On October 10, 2003, I sent out a general e-mail under the subject – “Reverse the curse!” In it was explained the great prophetic and intercessoral significance of the baseball playoffs and the World Series that year; and based on the prophetic testimonies, I anticipated that the Red Sox would defeat the Yankees in the playoffs and go on to win the World Series. They did not get past the Yankees! This was not just any World Series; it was an intercession and a prophecy to reverse the Curse of 1920! Along with other GREAT losses in my life at that time, this was devastating beyond comparison! In fact, were it not for Yahweh delivering me, I would have been destroyed. I did not reply to inquiries after that loss, but left for New York to do a job. Upon completing that work, I did return and wrote a response titled – 2003 Year-end Report.
If you follow sports, or even if you are a casual observer, you know that 2004 was a repeat of last year, only with decidedly different and remarkably amazing results! Once again both the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox came together for the American League Championship Series (ALCS) and the right to go to the World Series. The Red Sox gave up the first three games with pathetic losses. All the Yankees had to do was to win one more game and they would win the ALCS. It looked impossible for the Red Sox. In all of baseball history, never had a team that was down three games, come back to win the remaining four. In that fateful fourth game, there were some fans who appropriately carried a sign reading – “We are idiots. We believe.”
When the Red Sox lost to the Yankees in 2003, the playoff was tied three games and three games. After a lead was given up by the Red Sox, the deciding seventh game was tied at the end of the ninth inning; and finally in the eleventh inning New York scored and won the American League Championship. Again, you cannot know how devastating that was. And equally again, we are not just talking about sports here; we are talking about prophecy and intercession, and that for a MOST critical change!
If you have watched any Red Sox games over the last few years as they approach the World Series, there is one message that prevails in the stadium – “Reverse the curse!” What is the curse they are talking about? There is a great deal surrounding this, as you will see. Yahweh is not isolated in the way He attests to significant dramatic events, and this curse on the Red Sox is no exception, but is very revealing and now hope-filled.
This subject curse goes back to an injustice that took place against baseball’s best known player, Babe Ruth. Babe played for the Red Sox and was a key component to their commanding wins; but the club’s owner needed some extra money to finance his girlfriend’s play, and sold him to the Yankees. Before then, the Yankees had never even won a championship, and the Red Sox had led baseball by winning five out of fifteen World Series. But after selling the Babe, the Yankees immediately began winning the ALCS, and won the World Series for the first time in 1923, beginning a renowned 26 championship record; and the Red Sox thereafter could never win another World Series!
While with the Red Sox, Babe was cheated, underappreciated, and dismissed, and it is commonly held that ever since he was sold, the Red Sox have been under a curse – “The curse of Bambino.” Several attempts were made to reverse that curse, but all, up to 2004, failed.
So why is all of this so noteworthy and how could it be both prophetic and intercessoral? First, baseball has the unique testimony of the kingdom of God. It is the all-American sport, is played on a diamond, with three bases and a home plate, three strikes and you are out, has nine innings, is timeless (i.e., it is over when it is over), and a bat, a rod, is used to score and gain the victory. The church is a precious stone, receives 3,000 years, three strikes, has a home base, nine is the number of completion and fulfillment in the kingdom, and the rod is key to the church’s victory, or defeat.
What makes the Red Sox even more significant in all of this is that they were first called the Boston Americans! From their founding in 1901 to 1907, they bore this name. It was not until 1908 that they donned the red stockings and were called the Red Sox. You will recall that “America” means “heavenly kingdom,” or “the kingdom of heaven.” What we find is that the Red Sox actually represent the intercessoral “kingdom of heaven” at the baseball level, even as the United States is the “kingdom of heaven” at the nations level, and both are on the same track (hopefully).
We have seen in the writings titled The Temptation of Eve and the Deception of the Nations and Cursed Time and Blessed Time, 1920 and 1996 and The Garden of God - Today, that in 1920 America came under a curse that actually had its origins all the way back to the time when the father of faith, Abraham, married a cursed Canaanite woman, Keturah. The Curse of 1920 is three-pronged – the Women’s Rights Movement, cursed music, and the media industry. For the Red Sox, in like confirming testimony their curse had its origins equally in 1920 when they sold Babe Ruth to the Yankees. Thus both America and the Americans/Red Sox were cursed in 1920!
Prophetically, Babe Ruth was the first Remnant that was sown into Christianity, into the Yankees. “Babe” means baby, and “Ruth” is the Bride figure in the book of Ruth. Following her husband’s death, Ruth was restored via her kinsman redeemer, Boaz. Once the first Remnant was sown into Christianity, as with Babe Ruth, this began the curse on the church which has been there for 2,000 years – the curse of the first Remnant. One consequence is that there has been a drought ever since. Likewise, there has been a breach in obtaining the victory, even as it was for the Red Sox. And as with the Red Sox and with America, that curse needs to be reversed!
But before we go any further, there was another significant testimony to this decisive curse in 1920 that was evidenced at that time, and, quite significantly, has its repeat in 2004. In 1920 Warren G. Harding was elected President of the United States. Categorically, Harding is regarded as the worst President in U.S. history. His tenure was marked by the worst administrative scandals ever, he was unfit for the office, and was known to have had multiple extramarital affairs. His sudden death in office has been a topic of intrigue, questioning whether someone, including his wife, poisoned him. She would not allow an autopsy. Two who were associated with the scandals committed suicide.
There is another fact that inextricably ties Harding to 2004. Harding’s election is the only time in history when a non-incumbent was elected President, when in the same year his home state baseball team won the World Series. In 1920 the Cleveland Indians won the World Series, the same year Ohioan Warren G. Harding won the Presidency. And in 2004 there was the same possible scenario. Now, the Boston Red Sox won the World Series. And if John Kerry of Massachusetts had won the Presidency, it would have afforded the horrifying testimony that the same corruption and curse while under Harding per 1920, would have taken place and continued today.
Harding and Kerry have a number of outstanding similarities. Both had a profound ability to spin rhetoric, but had a reprehensible lack in personal ability and accomplishment. Before his nomination, Harding declared – "America's present need is not heroics, but healing; not nostrums, but normalcy; not revolution, but restoration; not agitation, but adjustment; not surgery, but serenity; not the dramatic, but the dispassionate; not experiment, but equipoise; not submergence in internationality, but sustainment in triumphant nationality...." William Gibbs McAdoo called Harding's speeches "an army of pompous phrases moving across the landscape in search of an idea." Kerry’s utterly pathetic, false, and substanceless rhetoric equally lacked resolve and true meaning, outside of possessing the biting art of criticism at any price, which he demonstrated as well following Viet Nam.
Most remarkably, both of these men married wealthy strong-willed independent women who were five years older than them. While it is speculated that “the Duchess,” Harding’s wife, poisoned him for his numerous affairs, Teresa Heinz Kerry said that if John had an affair she would “kill him.”
Like Kerry, Harding was a sitting Senator when he was elected, in fact the first ever. And also like Kerry, he too as a Senator was relatively undistinguished, had no important legislation identified with his name, and equally had a tendency to be absent, missing over two-thirds of the roll-call votes.
Thus, in 1920 the worst President in US history was elected who was an undistinguished non-incumbent Senator from Ohio and his home state team won the World Series. Now in 2004 when we look to Yahweh to reverse the Curse of 1920 and the Red Sox won the World Series and reversed their curse that goes back to 1920, we had another undistinguished non-incumbent Senator of the same character and qualities as the former, but he lost to Bush. And quite obviously, his loss this time testifies to a reverse of the curse that was evidenced in the 1920 candidate, even the Curse of 1920!
If Kerry had won, it would have portended the continuation of the Curse of 1920, to which Warren G. Harding so clearly attested. And fearfully, the outcome and fate of the head of this nation elected in 1920, is what would happen to this nation if that dreaded curse that he so dramatically evidenced is not reversed!
Thus we have two outstanding and hope-filled testimonies that that the Curse of 1920 will indeed be reversed:
And let us also note, so as to witness the sureness of this truth, that Harding’s home state of Ohio was one of the most key and hard fought states there was in this election, and was won by Bush despite the noted corruption of fraudulent voter registration by the Democrats. Quite revealingly, another “reverse the curse” witness from 2003 came to Ohio to persuade voters to reverse the curse in 2004. Arnold Schwarzenegger, in his contest against California governor Gray Davis, won the special recall election in 2003. This prophetic victory that equally relates back to the Curse of 1920 was covered in a special mailing, the relevant contents thereof which can be read by clicking here. Mr. Universe, the Terminator, who followed in the testimony of another reverse of a curse in 1920, came to Ohio just three days before the election to help secure the victory of second-Remnant-representing George W. Bush. Make sure and stop here and read this brief report and its equally amazing testimony to the Curse of 1920 and its reversal. Thus, let us add a third testimony relative to this “reverse the curse”:
3. The victor of the historic California recall vote in 2003, where the testimony at the state level once again was to reverse the curse that took place in 1920, came to Harding’s state of Ohio to help reverse the curse at the nations level.
And can we go so far as to add another testimony as well? On October 1, 2004, Ichiro of the Seattle Mariners here in Washington state broke the 84 year old record of the most hits in a season with his 258th hit. This broke George Sisler’s record of 257 hits in 1920 while with another St Louis team, the Browns. (The Red Sox beat the St Louis Cardinals.) Kyle Nixon was there for that historic game and he said the crowd went wild with excitement and celebration, an excitement that will be matched when the curse is removed off of man. In 1994, the year the Spirit came upon this man, Ichiro set a new Japanese record for the most hits with 210 hits. Thus his two records are in 1994 and 2004. “Ichiro” means “first-born son,” even the first-born who have the kingdom rights and escape death by the Passover Lamb. Thus we will add number four:
4. The 84 year standing record of a St Louis team member set in 1920 was broken by Seattle’s Ichiro as he added his 258th hit of the 2004 season.
Most remarkably, we see then that Yahweh used baseball in two, even three ways to afford the legal link between the Curse of 1920 and 2004, when we have the hope for our deliverance from that curse. Let us consider further some of the remarkable testimonies of the last two World Series.
In the writing, The Hope of the Remnant In 2004, we see that the eighth year or the eighth time up the mountain is a “red eight,” a death, a “Rebekah” that says, “Your curse be on me.” And that is precisely what 2003 was for the Remnant Bride. The year 2003 was the eighth year since 1996 (including 1996) when Yahweh determined to have mercy on the church, on this nation, and on Jerusalem (read Cursed Time and Blessed Time, 1920 and 1996). And in all manner, 2003 was a death for the Bride, including the hoped testimony that was dashed when the Red Sox were defeated when it seemed so certain that they would reverse the curse. But, 2003 had to be a death for them and for us so that they/we could receive the victory in 2004, the ninth year, the year of fulfillment. I recall the story of an elderly Red Sox fan who had stayed alive just for the hope of seeing the curse reversed in 2003, and only days after the defeat died because he could not wait any longer. 2003 was a death!
But death is not an end; in fact it is the only doorway to resurrection power. And that is our hope – the “Rebekah” work that provides the way for victory!
In the writing, 2003 Year-end Report, it is stated – “while we as flesh men have failed to reverse the curse, Jerusalem above must come and accomplish what we cannot do.” Jerusalem above is the “Rebekah.” It is identifying with Yahshua in His death, letting the curse come upon us, so that we and others can receive resurrection power. This is our hope for the death experienced in 2003 – that it will afford the much needed victory in 2004!
Were we wrong then in 2003 in our anticipation that the Red Sox would defeat the Yankees so as to reverse the curse? It appeared we were wrong, and that we were even failures; but no, we were not wrong, any more than Yahweh was wrong when He made the promise to Moses in Exodus 33:21-23, but fulfilled it in Elijah in 1 Kings 19, the ninth trip up the mountain. We had to die! That is a part of the way of Yahweh. We had to appear wrong; we had to look like failures! That was a necessary part in order to obtain the victory in 2004.
In the first three ALCS games in 2004 between the Yankees and the Red Sox, the Yankees won all three, the third being a total 19 to 8 spanking. With three losses, the prospect of a win was bleak, to say the least. Never in baseball history had a team in the playoffs come back after losing three and win the remaining four. But, in the fourth game the Red Sox finally had their first win in that seven-game series, but not until the twelfth inning. And the next win did not come until the fourteenth inning! Both of these wins were won in weakness, yet with perseverance. And despite all odds against them, the Red Sox did indeed go on to do the impossible and win against the Yankees! And even in the first two games of the World Series against the Cardinals, the best team in baseball in 2004, the Red Sox still won with a record four errors each. It could not be said that the Red Sox won because of their strength, any more than the second Remnant win because of strength. We win because, as it is written per the church of Philadelphia, we too are of “little strength” (Revelation 3:8). Yahweh must open a door for us that no one can close, even as He did so for the Red Sox as they swept the Cardinals with a 4-0 victory.
It is also significant that while the Red Sox lost to the Yankees in 2003 in the eleventh inning, their loss in 2004 was turned around in that fourth game in the twelfth inning. And what was the outcome for the eleven apostles? They too had to die and fall short of that which was to come later. Even as the eleventh inning was a death in 2003, so the eleven apostles were a death.
But likewise, even as the Red Sox began the journey to victory in the twelfth inning, so the Remnant will obtain victory with the establishment of the twelfth apostle in this day. It is in fact the establishment of this man/work that turns not only the Curse of 1920 around, but also the curse that the church has been under since its beginning. The establishment of the twelfth apostle repairs the breach and displaces Satan from that position (which he has occupied since Judas’ death). (See A Lesson From Intercession, page 12.)
Let us note some other outstanding testimonies regarding the victory-securing 2004 World Series. When the two League Championships were to be played, there were the Yankees versus the Red Sox, and the Astros versus the Cardinals. Before the games began, I told the men closest to me that it seemed that the most accurate testimony in a World Series would be the Red Sox versus the Cardinals, with the Red Sox winning. This is of course exactly what took place. Why did this seem to be the most accurate testimony? One, because the Red Sox needed the curse that dated back to 1920 to be reversed. Also, the Red Sox give testimony to one’s feet being covered under blood. Feet always speak of kingdom rights, a matter which has been addressed in other writings. And it is the second Remnant who have the kingdom rights per the first Remnant. The two birds that are used in the cleansing of the leper in Leviticus 14:1-9 give this testimony. The first bird, the first Remnant, is slain, so that the second bird, the second Remnant, can ascend alive. In fact, one of the key pitchers for the Red Sox, Curt Schilling, literally had blood on his sock.
One might thus assume that the red Cardinals might be blood-covered as well. But in the contest of these two teams, there could not be the testimony of the first Remnant in contest with the second Remnant. Anyway, the birds used in the ceremonial offerings were not wild birds, but were domestic pigeons and doves. The testimony that was most evident was relative to the prophetic place that birds possess in the kingdom of heaven – they devour the seed that is sown (Matthew 13:4 and 19) and build their nest in the tree that grows from the mustard seed (Matthew 13:31-32). Actually, birds in general are a testimony of demons that snatch away the word and take residence in the kingdom of heaven, the church. Thus when the Red Sox played the Cardinals, intercessorally they were contesting to defeat Satan’s demons; and they were successful with a clean sweep!
We must also note that the cardinal is a high ecclesiastical official in the Roman Catholic Church who ranks just below the pope. In fact, the bird actually gets its name from the Catholic cardinal and the red vestments worn by him. These are the cardinals that nest in the kingdom of heaven. There is no question that the church system of this world, Catholic and Protestant, must equally be overcome, even swept (just as Yahshua did so to the moneychangers).
But these two teams were not the only testimonies regarding the color red. This playoff was filled with firsts, and there was another that pertained to the testimony of red.
The Red Sox won the first three games in the World Series, and would play the fourth on October 27. If they won this one as well, they would be the world champions and the curse would be reversed. And while they secured this much sought and much needed victory, for the first time in history during a World Series championship the moon overhead equally turned red with a lunar eclipse. While Revelation 6:12 and 17 speak of the moon turning to blood as a sign of “the great day of their wrath,” that wrath will be prevented by the second Remnant Elijah, even as we read in Malachi 4:5-6; and on that otherwise foreboding night the curse was reversed!
As this final apocalyptic-reversing game began to unfold, I was hoping for a 5-0 victory, insomuch that the number five is the number of the Remnant. But throughout this entire series, the message to us was to trust in Him, that He was in control. Therefore, I realized that if the 3-0 lead that the Red Sox had early on was held to the end, the testimony would be clear – the second Remnant would receive the third part Shelah period of the church. And this is precisely what took place.
There were other testimonies as well, and many of them were expressed the clearest in the signs that people held. Of course the longest standing sign for the Red Sox was – “Reverse the curse.” And many, like this one, took on a very spiritual message. One read – “All is forgiven.” Many took on the testimony of faith, including – “Believe,” or “We believe.” But the one I especially liked read – “We are idiots. We believe.” The identity the fans adopted here came from the players themselves who were self-described as “a bunch of idiots.”
Frankly, I can identify with that self-evaluation. When one believes what we believe, and has stood by these truths with the costs and disappointments we have experienced, we too equally look like a bunch of idiots, and we too believe. We are Davids with saliva in our beards as we scribble on the gates (1 Samuel 21:13), the Bill Gates, the internet; and by doing so we too will be preserved alive. Yes, we too are idiots; and we believe.
It is incredible how many records were broken in this Red Sox win. These are just the ones I am aware of, and I am not a baseball fan.
When the Red Sox were down 3-0 to the Yankees in the first three games, who in the world would have ever believed someone if they had said that not only would the Red Sox go on to defeat the Yankees in the final four games, but they would continue on to sweep baseball’s best, the Cardinals, in the first four games? For anyone, that would have been, as it is written, “exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20)! So why would Yahweh do this? First, the Red Sox were placed in a position of weakness and failure and loss, then Yahweh performed in many ways, equally as it is written, “a new thing” (Jeremiah 31:22). Never before had a team done what the Red Sox did! And not only was it a miracle, it was as though all the promised blessings that had been delayed by the curse, suddenly burst forth! THAT is what we can expect with the Remnant!
All of the things we saw in these games were an intercession, a prophetic intercession. All of those fans you saw out there cheering for the Red Sox and asking and pleading that the curse would be reversed and continued to believe, and all the millions who were doing likewise throughout the world, though they did not know it, were in fact asking Yahweh that the Curse of 1920 and the curse that has been on the church since its outset would be reversed. All of these people were a massive chorus of intercessors! And when you saw them celebrate with great joy and excitement and ecstatic fulfillment and release, they too were foreshadowing the joy that mankind will experience when the curse has been lifted.
But what is it that Christians teach? Instead of having a cause for joy, like Ham who exposed the nakedness of his father, so they expose the nakedness of Yahweh and continually teach a wrath that brings merciless destruction (“The Nakedness of Noah”). They neither know Yahweh nor His ways. But the Elijah Remnant is not asking for wrath, but for mercy. Yahweh has wounded the church and mankind for two “days” (really for six), and it is time for Him to bandage us and lift us up (Hosea 6:1-3). It is time for the latter rain, the spring rain, to water the earth. It is time for a two-part Remnant to perform a work that will cover the Father’s nakedness instead.
We too, even as evidenced by the Red Sox win, look to Yahweh to do good on our behalf and give us the victory so as to reverse the Curse of 1920 and the curse that has been on the church. We look to Him to equally do “exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think,” even to perform a “new thing in the earth” that has never before been done, and to turn our sorrow into joy and our mourning into gladness. Even as the Red Sox won the World Series on a night when the sign of wrath hung overhead and the moon turned to blood, and even though Yahweh has said that He will perform wrath, we look to Him instead to have mercy upon us and reverse the curse that we have been under. Do not add affliction upon us, oh Yahweh, when already our grief and our sorrow and our loss has been so great. You have afflicted us long enough. Have mercy upon us instead that we might rejoice and repent and do good. “Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?” (Romans 2:4)
And just as Senator Kerry, with the assurance that the Curse of 1920 would be extended if he had won, was defeated, so we ask that You would use the second Remnant to defeat the flesh that has perpetuated and would continue to advance that curse. Bring corruption and death and lies and selfish conflict to an end, oh Yahweh!
What then can we expect or hope for in the days ahead? The message of the 2004 World Series, the 2004 election, the 2003 California governor’s election, and even Ichiro, is that the curse will be halted and reversed. What we hope for and anticipate is that by the end of 2004, the conclusion of the ninth year since Yahweh changed His mind in 1996 and converted cursed time into blessed time, Yahweh will pour out His Spirit upon the Remnant Bride and begin a work that will continue and ever increase to Passover, 2008. This would be the Elijah work that calls men to repentance (Matthew 3:1-2) and begins the restoration of all things (Matthew 17:11, Acts 3:21). When could this happen? Any time now. As it is often noted, Yahweh is a last minute God; and it seems evident that something would begin by the end of 2004 so as to begin what these remarkable testimonies and intercessions at the baseball and the nations and even the state kingdom of God level have just attested. But in reality, with these marvelous truths already being evidenced and revealed, in many ways this has already begun.
The title you see on this writing – “The Curse is Reversed” – was the headline on Fox News radio immediately following the winning game. This is not only the hope of the Remnant, but the hope for all mankind. Yahweh has kept man under a curse for 6,000 years, 2,000 years for the church, and 84 years for this nation! It is our hope now that Yahweh is and will broadcast likewise from heaven – “The curse is reversed!”
Editor’s note: this writing up to this point was actually written in its entirety in the days just prior to election day, and in its own timing was published on The Remnant Bride on November 3, the day after the election. In a sense, this was a repeat of the election of Harry Truman in 1948 when in that famous photo he held up the paper that was equally written beforehand with the headlines – “Dewey Defeats Truman.” Only this time, we were right.
Following are additional noted observations regarding the election that were added post-election.
It is most noteworthy that the two states that were the most prophetic in this election, were indeed the two states that won the election for Bush – Florida and Ohio. As we read in The Wind and the Sea Obey Him, Florida is intercessorally the rod that provides the outpouring of the Spirit for the Remnant. But Ohio is the state of greatest testimony in this 2004 election.
While we find such significant evidences as the 2004 World Series in which the 1920 curse of the Red Sox was reversed, Ichiro’s 2004 record hits in which the record of 1920 was broken, as well as the 2003 Atonement victory of Schwarzenegger that relates to the 1921 reversal of a 1920 governor’s election, it is Harding’s home state of Ohio that herein stands in the election limelight per the Curse of 1920. It could well be said that while Florida, the rod, gave the White House to Bush in the 2000 election, though it was once again critical to Bush’s victory in 2004, it was Ohio that gave him the Whitehouse in 2004. This is clearly an unmistakable testimony once again that the Curse of 1920 is being reversed. Ohio provided the World Series champions in 1920, as well as the President of the United States. If Ohio had gone for Kerry in 2004, it would have provided the intercession that the Curse of 1920 would continue. But on the other hand, with Ohio now providing the White House to Bush, the intercessoral testimony is clear – the Curse of 1920 is being reversed!
Also added as one would prophetically expect, second-Remnant-representing George W. Bush has now received the prophetic double portion of his father, first-Remnant-representing George H. W. Bush. This is in keeping with numerous testimonies that the second Remnant receives a double portion of the Spirit.
Man is natural, and looks at things naturally. And because of this, as it is written – “My people perish for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). In the days just prior to the election, John Kerry wore what was called his “lucky” Boston Red Sox cap. In fact, if he had won the election, it was said that he would have worn that cap at his victory announcement. But here was in fact a case where Kerry went by the natural and perished for lack of knowledge. That cap, that covering, that he was under, actually held in it the testimony of his defeat. The Red Sox win was the testimony of reversing the Curse of 1920. A Kerry win would have been the intercession/testimony of a continuation of that curse; therefore, the cap that he wore actually testified that he would lose. What Kerry did not realize was that that cap, though worn to give him victory in his race for the Whitehouse, afforded him a victory that both he and everyone else needed the most – losing the Whitehouse and reversing the Curse of 1920!
These are exciting times we live in, and if we have eyes to see, we will look beyond the natural, look beyond the Christian deception and falsehood, and see Yahweh’s back as He passes by, as He now performs His last-days works at the end of the 2,000 year breach in which He did not let men see Him. “But when the Spirit of truth comes, … He will disclose to you what is to come” (John 16:13).
May Yahweh have mercy on us. May He now fulfill His promises and do good on our behalf.
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