it is written in Malachi 3:1 – “Behold, I am going to send My messenger, and he will clear the way before Me; and the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple. And the messenger of the covenant (the “covenant” of Daniel 9:27 addressed later in this writing), in whom you delight, behold, he is coming.”
Continue to page 4 of Shelah and Clay of Spittle for ASKING THE HARD QUESTIONS